Gong Yi settled Hua Mi down and hurried to Liu Shengyuan's side.

  He looked at all the garrison troops who had teleported back and were still in a state of panic, and shouted,

 "Team up!!!"

  The garrison troops who had just climbed out of the pile of arhats immediately became energetic and lined up.

  The strange thing is that Liu Shengyuan, who had broken both legs and was beating people all over the floor, suddenly became quiet.

  He turned his head left and right, still looking in this formation in confusion.

  In a moment, he crawled to the first row and column of the garrison not far away.

  Gong Yi's bulging Adam's apple rolled up. He didn't say anything and bit his cheeks tightly.

  Seeing this scene, Hua Mi suddenly felt a little sad.

  This is the garrison, and those passwords are almost engraved into their souls.

  Even if they are still in a state of unconsciousness, they will still act instinctively.

  She turned away, unable to bear to look any further.

  In order to divert her attention, Hua Mi took out her mobile phone and called Chi Chuan first,

 "Is there any way you can find a pair of prosthetic legs?"

  Chi Chuan was silent for a moment, and he was keenly aware why Hua Mi asked this when the question comes, it means that the incident is very serious.

  So Chichuan didn't have the same playful smile as before, and just said,

  "Let me ask around, although this is not mass-produced, it was sold before the disaster."

  As long as it is sold, Chichuan will find a way to find it.

  Hua Mi said solemnly,


  "I should do it."

  Chichuan replied solemnly.

  After hanging up Chichuan, Hua Mi called Huo Jing again.

  She asked Huo Jing to send someone out as soon as possible to repair the light tube at the [Xiangcheng Observation Tower] teleportation point.

  The teleportation point came in handy, and it will definitely be used a lot for garrisoning in the future.

  The gorgeous light show prevents people from getting a glimpse of those people teleporting back and forth.

  But if too many lamps are broken and there are so many people around, you can see clearly with the naked eye that someone "changes" in the teleportation point.

  This is not scientific.

  Before the term "superpower" became a household name, Hua Mi had to cover up whatever she could.

  At this time, outside the inner wall of Xiangcheng, several men who had been peeping for many days finally successfully entered the engineering team.

  But they were arranged by Huo Jing to dredge the Xiang A Expressway.

  Several men asked Huo Jing with some dissatisfaction,

  "Why should we be arranged to go to that place? This is already far away from Xiangcheng, and we don't want to leave the city."

  In fact, they just want to build a wall outside the Lotus Shengxing Supermarket.

  The purpose is to enter the Lotus Shengxing Supermarket.

  It is said that there are many fruit trees planted there, and many people say so.

  So if they can participate in building the wall, they can enter the wall, establish a long-term theft chain, and transport the fruits inside.

  Huo Jing frowned and looked at these people, and said directly,

  "There is no need for people to build the wall anymore."

  Because Hua Mi is very fond of this Lotus Shengxing Supermarket material warehouse, so the people who used to heighten the wall here are all the people who have done it before. The first batch of migrant workers brought over by the foreman.

  Most of these first batch of migrant workers were relatives of Huo Jing or the contractor.

  There are relatives both near and far.

  There are also some relatives of relatives.

  There are also some people who are not relatives of the two of them, but have worked with the contractor for many years and know everything about them.

  There are no irrelevant outsiders here.

  "Then weren't you just recruiting people to build the open space at the gate of the city? Why did you arrange for us to dredge the Xiang A Expressway? It's so far away, and we don't want to go."

Standing opposite Huo Jing, a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was full of anger. All dissatisfied.

  What are the benefits of dredging the Xiang A Expressway? Apart from working hard, just working hard, where can you earn more secretly?

 Even if you can't enter Xiangcheng to build the wall, you can still do it at the city gate.

  Because Xiangcheng cannot contain so many survivors, the threshold for letting people into the city has been gradually raised.

  Therefore, a large number of survivors gathered outside the gate of Xiangcheng.

  There are also tent groups and small vendors here, but the key is that there are few garrison troops.

  What does less garrison mean? It means more fun.

  When walking among the crowd, if you see a good-looking girl, go up and touch her.

 As long as the garrison can't see her, that's fine.

  Moreover, if the environment is spacious and chaotic enough, they can still be lazy and just take supplies without working.

  There are garrisons everywhere in Xiangcheng, making it inconvenient to escape and have fun.

  "You can do it if you like. I won't force you to do it if you don't like it. We no longer need people for the project of raising the fence."

  Huo Jing could see that these men were not sincere in asking for work.

  Look at both of them. Not only are they listless, but they are also skinny.

  He stood there as if he had no bones, leaning straight to the side.

  Where does such a person get the strength?

 Ms. Hua is not a philanthropist, and infrastructure projects are not charity projects.

  Can high-quality infrastructure projects be built by just messing around?

  Huo Jing has been honest and upright all his life, but he hates people who are sneaky and not down to earth at all.

  The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks couldn't help but spat and called out to the men behind him,

 "If you don't want to do it, let's go!"

  There was no benefit at all. Only fools would do such a thing as pure hard work.

  The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks resolutely rejected Huo Jing and led his people out of Xiangcheng.

  They happened to meet Fang Huai standing outside the city.

  The light show below the watchtower was so beautiful. Fang Huai stretched his neck along with the spectators, and his eyes were filled with bright lights.

  So, the man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks cursed:

  "Okay, Fang Huai, I just happened to be unlucky and ran into you today. When will you pay me back my money and supplies?"

  Then, he turned his eyes and said to Fang Huai, " Isn't your daughter a bit pretty? If not, just add the niece you always brag about and sell them together."

  "I have a deal with you, if you don't pay back the money and supplies you owe us, your hands will be ruined. Don't ask for it."

  They all knew that Fang Huai was Hua Mi's uncle.

  Because whenever Fang Huai loses a bet, he will emphasize that he is Hua Mi's uncle.

  If they want money or supplies, just go to Hua Mi.

  But Hua Mi has never seen its head and tail. Even if they want to find Hua Mi, they may not be able to find her.

  Hua Mi is the boss behind the RV Supermarket.

  According to unreliable news, the orchard they were trying to sneak into today had something to do with Hua Mi.

  Since Fang Huai has such a well-connected niece, isn't it better to force Hua Mi out directly than to find ways to sneak into the wall project?

  Fang Huai's luck has been bad since he was kicked out of Xiangcheng.

  Nine times out of ten you lose.

  He was threatened by the man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and he secretly hated himself for being unlucky.

  How can he watch the excitement and be seen by debt collectors?

  But when he glanced at it, he saw Hua Mi walking from the light show in front of him.