Ma Zhixuan did not react.

  He turned his head toward the car window, looking at the survivors wrapped in coral velvet four-piece suits and trudging along the Hunan-A Expressway in the gray sky.

  He suddenly asked:

  "Sister-in-law, do you know Hua Mi? What is her specific relationship with the garrison?"

  Qin Zhen looked stunned. Of course she knew Hua Mi. Her husband and Zhou Cheng transported supplies to City C. The supplies were approved from the woman Hua Mi.

  Not someone to offend easily.

  Even the people in City C had to fawn over Hua Mi.

  After all, Hua Mi has a lot of supplies in her hands.

  Qin Zhen frowned, thinking of the rumors about Hua Mi and Qin Ziran, and said to Ma Zhixuan,

  "Don't join in the fun here. Your girlfriend is not a worry-free person. Look, you have only been dating her for a few months. It's going to cause us trouble."

  Qin Zhen sorted out Hua Mi's relationship with Gong Yi, Qin Ziran, and Fang Xin to Ma Zhixuan.

  During this time when she stayed in Xiangcheng, she didn't just play mahjong with the rich wives in City C. She also deliberately collected a lot of information about Hua Mi, Gong Yi, and everyone around them.

  There is no way, this is how their class is, they act far more cautiously than anyone else.

  Afraid that on someone else's territory, if someone accidentally offends someone, not only will she be harmed, but she will also be deprived of supplies for the entire city C. In that case, the gains outweigh the losses.

  So Qin Zhen hopes that Ma Zhixuan will not listen to Qin Xiaolan and provoke Hua Mi.

  But Ma Zhixuan responded perfunctorily.

  It's just Hua Mi, what can't you offend? It's just two hands and two legs.

  There are no three heads and six arms.

  However, this woman is not like what Fang Xin said. She has dated many garrison boyfriends, which is why she is so popular among the garrison.

  It's because she and Gong Yi are a couple.

  Ma Zhixuan chuckled,

  "I'm just asking, Hua Mi, a woman who is pregnant, dares to kill people with a knife, which is more ruthless than you, sister-in-law."

  Qin Zhen glanced at Ma Zhixuan and said nothing.

  In this world, who can live a good life and be a simple person?

  After entering Xiangcheng, Qin Zhen asked Ma Zhixuan,

 "Are you going to find that girlfriend of yours? Your sister-in-law also realized during this time that she is not suitable for you."

He heard Qin Zhen's tone, In the words of encouragement to break up, Ma Zhixuan seemed a little uninterested,

 "No, just wait for her to come to me. I want to go back and rest first."

  After struggling for so long, Ma Zhixuan was very tired.

  Qin Zhen had a satisfied look in her eyes and asked the driver to drive straight to their residence.

  By this time, Hua Mi had already recycled a whole truckload of corpses into her garbage dump.

  She parked the truck outside the empty crematorium, teleported back to Lotus Shengxing Supermarket, and filled the underground garage with supplies from her Level 24 No. 1 warehouse.

  After filling up the entire three-story underground garage, Hua Mi arrived at the RV Supermarket.

  The large warehouse behind the RV supermarket was covered with a tarpaulin by Huo Jing.

  When Hua Mi piled supplies inside, she perfectly avoided everyone's eyes.

  Just as she was done, Gong Yi returned to Xiangcheng from the red light district.

  He teleported back to Xiangcheng with all the garrison.

  If you drive, it will waste too much gasoline and diesel. Using teleport tickets will save a lot on the environment.

  Although Hua Mi sold him a teleportation ticket for 10,000 yuan.

  But Gong Yi discovered something. If the garrison members huddle together, they only need to tear up a teleportation ticket, and one person can teleport multiple people.

  It's like teleporting when someone brings goods.

  One person can teleport as many goods as he can teleport with him.

  This virtually saves a lot of teleportation tickets.

  When Gong Yi arrived outside the RV supermarket, he happened to see Yu Mengmeng, with a bulging belly, stocking goods on the shelves outside.

  Seeing Gong Yi coming over, Yu Mengmeng shouted loudly,

  "Ami, your husband is here."

  A smile suddenly appeared on Gong Yi's handsome and serious face.

  He nodded towards Yu Mengmeng, feeling that this person was very pleasing to his eyes,


  "Hello, Commander."

  Yu Mengmeng suddenly felt flattered and pointed to the warehouse behind the supermarket,

 "Your wife is there."

  As soon as she finished her words, Hua Mi walked over wearing a coral velvet maternity dress.

  She strode forward, bumped Gong Yi's waist with her elbow and said,

 "Let's go to the prenatal check-up."

  She said simply.

  In fact, she had just had a prenatal check-up not long ago, but because her blood pressure was a little low, Xin Qiuru asked her to have another check-up in a few days.

  It happened that Gong Yi wanted to accompany her on a trip.

  Seeing Hua Mi striding forward with a step like she didn't recognize him, Gong Yi hurriedly took the raincoat, caught up with her, and put the raincoat on Hua Mi,

"You walk slower, didn't you see the stone under your feet?"

  With this being talked about all the way, Hua Mi brought Gong Yi to Xin Qiuru's office.

  Behind the sky blue curtain, Gong Yi rubbed his hands and sat nervously next to Hua Mi. For the first time, he saw Hua Mi roll up her clothes and reveal her pregnant belly.

  He was startled, "Your belly is so big?"

  Because the weather is too cold now, Hua Mi wears a lot. The outside of her thermal underwear is a loose coral velvet maternity dress. The outside of this maternity dress is still a A big raincoat.

  Her belly is not noticeable.

  Gong Yi's impression of Hua Mi's belly was the flatness under his lips that night.

  So after Hua Mi rolled up the layers of clothes, the belly exposed was one level bigger than when Gong Yi touched it for the first time.

  Xin Qiuru, who was watching the B-ultrasound on the side, glanced at Gong Yi and explained:

 "After all, there are two, so the pregnant belly will be a little bigger than the usual three-month pregnancy. It's okay, as long as you don't eat too much and let the baby grow. It's too big, but it's still within the normal range."

  "Can't you eat too much?"

  Before Hua Mi could ask, Gong Yi asked nervously,

 "What about the two girls? If they don't eat so much, what will happen? Malnutrition?"

"In the early stage, nutrition must be the main focus, but in the later stage, you still need to control your diet, otherwise it is still very risky to have a caesarean section in this environment."

  But if possible, Xin Qiuru still supports natural birth.

  Hua Mi is not an ordinary person who can just go with the flow.

  Then, Xin Qiuru's face became serious and she began to educate Gong Yi,

 "No matter whether they are a son or a daughter, you must treat them equally. Commander Gong, you really need to change your idea of ​​​​valuing girls over boys."

  Gong Yi nodded and responded, holding Hua Mi's raincoat in his arms, as honestly as a student listening to the teacher's instructions.

  Seeing Hua Mi lying on the bed, he couldn't help but smile.

  She gave Xin Qiuru a wink and said,

  "Let him listen to the child's heartbeat."