Xiangcheng and B City, no longer provide free meals.

  The survivors who have been relying on these two free meals gradually began to fry the pot.

  This is not a good sign, at least for them, it seems like a knife is hanging above their heads, causing them a lot of anxiety.

  Although the contractor has started to recruit workers, a large number of workers are recruited, three meals a day and two snacks s a day, and a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan.

  There are still many survivors who are not satisfied, such as Fang Huai and other gamblers.

  When they were cleared out of Xiangcheng, the Xiangcheng garrison confiscated them, together with the supplies in their tents.

  Those supplies are their gambling capital.

  When Cao Feng collected the gambling funds, he was shocked by the amount of supplies hoarded by these gamblers.

  When he described it to Hua Mi, Ye Rong, and Yu Mengmeng, he pointed to the expanded RV warehouse behind them, "Just such a warehouse probably can't hold their supplies."

  Cao Feng was a little puzzled,

" How on earth did they hoard so many supplies? They usually use these supplies as gambling chips. It's amazing."

Hua Mi was stewing pork ribs in the RV. When she heard this, she sneered, "This is still a small amount. Their scale is not large, and when they develop for a few more months, several RV warehouses will not be able to pile up their supplies."

  "We should get rid of these smog bugs as soon as possible, and don't make Xiangcheng a mess."

In her previous life, she knew that people who often gambled could fill up a skyscraper with supplies.

  Those people who sit on the bank can attract thousands of gamblers and continuously deliver supplies to them.

  Constantly, constantly, trying his best to exploit the people around him, selling their children and daughters, making the family restless, because of gambling!

  Yu Mengmeng was knitting socks. Hearing this, she quickly knitted the knitting yarn and thought wildly, "Then we will specifically pick out this kind of gambling gang, and maybe we can make a fortune."

  "That's right."

  Hua Mi thought this was a good idea, so she immediately came over and said to Cao Feng outside, "Cao Feng, this is a good idea. You should report it to your boss. If he doesn't do it, I will organize someone to do it."

  Anyway, as long as there are some way to make money, someone will dare to climb mountains of swords, seas of fire, and flowers.

  Cao Feng was about to speak when he glanced and saw a garrison jeep slowly driving over. It was Gong Yi's car.

  Gong Yi got out of the car and was about to walk towards the RV supermarket when a woman wearing a plastic cloak stood in front of him crying.

  She opened her cloak, revealing a face that made men feel pity for her, with a transparent umbrella above her head,

  "Brother Gong~"

  The woman was Fang Xin.

  Gong Yi stood still, wearing the uniform of the garrison, and the epaulettes of the commander of the garrison were shining on his shoulders.

  He looked at Fang Xin doubtfully and frowned, "What did you call me?"

  "Brother Gong, I'm sorry, I know I did something wrong, and my sister has not forgiven me, but Brother Gong, my dad, he is innocent."

  " My father raised my sister, and my sister treated my father like this. Others are saying that my sister is ruthless and unjust. I don't want others to say that to my sister."

"Brother Gong~ I have no choice, Brother Gong~~"

  Gong Yi felt like he had goosebumps all over his body. After they were all out, he took out his cell phone, flipped through the photo album of his cell phone, and found a photo of Fang Xin and Qin Ziran with bare buttocks.

  He opened it, took the photo, and said to Fang Xin, "You call me again? Looking at this photo, what do you think I will think of you?"

  Gong Yi is just physically innocent, but others are not not Innocent, after experiencing a tough female man like Hua Mi, all Gong Yi's imaginations about women are rigid!

They are all like Huami.

  So Fang Xin ran up to him, mouthing out "Brother Gong~", what on earth did Fang Xin want to do?

 Gong Yi knows.

  Facing Fang Xin's green tea, Gong Yi felt something was wrong.

  No matter how hungry a man is, he will not have any impulse after knowing Fang Xin's past.

  Fang Xin looked like she was about to cry,

  "It was all a misunderstanding, Brother Gong~ It was Brother Ziran who forced me. Regarding this matter, I have always wanted to explain to my sister that I, I am also innocent, Brother Gong!"

  "Okay, can you straighten your tongue for me?"

  Gong Yi, who was stopped, was already quite impatient.

  Fang Xin stepped forward without fear of death, like a boneless octopus, about to lean on Gong Yi's body.

  Gong Yi was extremely irritable. Before Fang Xin could get back on her feet, he took out his gun, put it against Fang Xin's forehead, and said angrily: "How dare you get any closer to me again! Do you think me is something like Qin Ziran we're the same?"

  Fang Xin immediately petrified in place.

  This was the first time she just threw herself into a man's arms, but was held to the head by the man with a gun.

  What unforgivable mistake has she made?

  "Gong, Commander Gong, I, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

  Fang Xin finally stood up straight, her tongue was no longer curled up, and her words were no longer slurred.

  Her legs are just shaking!

  "Throw her out of the city for me!"

  Gong Yi angrily ordered the two guards around him.

  This woman is also full of food and has nothing to do. Hua Mi just said that all people related to Fang Huai should be cleared out of Xiangcheng.

  Fang Xin ran out, or ran directly in front of Gong Yi to find his presence.

  Looking at her every word, she was saying, oops, I don't want my sister to be the target of public criticism because of this incident.

  In fact, it is telling Gong Yi a message that Hua Mi has become the target of public criticism, and everyone thinks that Hua Mi is doing something wrong.

  So Fang Xin came to Gong Yi to say this. Could it be that she thought that Gong Yi would fall out with Hua Mi because of her?

 No, Gong Yi felt that what Hua Mi did was right.

  In fact, if Hua Mi doesn't do this, Gong Yi also plans to cancel the two free meals a day in Xiangcheng and B City in the near future.

  It's not that he has no money, and it's not that he's worried that Hua Mi doesn't have enough supplies.

  It's just that some survivors are really not cute at all, and they are not worthy of being protected.

  Fang Xin was thrown directly out of Xiangcheng with arms crossed by the two guards next to the straight man Gong Yi.

  Hua Mi and the others in the caravan watching this scene couldn't help laughing.

  Ye Rong looked at Hua Mi with an ambiguous expression, "This man is not bad, he is born to be attractive, you have to hurry up."

   Putting away the gun, he walked towards her. "Ah Mi, follow me somewhere."

  The man in uniform stood outside the RV, tilting his head and looking serious.

  He was still feeling unlucky. He had bad luck this time when he returned to Xiangcheng. The first woman he spoke to was not Hua Mi.

  He had to spend more time with Hua Mi before things could change.