Things were so confusing that Tang You let her go.

  Hua Mi wandered around the supply warehouse in City B alone.

  After replenishing the supplies, she took out her mobile phone and was about to make a call to the contractor.

  [Start security scan.]

  [Complete security defense project]

  [Defense project: build [Xiangcheng. Watchtower] transmission point]

  [Rating: Excellent protection project]

  [Get 11 square meters of black land, please choose a location for the black land. ]

  [Obtain lottery X1]

  [Remaining lottery X8]

  The teleportation point has been repaired.

  Hua Mi nodded with satisfaction, turned to call Tang You, and gave Tang You [Xiangcheng. Watchtower] teleportation ticket x10,000.

  Tang You looked at the large stack of coupons in his hand, not knowing what they were used for.

  He looked at Hua Mi with doubtful eyes,

  "Sister Hua, this is?"

  "It's for emergencies. You can give it to each garrison ,100 each. There are instructions on how to use it on the back."

  Hua Mi didn't explain because there are a lot of explanations. Of course, Tang You is also habitual and will not get to the bottom of things.

  Since Sister Hua said that it was used in an emergency, he allocated 100 cards to each garrison.

  Garrison does not need to have too many questions, just obey orders.

  After giving the teleport ticket to [Xiangcheng. Watchtower] to Tang You, Hua Mi stood at the door of City B's material warehouse, looked around, took out the trash can from the level 17 warehouse, and placed it next to the door.

  What is the trash can for? Of course it is used to hold garbage, otherwise?

  Hua Mi didn't pay attention to the trash can. She only took out her mobile phone and called the contractor as planned.

 "You have nothing to do today. Come to the material warehouse in City B. There are 2,000 laborers here. You arrange for them to help you. Give them.a tent first, a place to live." "

  "Then you plan carefully and build a factory outside the material warehouse in City B. I plan to set up a weaving factory here."

The mat in her level 17 warehouse There are too many. As time goes by, the harvest of these mats is equal to that of oranges, and the ripening time of oranges is shorter than that of mat sooner.

  An orange tree that loses the special effect of growth speed will ripen a huge amount of oranges in 2-3 days.

  But mat grass will mature a huge amount of mat grass in 24 hours.

  In comparison, within two days, Huami's level 17 storage was full of mats.

  Much more than oranges.

  In the past, Hua Mi was ignorant, and she only learned from Ye Rong that mat grass has such a great effect.

  The industrial chain in the apocalypse has been completely destroyed, and many modern commodities cannot be reproduced. This was the case in the previous life, and the survivors did not create any production chain.

  Those who survived, including Kou Nidai, have been resting on their laurels.

  In fact, this will not last for three generations, and the survivors will be starved of food and supplies.

  So looking at it this way, if Huami builds a factory and builds some assembly lines for straw sandals, straw hats, and straw clothes, maybe it will sell for a lot of money in the future? Of course, the matter of whether to sell for a lot of money is not considered so much now, it is now considered Yes, how to resettle these 2,000 survivors.

  They wanted supplies, and Hua Mi didn't want to feed them in vain, so she wanted them to generate value for her.

  It's that simple.

  The contractor responded repeatedly, and said to Huo Jing who was urging the migrant workers to expand the warehouse of the caravan supermarket,

  "Miss Hua found us another job, this time to go to the material warehouse in City B and organize 2,000 people to build a factory "

  "2000 people?"

  Huo Jing turned his head in surprise,

  "Has our current infrastructure team expanded to such a large size?"

  As for this relative of his family, before the disaster came, he only led two or three people. A small engineering team of a hundred people.

  Usually nodding and bowing, picking up jobs everywhere, the scale is not as big as it is now. Of course, if the materials are converted into money, the earning is not as much as it is now.

  Now, Miss Hua gave money and supplies, the contractor and Huo Jing both made a lot of money.

  The contractor said triumphantly,

  "That's why I asked you to be more courteous to Ms. Hua and sweeten your mouth. I'm not wrong. Following Ms. Hua, this is our most correct choice."

  Huo Jing nodded , How could he not know, even if he couldn't understand it before, now two or three months have passed, how could he not know?

  The world can't get any better.

  The sky continued to be dark, heavy rain began to pour, and the accumulated water on the ground solidified. Soon, looking at the temperature, cold air is coming.

  At that time, they still don't know what the situation will be.

  No one knows how many people will die.

  So now that they can have a bite to eat, Huo Jing and the others are already very satisfied.

  "Then you go, I'll watch the progress of the project in Xiangcheng."

  Huo Jing reassured the contractor. According to Miss Hua's instructions, there are only three projects left in Xiangcheng:

  The expansion of the RV supermarket warehouse, and the lighting in the roads in Xiangcheng.And the wall of Lotus Shengxing Supermarket need to be heightened to 10 meters.

  These three projects are going on at the same time, Huo Jing only needs to be in charge of watching every day, and tamping every step of the infrastructure.

  The contractor quickly tidied himself up and went to the material warehouse in City B to open up another peak in his career.

  Huo Jing was left behind in Xiangcheng to continue completing their engineering projects.

  After a while, Huo Jing received a call from the contractor, "It's amazing, Jinger, we really have a super thick leg."

  On the phone, the contractor described to Huo Jing that they had actually been working in Hunan and never been outside.

  After they came out, they discovered that there were guard posts all the way from Xiangcheng to Xiang B Expressway.

  Even on Xiang B Expressway, there are police patrolling back and forth.

  The police transportation team led by Yang Honglin and the debris removal team led by Wu Shigao were perfectly connected with the garrison stationed along the way, tightly guarding the Hunan B Expressway.

  The police transport team, wrecker team, and garrison all have an AK47 in their hands.

  To be honest, seeing these people armed with guns, the contractor felt a sense of security.

  At this time, these people and these guns mean that their lives are protected.

  There are many people setting up stalls along the Xiang B Expressway.

  Although setting up a stall on the highway is absolutely not allowed before a disaster strikes.

  But there's nothing they can do now. The whole world is like this, and they can't treat current affairs completely in the same way as before.

  The business of those street vendors is quite good.

  The contractor was sitting in the car, which was driving backwards among the survivors heading to Xiangcheng and City B.

  While driving excitedly, he said to Huo Jing,

  "Miss Hua's big thick legs, we must hug them well, and you must do your job well. Miss Hua, there is no shortage of supplies."

  "Miss Hua is interested in the quality of the project, quality, do you understand?"

  The contractor has already found his way of survival in Huami, no matter how he dies, as long as the quality of the project is done well , Miss Hua will use him.

  Use him all the time.

  In the end, he was used more and more.

  And sooner or later, he will become Miss Hua's chief lackey.