A man with yellow teeth fell to the ground, and the instigators around him were all shocked.

  They didn't expect that even though they were so far away from the supply warehouse in City B, there would still be a garrison there?

 It seems that there are many garrisons in the supply depot in City B.

  "Do you know why?"

  Hua Mi turned around with a smile and looked at the foul-mouthed man who stood up from the ground, "Because when you encouraged the ordinary survivors in the crowd, you were already targeted by the garrison. The reason why I won't kill you, because the professional attribute of garrison is too noble."

Too noble that they would not do anything to gain the upper hand by striking first.

  Therefore, in the previous life, the garrison died very quickly. Within a few years, there's blood of the garrison in all cities.

  In this apocalyptic world, noble people always die very quickly.

  Hua Mi didn't have the ability to deal with this in her previous life. Now that she has seen it in this life, she has a particularly good relationship with the guards under Gong Yi. Of course, she cannot just watch those guards being bullied.

  Using someone else's professional attributes and jumping up and down desperately, Hua Mi would kill every one she saw in her life.

  The foul-mouthed man stepped back and cursed unwillingly:

  "Smelly bitch, it's all because of you. Do you know who we are?"

  Hua Mi, who was walking forward step by step, stopped.

 "That's right, how can little guys like you have the ability to stir up such a big storm? So who do you belong to?"

She had a vague answer in her heart, but she still wanted to listen to what the person on the other side had to say.

  "Our boss is Chen Hu. Do you know Chen Hu? A man with one hand covering the sky in City A. How dare you kill our people!" The foul-mouthed man thought that Hua Mi was scared, so he immediately stood up straight and shouted at Hua Mi fiercely. :

  "You're dead, you're all dead. Our boss will take revenge when he wants to, and there's no room for sand in his eyes!"

  Hua Mi nodded, "It's pretty much what I thought."

  Chen Hu sent people to rob City B by force. The supply depot failed, and it was like this. It seemed that someone had already planned this plan and was plundering it.

  She asked the foul-mouthed man again,

  "But one thing, I'm very surprised. You hired nearly 2,000 old, weak, women and children to deal with the garrison in the supply warehouse of City B. After you get the supply warehouse of City B, these 2,000 Ordinary survivors, how do you plan to solve it?"

  How can you solve it? Of course, kill.

  If you don't kill them, are you still planning to distribute supplies to the 2,000 survivors?

 The foul-mouthed man didn't say this. Of course he wasn't that stupid. If he said it, wouldn't he be seeking death?

  But he didn't say anything. Just by looking at his fierce gaze, Hua Mi had already guessed the fate of these 2,000 ordinary survivors.

  She sneered and took out a watermelon knife from her raincoat.

 "You really want to die."

  In order not to encourage ordinary survivors in the future, Hua Mi decided to do something good.

  However, before she moved, the men around turned around and ran towards the highway.

  They don't see big things going well, and they don't have ordinary survivors around them to cover them. If hidden snipers want to kill them, it's easy.

  There were also a few men who looked at each other, and suddenly rushed towards Hua Mi.

  Obviously, they are now being targeted by the garrisoned snipers, and they cannot run away at this time.

  It's better to give it a go and kidnap the bitch Huami.

  There is still a way to survive.

  Maybe they can use Huami as a bargaining chip to continue negotiating terms with the garrison and ask the garrison to give them supplies.

  Hua Mi's watermelon knife, which was supposed to slash at the stinky man's head, was blocked by a man, and the other two men rushed towards her, one from the left and the other from the right.

  The three of them wanted to give Hua Mi a pinch.

  The sniper fired three shots in a row, switching targets extremely quickly.

  They are professionally trained and can kill with one blow. They are much more accurate than those amateurs like foul-mouthed men.

  Hua Mi ignored the corpse on the ground and swung her second slash, directly chopping off the foul-mouthed man's head.

  She turned around and chased Chen Hu's men who were running towards the highway.

  Once you're here, don't dare to leave.

  The sniper in the dark watched helplessly as Sister Hua slashed people, one at a time, and every time the knife went down, a head rolled off.

  He didn't even know whether to stop Sister Hua or not.

  Stop it. Those killed by Sister Hua are not good people. Those people deserve to die.

  Don't stop her. Sister Hua is a pregnant woman, but she is more powerful than the guards. It's quite magical.

  The sniper informed Tang You about what happened here and asked for Tang You's instructions.

  Tang You was taken aback. He couldn't imagine how Sister Hua would stab someone with a knife while she was pregnant. He immediately pressed the intercom and said angrily, "When did we let a pregnant woman stand in for us?"

  "Sister Hua is pregnant. In case something goes wrong, are you sorry for Sister Hua? Are you sorry for Boss?" "

  "Go to a few more people, and hurry up to save Sister Hua."

  Regardless of whether the child in Sister Hua's belly is the boss's or not, just rush, Sister Hua is kind to the garrison.

  They shouldn't just watch Sister Hua fighting her best in front, but the garrison shrinks his head and hides behind Sister Hua.

  Otherwise, how could they have the dignity to call the name "Garrison"?

 The sniper may feel that he didn't make his words clear. He feels that Sister Hua doesn't need anyone to save her at all.

  Because Sister Hua has already killed everyone.

  At the moment when he was reporting to his superior, Tang You, not a single person escaped alive.

But he obediently put away the sniper rifle, and hurried to the direction where Hua Mi was.

  However, before he ran to Sister Hua's side, the corpses on the ground disappeared.

  "Sister Hua."

  The young sniper looked at Hua Mi in astonishment.

  Hua Mi looked like she had just finished cleaning, "Let's go, let's go back and see if there are any fish that slipped through the net."

  She smiled, as if the air was fresher, and led the doubtful young sniper, Under Tang You's gaze, he returned to the material warehouse in City B.

  Tang You looked Hua Mi up and down, for fear that Hua Mi had some kind of injury on her body, or hurt her fetal gas or something.

  He wanted to ask, but was too embarrassed to ask.

  Tang You was a straightforward and tough guy, he had never even had a dream lover, and he was even more idiot than Gong Yi.

  In the end, regarding Sister Hua's murder, Tang You could only casually say, "Sister Hua, don't go fishing next time."

  For a pregnant woman, it was too dangerous for her to go fishing by herself.

  Hua Mi blinked her bright fox eyes, and asked innocently, "What? There are no fish here. I just go out for a walk. I didn't know that I would meet so many bad guys."

  Really, she is just pure go out and look at her big sincere eyes.

  What fishing? Hua Mi couldn't even understand.

  Seeing Hua Mi with a pure and innocent face, Tang You opened his mouth, and he began to wonder if he really misunderstood Sister Hua.

  In fact, Sister Hua really just went out for a stroll, um, that's it.