Fang Huai is a person who has suffered the hardships of Hua Mi.

  He pointed at Hua Mi who was walking close to the crowd from a distance, and said to the man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks,

 "You ask her for all the debts I owe. She is my niece."

  "She was raised by me, and she always repays kindness. If she haven't repaid me, just help me pay off some debts, it's easy for her."

  After saying that, Fang Huai's body like a thin linen rod just got into the crowd.

  The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks didn't notice, so he let Fang Huai slip away. He cursed in a low voice,

 "Damn it."

  Then he looked at Hua Mi and stopped directly in front of her.

  Hua Mi was stunned and stood at the back of the crowd, looking up at the bold bastard opposite.

  At this time, Liu Shengyuan had regained some consciousness.

  Seeing that he could cooperate with the medical staff to put on the stretcher, Hua Mi prepared to go shopping at a street stall outside the city.

  Because the carrying capacity of Xiangcheng is limited, the threshold for entering Xiangcheng is now higher.

  Ordinary people and people with criminal records are not allowed to live in the city.

  The only people who can live in the city are talents in various fields, pregnant women, children whose parents have died and no one to take care of them, and the elderly who are unable to move.

  There are also vendors who can enter the city to wholesale supplies but cannot live in the city, as well as migrant workers who join the infrastructure team.

  Of course, ordinary people who have entered the city early will not be driven out of the city and can still live in the city.

  As a result, a large number of survivors gathered outside Xiangcheng.

  Where there are survivors, there will be small stalls, and many good things can be found at these stalls.

  Hua Mi rarely made a trip out of the city. She planned to do some shopping, but she was stopped by someone.

  The man in front of her with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks looked familiar to her.

  After thinking about it for a while, she finally remembered that these men were the same people who had been wandering outside her Lotus Shengxing Supermarket under surveillance?

  This was aimed at her.

  "Are you Fang Huai's niece?"

  The sharp-mouthed man with monkey cheeks took out an IOU from his pocket and unfolded it toward Hua Mi,

  "This is what your uncle borrowed fromus, and you have to paid it back."

  Hua Mi didn't even look at it. A densely packed note,

  "Don't you understand the principle of a father's debt being repaid by his son? Why aren't you looking for his daughter? Why are you looking for me? I'm not familiar with this person."

  Of course she's familiar with him, but it's been such a long time.

  If Fang Huai hadn't died and appeared in front of her again in this life, Hua Mi wouldn't even remember what Fang Huai looked like.

  So if she's not familiar with it, don't touch it.

  She will leave after speaking.

  But the man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks stretched out his hand and blocked her way.

  He looked at Hua Mi angrily,

  "This matter won't be easy to get over. I've seen a lot of people who don't repay their debts, and they all pretend to be unfamiliar with them."

  "I advise you to be more honest, or Pay back the money and supplies for your uncle, or I can find a job for you. Your looks are not bad, and you can pay off the money and supplies that your uncle owes in just a few years."

The premise is that Fang Huai will not gamble or borrow anymore.

  This possibility is too small.

  They have been on the road for so long, and they have never seen a gambler really quit gambling.

  Most of them swore that they would never gamble again, but at the same time they couldn't resist the temptation of gambling and tried every means to gamble.

  Every gamble is the last for gamblers, and every last time, they are dreaming of making money in the next gamble.

  Therefore, there is a high probability that Hua Mi will have to repay Fang Huai's lifelong debt.

  Hua Mi raised her eyebrows, with a cold and mocking look on her face.

  Just as she was about to speak, the man's thick and broad chest pressed against her behind.

  A big hand firmly held Hua Mi's shoulder, and Gong Yi's voice sounded,

 "Get behind me."

  After saying that, Gong Yi protected Hua Mi's body behind his back.

  He looked at the sharp-mouthed, monkey-cheeked man across from him. Before he could speak, the sharpness in his eyes was like a razor blade, making the street runners across the street tremble.

  The city garrison commander's epaulettes on the man's shoulders were shining, no less impressive than the light show in the distance.

  The sharp-mouthed, monkey-cheeked man's legs began to tremble,

  "I, I, I didn't say anything wrong. I haven't done anything.Why don't she pay back the debt?"

  He hadn't done anything to Hua Mi yet, so why did the commander run out?

 In fact, as long as Hua Mi helps Fang Huai return the money and supplies, there is no need to sell her body.

  Their main purpose of stopping Hua Mi was to force her to take responsibility for Fang Huai's gambling debts.

  So what is the relationship between Hua Mi and Gong Yi? Why would Gong Yi come out to stand up for Hua Mi at this time?

 "Say what you just said again?"

  Gong Yi took two steps forward and asked coldly and angrily,

 "What do you want my wife to do? What kind of job do you want to introduce to my wife?"

  My wife??? it is not just a man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks who were dumbfounded, even Hua Mi was dumbfounded.

  She stood behind Gong Yi, raised her fingertips, and poked Gong Yi's back.

  When did she become his wife? Aren't the two of them having a One Night relationship?

  Gong Yi ignored the tingling sensation on his spine. He only looked at the street gangsters opposite, "Under my rule, gambling and prostitution are strictly prohibited. Don't you know?"

  Gong Yi snatched it away and took a casual look at the IOU in his hand.

 "The words are really ugly."

  Then he returned it to the man, and he said coldly,

  "Who should you go to for this debt?"

  The men with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks reacted immediately, nodded and bowed,

  "Looking for Fang Huai, we only ask Fang Huai. It has nothing to do with Mrs. Gong."

  "Get out!"

  Gong Yi scolded, his eyes full of sternness.

  Several people ran into the crowd and disappeared after a while.

  Hua Mi stood behind Gong Yi and said in a low voice,

 "Let them go just like that?"

  Wasn't Gong Yi here to stand up for her? If she don't even see a drop of blood, what's the point of being protected?

 She also saw Gong Yi summoning two garrison guards without saying a word, and ordered them in a low voice,

  "Change into plain clothes and follow them. See how many of them there are. Investigate secretly. Solve it when it needs to be solved. No need to notify me."

  Kill here. A few street gangsters are making too much noise, and the number of these street gangsters is increasing, which has seriously affected the public security management of Xiangcheng and B City.

  Their hazards are no less serious than earthquakes and jelly water.

  Some street gangsters not only do sneaky things, they commit crimes that are enough to be shot a hundred times.

  The problems Hua Mi may encounter have also been encountered by many women outside Xiangcheng and B City.

  However, due to various external pressures, they were unable to speak out.

  Killing a few street kids is useless, it will only make the truly heinous people hide their crimes even deeper.

  It is better to explore in secret, solve them one by one, and eliminate the cancer.

  Hua Mi smiled happily for a moment and continued to poke Gong Yi's back spine,

  "Boss, I'm going to kill too. Give me a position. I'm the sharpest knife in your hand. I'm the sharpest assassin in human history.You are my ancestor."

  Gong Yi couldn't bear it and turned sideways, grabbing Hua Mi's hand,
