In her previous life, Hua Mi had not been so close to the Garrison. She knew that Garrison at the beginning of the apocalypse were all top-notch people.

  But after all, she looked at these garrison troops from a very distant perspective. She felt that they were all good people, different from all other living beings in this world, and their ideological consciousness had reached a utopian state.

  But that's all.

  Hua Mi discovered that after spending so much time with the garrison at such a close distance in this life, she actually saw with her own eyes how these garrison troops were fighting in the face of natural and man-made disasters.

  The only feeling in her heart was that she couldn't bear it.

  Especially when she saw Liu Shengyuan, his legs could no longer grow.

  But Liu Shengyuan still shook his head. He was not willing to listen to Hua Mi's advice, nor was he willing to be idle.

  "Sister-in-law, I want to do something. If I do more, my garrison brothers will be able to do less. Someone has to do these things."

  It was as if he was going to save the garrison commander of City A.

  In fact, anyone can guess that maybe the garrison commander of City A has encountered something unexpected. After all, Chen Hu is so cruel.

  Chen Hu's evil has never been concealed.

  But someone has to make sure of this.

  Just like when an earthquake strikes and a house collapses, someone has to find the commander in the ruins to make sure they have lost their command.

  When it rains heavily, someone has to trek through thousands of rivers and mountains to see if there is still a way forward.

  In this huge city of Xiangcheng, there must be a garrison captain to guard Xiangcheng.

  Someone has to find an answer whether the A city garrison commander who fell into the hands of Chen Hu is alive or dead.

  If Liu Shengyuan doesn't go, other garrison troops will go.

  Hua Mi's fox eyes were a little warm. She stood next to Liu Shengyuan and asked,

  "Then what do you want to do?"

  He pointed to the gate of Xiangcheng,

  "I heard from the brothers that they are lurking in the city. I followed the clues outside the city and discovered a huge red light district."

  Liu Shengyuan wanted to join the action to eliminate the red light district.

  Hua Mi thought for a while and took out a pair of prosthetic legs from behind, "This is what Chuanzi sent to Xiangcheng by a convoy. I don't know how many people he went through to get this. You have no problem with going outside the city. Let's install this first."

  It can't be stopped. These garrisons are naturally like sources of light, and no one can stop them from shining brightly.

  If that's the case, it's better to give them more to make it easier for them to do things.

  Liu Shengyuan took the prosthetic leg from Hua Mi's hand and looked at her with gratitude,

  "Thank you, sister-in-law."

  Then Hua Mi handed over a 220ML mineral water bottle, which was filled with sparkling liquid.

  Facing Liu Shengyuan's doubts, Hua Mi explained,

  "This is a newly developed energy drink in my factory. I named it [Energy Water Drop]. It is similar to the black cow before the disaster. If you feel tired, take a sip.

" ........ "

  Recently, the director of the water plant has been busy repairing the plant. Most of the preparations have been completed. He is just waiting for Huo Jing to repair the roof of the plant before the construction can officially start.

  So everyone knows that Huami has a water plant, but no one knows what it does specifically, whether it is producing mineral water or beverages.

  Anyway, this factory does not sell to the outside world.

  Seeing Liu Shengyuan thanking her and taking the bottle of [Energy Water Drops], Hua Mi paused and told Liu Shengyuan, "Really, when you are weak, just take a sip, this drink is a bit strong. "

  X10,000 [Energy Light Group] can be used to synthesize an [Energy Water Droplet] as big as a sesame seed.

  To synthesize such 220ML, Hua Mi consumed countless [Energy Light Groups], so Liu Shengyuan just sipped it a little to moisten his lips.

  Seeing Liu Shengyuan's obedient consent, Hua Mi left with peace of mind.

  She had to rush back to Lotus Shengxing Supermarket to arrange the 12 square meters of black land she had newly acquired.

  As a result, when she was looking for seeds in Warehouse No. 2 on Level 20, she found that all the seeds in her warehouse had been planted.

 In addition to ugly oranges, sugar oranges, rock sugar oranges, dada oranges, Wo oranges, emperor oranges, honey oranges, navel oranges, kumquats, sweet heart pomelo, rock sugar pomelo, and Shatian pomelo.

  Because there were too many local oranges before, Hua Mi deliberately did not plant any more oranges, grapefruits, or oranges in the warehouse.

  So today there are no seeds to plant except these.

  She was very helpless and called Chichuan again and asked Chichuan to collect seeds for her.

  Chichuan couldn't laugh or cry,

  "Sister Hua, this is a rare thing. You know it's raining everywhere now. In this humid weather, it's impossible to save seeds. Sister Hua, the conditions don't allow it."


 The storage conditions are limited. In this humid weather where it is difficult to breathe without wearing a respirator, and without sight all day long, even if the seeds are stored in the best conditions, very few will germinate.

  Hua Mi thinks it makes sense, but she is not the kind of person who gives up easily.

 "Then hang a sign for me at the material wholesale point at the gate of City B and collect seedlings at a high price. I want all the seedlings," she said . It doesn't matter whether they are fruit seeds or Chinese medicinal seeds, as long as they can be planted now.

  After hanging up Chichuan's phone, Hua Mi planted the last few orange, grapefruit, and orange seedlings into her 12 square meters of black soil.

  Just right, 12 square meters of black land are full.

  Immediately afterwards, Hua Mi called Yu Mengmeng again and asked Yu Mengmeng to help her put up a sign in the RV supermarket to advertise and collect unlimited quantities of seedlings at high prices.

  You can also exchange seedlings for supplies.

  Then Hua Mi decided to draw a lottery. She now had 12 lottery opportunities, but it was not enough. She decided to upgrade all the items that should be upgraded for one round, brush up the lottery opportunities a few more times, and draw out good stuff in one go.

  [Level 16 factory:, life hammer, multi-functional whistle]

  [Limited production: semi-finished pickled fish X70000, chocolate cake X60000, semi-finished braised lion head Chicken]

  [Receive lottery X1]

  [Remaining lottery X13]

  This level 16 factory can produce too many things, and many materials for fixed production are squeezed out of sight.

  What appeared in front of Hua Mi was that except for the two fixed production materials that could be added, there were only 6 points left in the fixed production category.

  Click "." to enter the lower-level page, where the previous fixed production materials will appear.

  In order to consume the energy bar of the level 16 factory, it is best to brush the level of the recycle bin.

  Hua Mi operated as fiercely as a tiger and produced all the limited-production materials in one go.

  [Unlock warehouse level 21 (space 21X2)]

  [Get X1 in lottery]

  [X14 in remaining lottery]