After saying these words, Qin Xiaolan suddenly felt a little wary in her heart.

  In fact, Qin Xiaolan knew that her brother had a girlfriend named Hua Mi, and also knew about the relationship between her brother and Fang Xin.

  Because that's what her mother said.

  When talking about this matter at that time, Qin Xiaolan clearly remembered that her mother looked proud and said with emotion,

  "Your brother has been outstanding since he was a child, but most girls are after him. Look, look at the two sisters Hua Mi and Fang Xin , one has the ability to make money, and the other knows how to coax men. If these two sisters pool their strengths, your brother won't have to tread two boats at the same time."

So Qin Xiaolan knew that Fang Xin stole other people's boyfriends, and she was a habitual offender.

  She protected Ma Zhixuan behind her, looked at Fang Xin with a little contempt, and asked without answering,

  "You mean, my brother's two-wheeled business has finally been exposed? So Sister Hua Mi and my brother broke up?"

  In fact, Qin's mother preferred Hua Mi, because after all, Fang Xin the mistress, would not last long.

  But Hua Mi can make money and is capable.

  This can last a lifetime.

  Therefore, Qin Xiaolan's attitude was consistent with that of Qin's mother, hiding Fang Xin's contempt in her bones.

  Fang Xin, standing in front of Qin Xiaolan, glanced at Ma Zhixuan with her eyes and nodded.

  "My sister has met many men during this period, and brother Ziran has always wanted to win back my sister, so maybe brother Ziran has encountered something unexpected. Alas, I have no intention of cursing brother Ziran."

These words ,the meaning is that Huaimi is flirtatious and has affairs with many men.

  Qin Ziran had already suffered the revenge of Hua Mi's men.

 In fact, Fang Xin didn't know what the real situation was. She was just connoting it.

  She wants Qin Ziran alive more than anyone else.

  Because only Qin Ziran is alive, she has someone to rely on in this difficult world.

  Nor is she going to sell herself in order to make a living.

  But now, it is obvious that Fang Xin has a new goal.

  She looked at Ma Zhixuan with a charming smile.

  Qin Xiaolan ignored Fang Xin's words. She was thoughtful, nodded to Fang Xin, and said politely, "Sister Fang Xin, let me go to Hua Mi first and ask. Can you leave me your contact information?."

  After listening to Fang Xin's words, Qin Xiaolan also changed her name for Hua Mi, from "Sister Hua Mi" to "Hua Mi" directly.

  Their current life is as if they have entered a primitive society, and it is inconvenient to go anywhere.

  Even communication has become a big problem.

  There is an RV supermarket in the city, and the universal signal connector sold there is said to be a black technology.

  At such moments, with this universal signal connector, you can contact anyone you want to contact.

  But the Qin family doesn't have that much money to buy it.

  A few days ago, a universal signal connector sold for 100,000 yuan, but Qin's mother held off on buying it.

  In the past few days, the price of a universal signal connector has increased to 150,000.

  Since Qin Ziran disappeared, the Qin family's life has become increasingly difficult. The remaining savings of several hundred thousand have to be saved to buy three meals a day.

  Otherwise, the Qin family will run out of food.

  So Qin's mother was very anxious and urged Qin Xiaolan all day long to get Qin Xiaolan and Ma Zhixuan to get married.

  Only in this way can they rely to someone for life.

  But Qin Xiaolan and Ma Zhixuan also met in Xiangcheng, and their relationship didn't last long.

  Ma Zhixuan didn't mention marriage, and Qin Xiaolan couldn't bring it up proactively.

  Fortunately, Ma Zhixuan is the younger brother of Ma Yongchun, the administrator of City C, and Qin Zhen is Ma Zhixuan's sister-in-law.

  Ma Zhixuan is not short of money and is generous to Qin Xiaolan. From time to time, he will give Qin Xiaolan and Qin's mother some supplies.

  Except for not buying universal signal connectors for Qin Xiaolan and Qin's mother, Ma Zhixuan gave Qin Xiaolan all kinds of supplies bought in the RV supermarket.

  The two of them were in love like this, and Qin Xiaolan didn't lose anything.

  What's more, love is not measured by material things. She also wants to test Ma Zhixuan more.

  Fang Xin originally wanted to tell Qin Xiaolan the location of the tent where she was currently living.

  But she rolled her eyes and said to Qin Xiaolan, "I live in the unfinished villa area between City A and Xiangcheng. It is very famous. After you find my sister, you can come there to find me."

  " If you can't find my sister, you can come to me and I'll find you a job and a way out." The unfinished villa area is famous for its reputation. Anyone who knows it will know what it is about.

  But everyone looked secretive and couldn't speak clearly.

  Sure enough, neither Ma Zhixuan nor Qin Xiaolan understood.

  Fang Xin smiled when she looked at Ma Zhixuan. This is a man with simple emotional experiences.

  Good to take the bait!

  Seeing Qin Xiaolan full of attachment again, she leaned against the man beside her.

  Fang Xin's eyes made Qin Xiaolan feel very uncomfortable.

  As if to reassure Qin Xiaolan, Ma Zhixuan also put his arms around Qin Xiaolan's shoulders with a doting look on his face.

  Fang Xin's eyes were all red, and something called jealousy spread in her chest.

  This feeling is too familiar. She once saw Hua Mi and Qin Ziran standing together, and Fang Xin felt the same way.

  Therefore, facing Ma Zhixuan, she wanted to rob him more and more!

  Another Ma Zhixuan was seen holding a mobile phone with a universal signal connector attached to it.

  A universal signal connector costs hundreds of thousands, which is a symbol of rich people.

  Having money = having supplies.

  Fang Xin's heart became even more twisted. In this world, every woman has a good man and a long-term meal ticket.

  She didn't.

  Why didn't she?

  After bidding farewell to Qin Xiaolan, Fang Xin found the gangsters who often wandered outside the city.

  That is, the monkey brother who threatened Fang Huai and asked Fang Huai to chop off his hand.

  She didn't want to sell herself too cheaply. She was young and beautiful, and she still had a chance to make money.

  Those bastards from Brother Monkey, looking very cool, took Fang Xin to a tent.

  The leader pointed to the tent and said to Fang Xin,"Tell me, why are you looking for us?"

  "Do you have a way to get your fairy-like sister out of Xiangcheng? Say it quickly, otherwise today We brothers will do it for you."

  Fang Xin plucked up the courage, looked at Brother Monkey, and smiled charmingly,

  "Brother Monkey, I'm here to discuss a business deal with you. I want to introduce my sisters to the fan club. She's not my sister, but she's not bad looking either."

  "Don't worry, I guarantee their families won't cause trouble."

  A huge plan took shape in Fang Xin's mind,

  "You also know my sister's current identity. It is unrealistic for her to go to Brother Fan, but we can also use my sister's identity to become our support, right?"

  Brother Fan is still too careful when doing things. The red light district only recruits women who volunteer to work.

  Then you can't find one of good quality.

  For example, someone like Qin Xiaolan, how could she go to work in the red light district without resorting to some means?