Brother Monkey and Brother Fan are the same.

  Because of the collapse of order, they have increasingly no limits on what they can do.

  Hearing what Fang Xin said, Brother Monkey also thought this proposal was good.

  There are too few people gambling, and too few men going to the red light district to patronize business.

  In other words, it's just not chaotic enough, and the lives of the survivors aren't miserable enough.

  If all those beautiful women are desperate, and there are so many beautiful women in the red light district, why won't men run to the red light district in droves?

  They still earn too little now and will always make too little.

  Brother Hou looked Fang Xin up and down, reached over, held Fang Xin's shoulder, and squeezed meaningfully,

  "If your sister had cared about you and your dad, you two wouldn't have fallen to this. But, you this proposal is still a good one."

  They are short of someone who can trick the beautiful women under the garrison's nose into the red light district.

  It is unrealistic to let them snatch women by themselves.

  Because the order inside and outside Xiangcheng is very orderly, once there is a big disturbance, the garrison will shoot at street gangsters like them.

  So Fang Xin's appearance and suggestion were just right.

  Fang Xin lowered her head and glanced at Brother Monkey's dirty hand lingering on her shoulder.

  She knew that if she couldn't give Brother Monkey a little sweetness, the deal wouldn't work.

  So Fang Xin hid the disgust in her eyes, curled her lips, took two steps forward, and hugged Brother Monkey's waist docilely.

  Brother Monkey became proud, winked at his subordinates and carried Fang Xin into the tent.

Hua Mi, who had no sense of being married at all, carried two large bags of fruit and went to the back of the RV supermarket. Went to see Liu Shengyuan in the recuperation car.

  As soon as she reached the RV supermarket, she received a series of prompts:

  [Enable security scan.]

  [Complete security defense project]

  [Defense project: upgrade and expand the RV supermarket warehouse wall]

  [Rating: Intermediate protection project]

  [Get black soil 12 square meters, please select a site for black soil. ]

  [Get X1 in the lottery]

  [X12 in the remaining lottery]

  During this period, not to mention that the entire Xiangcheng city has not developed at all. In fact, it has developed quite quickly relatively speaking.

  The entire RV supermarket has expanded several times compared to the original, and the passenger flow has also increased dozens of times.

  The RV-enclosed warehouse that used to be only about the size of a palm is now as big as an entire square.

  Hua Mi held an umbrella in her left hand and carried fruit in her right hand. She looked up at the dark rainy day. The buses that were supposed to be parked behind the RV were now replaced by ten luxury off-road RVs with roof tops.

  The kind of oversized RV that no one could drive before disasters happened frequently.

  She don't know where Ye Rong and the others got these from.

  These luxury off-road RVs with roofs have been turned into hospitals for the garrison and police, as well as places where Ye Rong, Yu Mengmeng and others live.

  Hua Mi found the RV where Liu Shengyuan lived, and when she was about to get in, she saw Liu Shengyuan sitting on the small attic on the second floor, with an expression on his face that he would rather die than live.

  No, is he going to commit suicide?

  If he really wanted to jump off such a high off-road RV, with Liu Shengyuan's current physical condition, he might really be able to fall to death.

  Hua Mi hurriedly ran to the RV and climbed into the small attic.

  "Liu Shengyuan, things may not be as bad as you think. Although you have lost both legs, you are now extremely strong. This is a good thing."

  Liu Shengyuan sat in a wheelchair, the pants are empty.

  Ordinary people have gone through experiences like his, having their legs cut off and beaten half to death.

  He should still be lying in the ICU at the moment. Whether he can survive or not is another matter.

  But Liu Shengyuan can already sit in a wheelchair and move freely while holding the wheels with his bandaged hands.

  A large part of the reason was that he took painkillers and put a layer of hemostatic gel on the wound.

  Another small part of the reason is that he has a very strong willpower.

  In the small attic of the luxury off-road RV, Liu Shengyuan came to his senses and stopped looking into the distance.

  He turned the wheelchair and looked at Hua Mi,

  "Sister-in-law, I don't want to die."

  There are still many things that have not been done, and Liu Shengyuan will not die.

  He thought about it for a while and then asked, "Sister-in-law, do you know why I am so powerful?"

  This was a question he couldn't understand. Recent events had completely subverted his understanding.

  Each one of them gave him indigestion.

  He couldn't find anyone to ask, so since his sister-in-law raised this issue, he would ask.

  Hua Mi thought about it and put down the two big bags of fruit she was carrying, "I don't know about this. Maybe you were the chosen one who punished evil and promoted good, so God rewarded you with infinite strength."

 Observing the expression on Liu Shengyuan's face, Hua Mi asked cautiously,

  "How do you feel now? Is your strength getting bigger or smaller? Or is your strength the same?"

  She had asked about City B's supplies. The few A city garrison in the library were filled with too many [energy light groups] at first, and their strength will become stronger and stronger.

  But as time goes by, their bodies will gradually consume the [energy light group], and the sudden increase in strength will become smaller and smaller.

  Finally return to the normal state.

  It only takes a few days.

  Liu Shengyuan frowned slightly, clenched his fists, and felt the changes in his body.

  "It's no different from yesterday, I still have the same sense of power."

  Therefore, the effect of this [Energy Water Droplet] is much longer than the effect of [Energy Light Group].

  And it makes an ordinary person much more powerful.

  Hua Mi took out a brand new notebook and a pen and handed it to Liu Shengyuan, "Then write down the changes in your strength every day. If your strength becomes weaker by then, we will think of another way?"

  Liu Shengyuan took it obediently. Notebook and pen, he lowered his head and said to Hua Mi,

  "Sister-in-law, you are right. If I am the chosen one, then God has given me such great strength. Before this strength disappears, I want to use some residual energy. ."

  Even his sister-in-law said that God gave him so much strength because of his previous ability to punish evil and promote good.

  This coincides with his thoughts.

  He didn't know how long this divine power would last. Maybe tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, he would become an ordinary person again.

  So some things become impatient.

  Some evils must be rooted out.

  Hua Mi tilted her head and looked at Liu Shengyuan, feeling a lingering sadness in her heart.

  By now, this feeling of sadness is getting stronger and stronger.

  She pursed her lower lip slightly, looked at Liu Shengyuan's empty trousers, and advised:

  "It's already like this. Let's have a good rest from now on. Look at this RV supermarket. Although the living conditions are not very good, everyone here lives happily."

Worried about Liu Shengyuan's low self-esteem, Hua Mi continued, "You can do something for me here, move some goods or something, you have to do it."

  "We won't go out to fight. From now on, it's good to be an ordinary person."