Hua Mi patted Shi Caixia on the shoulder and said,

  "Let the driver drive the car up. Move around more and you will get used to it."

  You must get used to looking at death. If you need to pay attention for each corpse If you are sad, the heart will be broken from now on.

  Shi Caixia clenched her fists, but she did not move. After a long while, she suddenly said with hatred:"This is the price Ma Zhixuan paid for not buying firewood. What happened to him not buying some firewood in such a cold day?"

How thick the snow was, the survivors had no idea. Not strong enough to dig the wet wood out of the snow.

  Therefore, firewood for heating must be stored and available.

But look at what Ma Zhixuan has done? How many people have been killed by his assumption?

  Hua Mi didn't speak, but looked at Shi Caixia with sad eyes. Then she saw a few corpses, and she was filled with indignation.

  The further you go towards City C, the more corpses there will be on the road.

  Sure enough, the driver drove the car up, but the car didn't go a kilometer before it got stuck again.

  This time it was not the snow that stuck the wheels, but the bodies scattered on the road.

  The psychological shadows of Shi Caixia and the driver could no longer be measured. They stood beside the wheel at a loss, not knowing what to do.

  Hua Mi got out of the car with her almost 5-month pregnant belly wrapped in a down jacket.

  Shi Caixia said with a sad look on her face, "Why are there people freezing to death again?"

  She thought that the group of "snowmen" on the roadside just now were an accident within an accident, but she didn't know that there were still bodies that were frozen to death on this road.

  Hua Mi did not answer Shi Caixia, but only directed the driver and Shi Caixia,

  "Move all the corpses on the road to the side of the road. I'll call the wrecker team to come over."

  There will be many people freezing to death on this road in C City.

  The temperature dropped too fast and the heating was not timely. The survivors had to walk over mountains and ridges to go to Xiangcheng. The transport plane in C City was damaged, and no food, drink, clothing or other supplies could be transported to C City.

  If the Xiang-C Expressway is blocked, more people will probably freeze to death and starve to death.

  Watching the driver and Shi Caixia carrying the corpses with sad faces, Hua Mi walked forward again, recycling all the snow and corpses on the road into a medium-sized recycling bin.

  They just walked and stopped like this. It was not a long journey. It took them 5 hours to finally reach the first obstacle point.

  A large number of survivors who had traveled across the mountains and ridges had gathered there, and the situation was much worse than Hua Mi had imagined.

  Before approaching the obstacle point, she heard a large group of survivors surrounding several RVs shouting loudly, "

Please, it's too cold, can you let the children go in first to warm themselves up?"

  "We are starting from City C. When we came out, it wasn't that cold yet, but after just one day, it's already so cold that we will freeze to death, really freeze to death."

  "Give us a way to survive."

  In the RV, the driver collapsed and shouted loudly, "There is no room anymore. There are more than 50 children crowded in this RV. We really have no room."

  Who knows it will be like this?

  For people in southern cities, they may be able to escape earthquakes, jelly floods, and day and night darkness, but how can they escape snow disasters?

 The stock of winter clothes is simply not enough.

  Even a winter coat cannot withstand the cold.

  Hua Mi is very generous, equipping each small engineering team with a luxury version of the RV.

  Each RV is equipped with a smokeless firewood stove, and a luxury RV can accommodate 15 workers.

  This Hunan C engineering team has a total of 150 people and 10 luxury RVs.

  However, every one of these 10 luxury RVs is almost overcrowded.

  Not only that they were about to be overcrowded, but they were also running out of firewood.

  Chichuan is responsible for the supplies, and Chichuan's team will come to deliver firewood to them every day.

  But because of the rough road conditions, today's firewood and food have not been delivered yet.

 They don't know if they can deliver it today.

  Lao Bao was so anxious that there were 100 migrant workers left outside the RV, and most of the space in the RV was given to the children of the survivors.

  But it's still not enough.

  There were too many survivors trekking from City C to Xiangcheng.

  In this kind of weather, if there is even the slightest accident and people stop moving, they will freeze to death.

  The survivors outside the RV were still begging, and their voices were loud and sad.

  The adults lifted up the crying child and squeezed it toward the RV in the wind and snow.

  "My child is too young. She can't bear it anymore. Let her go in. We won't go in, and none of us adults will go in."

  There are also some elderly people who took off their thick clothes and wrapped up their children.

  "I'll freeze to death if my bones are broken. It doesn't matter. Give all the thick clothes to the children. Hurry, it's getting colder and colder."

  Looking at the scene in front of her, Shi Caixia turned her back and wiped her eyes. She didn't dare to cry at this time.

  She was afraid that the tears would freeze directly on her face when she cried.

  Suddenly, in the wind and snow with very low visibility, Shi Caixia saw Hua Mi standing in the middle of the road. Behind her was a huge thing.

 No, it was a very thick tree.

  The big tree has been overturned, and its branches are luxuriant. The trunk is about as thick as four or five people can hug it, and the length is about seven or eight meters.

  Shi Caixia blinked and ran over,

  "Mrs. Gong, where does this tree come from?"

  Hua Mi smiled slightly and did not answer Shi Caixia. She only said,

  "Ask all the adults with children to come over, line up, and each of them chops some wood to keep warm."

  After that, she pointed to a large number of engineering shovels next to her.

  "Recruit a group of workers to clear the road as soon as possible. Discuss the wages of the workers with Lao Bao."

  Behind a large number of engineering shovels, there are a large number of tarpaulins. Hua Mi added,

  "Let City C Survivors pulled the tarpaulin to make a tent. If you want more, I will give Qin Zhen a bill for all the supplies here."

  Shi Caixia didn't respond for a long time, and only after Hua Mi finished speaking did she react and nodded hurriedly, "Miss Qin has given me full authority. I have the right to make the final decision on all the expenses incurred by Mrs. Gong on the way to C City. Thank you, Mrs. Gong." She choked up as she spoke. She bent down deeply and bowed to Hua Mi.

  Although Hua Mi always emphasizes that she is doing business, her business can save many, many people at times like this.

  Hua Mi waved her hand with an indifferent look on her face and handed Shi Caixia a loudspeaker, "You're welcome. Go and do the work. The speaker will also part of the bill, count it for me."

  After saying that, she turned around and left, leaving everyone's sight. Clear the roadblocks.

  The trumpet of Shi Caixia sounded behind her, "All survivors in City C, please line up now and listen to my arrangements."

  Hua Mi smiled, it will pass, everything will pass.