Gong Yi was still shocked by the slight bulge in Hua Mi's belly.

  It was not like he had never seen a pregnant woman with a big belly before, but when this happened to him, down to the details, Gong Yi felt an indescribable sense of wonder in his heart.

  The two daughters grew up little by little in Hua Mi's slender and soft body, and finally were born. This process was really touching.

  The magic of living things is wonderful.

  Suddenly, he heard a sound like dense drum beats coming from the B-ultrasound machine.

  Gong Yi hugged the raincoat tightly in fear and stood up. The chair behind him fell to the ground with a clang due to his movement.

  He hesitated, staring at the two black and gray masses on the B-ultrasound machine exaggeratedly,

  "This... what is this?"

  "Fetal heartbeat."

  Xin Qiuru couldn't help but laugh. She had seen many parents' reactions to the fetal heartbeat, It's rare for Gong Yi to react so strongly.


  Gong Yi calmly held up the chair and sat back calmly. He asked,

  "Can they still have a heartbeat?"

  Hua Mi, who was lying on the bed, rolled her eyes at Gong Yi when she heard this,

 "Why can't they? Is there a heartbeat? Boss, have you read the book?"

  He have seen it before, but hearing it with his own ears is a different experience.

  Suddenly, Gong Yi's eyes became hot, and he laughed with red eyes.

  Seeing his reaction, Hua Mi, who originally wanted to see his joke, felt soft in her heart,

 "Gong Yi, what's wrong with you?"

  "It's fine."

  Gong Yi reached out and took Hua Mi's hand on the side of the bed. He leaned forward, looked at Hua Mi with red eyes, and said sincerely,

 "Thank you for your hard work."

  He knew that this world was not easy. Look at how many pregnant women were waiting outside, most of them came for abortion operations.

  Some have very big bellies.

  Hua Mi became pregnant with these two daughters after the earthquake, and she actually had no choice but to do with them.

  She could have chosen not to when the child was young.

  But Hua Mi chose to give birth to these two daughters, and Gong Yi was filled with gratitude.

  Although he also knew that Hua Mi gave birth to daughters not for him, but he was still grateful to her.

  Because of Hua Mi's choice, Gong Yi has two relatives connected by blood in this world.

  He also has a wife and a family.

  This is not something Hua Mi has to do, but it is something that Gong Yi needs to be sincerely grateful for.

  In the ears, the heartbeats of the daughters were like drum beats, beating Gong Yi's diamond heart like a pool of spring water, and the tender intestines were filled with knots.

  Hua Mi held Gong Yi's hand with her backhand, and there was a rare softness in her eyes,

  "You're welcome, you're welcome."

  When the two of them walked out of Xin Qiuru's office, Gong Yi protected Hua Mi and held it in his hand like a treasure. A black-and-white B-ultrasound scan, with a yearning giggle on his face.

  His joyful reaction was completely opposite to the atmosphere of waiting in line for abortion surgery outside.

  Hua Mi tugged on Gong Yi's sleeve, and he looked over hurriedly,

 "What's wrong? What's wrong? Can you walk? I'll carry you back."

  Such a big belly is like eating too much, there are two cubs.

  It's natural that Hua Mi can't walk.

  She shook her head and whispered to Gong Yi,

  "Don't laugh out loud, be serious."

  In a desperate atmosphere, Hua Mi pulled Gong Yi's sleeve and walked outside.

  There were many pregnant women along the way, their faces full of sadness.

  Even if they are reluctant to let go of the child in their belly, reality is pressing on their heads. It is really unrealistic to give birth to a child at this time.

  Suddenly, Hua Mi stopped and turned to Gong Yi and said,

  "Boss, in Xiangcheng and B cities, we still need to vigorously publicize that men must wear a condom when going to bed."

  "If a man does that without a condom, and the woman becomes pregnant, the man must be responsible. If a woman has a miscarriage, he has to pay a large amount of money as compensation."

  "If you don't pay the compensation, the man will be arrested and worked as a hard laborer."

  It's true, he will be arrested to move bricks.

  Although Hua Mi also understands that things like this between men and women are sometimes mutually beneficial.

  For example, she and Gong Yi, she was the one who slept with Gong Yi.

  According to Gong Yi's description, it was she who pulled Gong Yi's condom off during the process, and she was the one who got drunk and went crazy and refused to let Gong Yi wear it.

  Afterwards, she completely forgot to take birth control pills.

  You can't just blame men for things like this in bed.

  But the child is conceived by a woman. The bigger the child, the greater the harm to the woman's body if she miscarries.

  Coupled with the current poor medical conditions, a woman's risk of losing her life increases sharply after undergoing an abortion.

  Therefore, either men should consciously insist on wearing condoms when doing that, or men should control their lower bodies and not sleep with women.

  If a baby is really born, a man can't just slap the woman on the butt, push the woman to the rescue center, send her to the abortion operating table, and ignore her.

  Gong Yi felt that Hua Mi's words made sense. Not all men were as conscious as him and could bear any consequences.

  Most men, after coveting the momentary pleasure, do not think carefully about taking responsibility for the upcoming consequences.

  Just like Yu Mengmeng's man, since Yu Mengmeng insisted on giving birth to the child in her belly because of panda blood, Yu Mengmeng's husband has not visited Yu Mengmeng once.

  Her husband would not care about the child Yu Mengmeng gave birth to.

  If Yu Mengmeng did not give birth to the child and listened to her husband's advice to have an abortion, Yu Mengmeng would have taken a huge risk.

  Her husband's body and wallet were not harmed at all.

  Obviously, men sow the seeds, and men also enjoy it.

  Before the disaster, this was just a moral issue. At most, you could just call him a "scumbag" and it wouldn't hurt.

  But in today's world with such rudimentary medical conditions, it is about human life.

  This is life-threatening.

  Shouldn't men pay for such risks to their lives?

 Gong Yi immediately called Ke Minghong and asked Ke Minghong to go to the RV Supermarket to talk about fertility management in Xiangcheng and City B.

  There must be a charter for this matter, otherwise pregnant women would have to line up in a long queue outside Xin Qiuru's office.

  She is now fully booked with abortion surgeries every day.

  She took the time to do a pregnancy test on Hua Mi today.

  While Gong Yi was on the phone, Hua Mi was waiting beside him, and the two of them stood at the door of the emergency area.

  "Miss Hua" a voice sounded, and Hua Mi turned to look.

  Seeing Qin Zhen's pregnant belly, she walked over accompanied by Ma Zhixuan.

  Qin Zhen was dressed very decently. Although her belly was a bit bigger than Hua Mi, her clothes were clean and still showed a sense of grace.

  In comparison, Hua Mi only wears a warm and simple maternity dress, which looks no different from ordinary pregnant women.

  Ma Zhixuan's eyes fell on Hua Mi, he frowned slightly and said nothing.