[Unlock level 2 of the small garbage recycling station and get X2 sweeping robots and X2 trash cans]

  [Get X1 in the lottery]

  [X15 in the remaining lottery]

  Hua Mi divided the two sweeping robots and placed one on the ground to clean the Lotus Shengxing Supermarket. Inside and outside.

  One is placed in the underground garage under the Lotus Shengxing Supermarket and allowed to eat the small garbage in the basement.

  They are very smart and can automatically distinguish between garbage and materials and will not eat materials randomly.

  During this period of time, Huami's three-story underground garage has been hauling supplies every day. It is inevitable that a lot of mud, water and various small garbage have been brought into it.

  Hua Mi doesn't have any cleaning staff to clean her here.

  Over time, even if there is a tarpaulin to absorb the moisture in the air, the accumulated water will accumulate in puddles.

  Especially the entrance to the underground garage is dirty, messy and wet.

  If you don't clean it, it will become increasingly dirty, slippery and sticky. If you are not careful when walking on the floor, you will fall.

  After putting the robot away, Hua Mi walked to the wall and gave two trash cans to the migrant workers who were building the wall.

  She didn't say anything else, except to ask the workers to be more hygienic and to throw garbage into the trash cans and not to throw them away.

  Then the migrant workers were given piles of local grapefruits, which were two meters high.

  Amid the thanks from the migrant workers, Hua Mi returned to Lotus Shengxing Supermarket, washed her hands, rubbed them, and made a superstitious clasping of her hands, "Bless me, I want seeds and weapons. Bless, bless. "

  here we go.

  [Get milk lollipops X1000000]

  [Get hand-torn bread X1000000 ]   

[Get Wang Xiaoji ] 

[Get a coral velvet four-piece set X1000000]   

[Get a cashmere thermal underwear (one size fits all) X1,000,000]

[ Obtain eucalyptus tree]

[Obtain Gatling]

The list of supplies was uploaded. Because too many supplies were taken out this time, Hua Mi's warehouse was stretched to two levels.  

 She opened the No. 1 warehouse on level 23 and looked at them one by one, and immediately became happy.  Although she didn't get the seed this time, she got Gatling.  


 Hua Mi couldn't help but look up to the sky and laugh three times, then took out a piece of cashmere thermal underwear (one size fits all) to take a look.  

 This thermal underwear is elastic and very elastic. It can be worn by small people or fat people.   

She immediately informed Cao Feng, Tang You, Fang Yuqi, Chi Chuan, Ye Rong, Yang Honglin, and the factory director in the small group chat she had drawn, and asked them to immediately send people to the underground garage in Xiangcheng to haul cashmere thermal underwear.  

 [Ye Rong: I also want to say that the weather is getting colder and colder. A drop of rain falling into your neck can make you cold for 24 hours. ]

  [Chichuan: It's quite cold, and it's raining. In this kind of weather, the coldness goes straight into people's bones. ]

  It's not an exaggeration at all. For Hua Mi, the feelings of Ye Rong and Chi Chuan are not exaggerated enough.

  When the cold wave comes, the world will be filled with ice sculptures. That will be a real exaggeration.

  [Hua Mi: Thermal underwear is digested internally first to satisfy our own people, and then sold outside. There are not many sets in total. ]

  [Hua Mi: When the weather gets cold, I guess one thermal underwear won't be enough for one person. Each of our people will be given 5 pieces. When it gets cold, they will wear thermal underwear. The quality of my underwear is good and the elasticity is good. ]

  So there shouldn't be much of a problem if you add them one piece at a time.

  The key is that the weather is getting colder and colder, and the ordinary warm clothes in the south really can't hold up.

  [Hua Mi: In addition, I also got some silver charcoal and solid alcohol. The garrison has to stand guard outside. You guys can bring some charcoal over and make a fire outside. ]

  Several guards in the small group responded, and Cao Feng suddenly asked,

 [Cao Feng: Sister Hua, do you want to invite the boss of our group to come in? ]

  [Hua Mi: Why are you pulling him? Do you want listen to his lectures? no. ]

  [Cao Feng:]

  Several guards in the small group no longer know what to say. Sister Hua has already married their boss, right?

  Why don't you play with their boss?

 Ye Rong was holding a mobile phone and laughing on the other end of the phone. Then she looked up and saw Liu Shengyuan standing up and walking out.

  She was stunned and quickly sent a message to Hua Mi,

 [Ye Rong: Captain Liu stood up and went outside Xiangcheng. ]

  [Hua Mi: It's okay, I'll follow him secretly to take a look. During this time, you ask Dafu and Xiaofu to collect some more equipment to keep out the cold. ]

  [Hua Mi: By the way, I have some writing books here. I gave Dafu and Xiaofu 100 copies each so that they can practice calligraphy. Although there is no school now, they can't fall behind in their studies. . ]

  So, is it true that one person has 100 copybooks?

  Ye Rong looked at Hua Mi's last text message and was stunned.

  Hua Mi, however, dressed up casually, put on cashmere thermal underwear, and wore a black coral velvet maternity suit outside, and arrived at the gate of Xiangcheng.

  She promised Gong Yi that she would help take care of Liu Shengyuan, and she had to keep her promise.

  At the gate of Xiangcheng, the garrison in charge of logistics had pulled silver charcoal from Hua Mi's underground garage and burned a charcoal pot in the watchtower for the garrison on guard.

  This basin of charcoal came just in time. In the cold and humid weather, the garrison changing the guard could take off his wet clothes and put them on the side of the big charcoal basin to dry them.

  Outside the watchtower, a small garrison was gathering, preparing to attack a red district nest.

  Cao Feng is deciding who to lead the team.

  Liu Shengyuan trotted over, stood up straight, and saluted, "Captain Cao, Liu Shengyuan, captain of the first garrison team in City A, please go out to fight."

  Everyone was stunned and turned to look over.

  Cao Feng's eyes fell on Liu Shengyuan's knees, and he pursed his lips without speaking.

  Liu Shengyuan came over and said generously, "The prosthesis that Sister Hua gave me is not bad. It's made of steel. It hurts when I kick someone."

  This made Cao Feng laugh. He raised his hand and patted Liu Shengyuan's shoulder, "You can stand. Just right ,then you can lead the team, I can't leave Xiangcheng."

  They are both garrison captains. In terms of level, Cao Feng and Liu Shengyuan are the same. There is no one who arranges who. If Liu Shengyuan wants to go, tell Cao Feng .That's it.

  There is no doubt about the captain's ability. Anyone who can become a captain must at least be good at boxing and kicking.

  Cao Feng let him do it. He knew that Liu Shengyuan needed to do something to prove the value of his existence.

  Hua Mi wore a low-key raincoat made of waterproof tarpaulin and stood far away from Liu Shengyuan and Cao Feng, standing with a group of survivors.

  She looked back from the front of the watchtower and happened to see Qin Xiaolan