The contractor in the RV raked his hair anxiously.

  Because no one was cutting hair at this time, his hair, which had not been cut for more than four months, had reached his shoulders.

  At this moment, Lao Bao, who had flowing short shoulder-length hair, listened to the horn sound outside the RV and opened the privacy curtain of the car window to take a look.

  All the survivors gathered outside dispersed to line up.

  He hurriedly opened the car door and ran outside to see the situation.

  Finally he learned that Hua Mi was here.

  The contractor breathed a sigh of relief. Next to him, a man from City C with an engineering shovel ran over and asked anxiously:

  "Boss, we are migrant workers from City C who have just been hired. Shall we start working now? Let's clear the road quickly, otherwise we don't know how many survivors will be stuck on the road."

The obstacles on this road are so complicated that even the contractor was alerted and had to come over to supervise the work in person.

  Even if he comes here, the road dredging project is not even one-third complete.

  The foreman rubbed his chest and waved his hand,

  "Don't worry. When Miss Hua comes, there will be no need to worry. You guys first set up the tents and everything else and make them firmer." "

  "That way, after you leave, the tent can be left for other survivors to use."

  "After setting up the tent, you guys can warm up by the fire and sweep away all the snow on the road."

  After saying that, the contractor went about his business.

  The remaining migrant workers in City C looked anxious. Don't they go to work quickly?

 Why not hurry? If this road is unblocked one minute late, how many people in City C will be delayed from surviving?

  However, the contractor looked mysterious and didn't explain anything. They couldn't break the casserole and ask the truth.

  Shi Caixia, on the other hand, arranged for everyone to set up tents and saw wood, and then turned around.

  She found that the workers she had just recruited were all shoveling snow on the side of the road with their shovels in their arms.

  She was so angry that she rushed to the group of workers, "Didn't I ask you to go to Boss Bao and ask him to arrange for you to work with the workers in Xiangcheng to clear the obstacles?"

"Do you know how many survivors of City C are affected by this road? If it is not cleared as soon as possible, how many people will be stuck in City C and unable to get through?" Why are you like this?"

  She cursed and cried, It's so difficult to wake up, life is so difficult.

  Not only are there natural disasters, but these survivors are also disobedient.

  She had already told them, strong men, to go to Boss Bao, but they were still shoveling snow here one by one.

  If Hua Mi knew that Shi Caixia didn't do a good job in what she told her, Hua Mi would be angry.

  Once angry, she will no longer give supplies to City C.

  Shi Caixia, who wore thick glasses with beer bottle bottoms, was tortured by this inexplicable anxiety.

  She just hope that the survivors of City C can live up to their expectations, live up to their expectations, and live up to their expectations some more.

  "She is not obligated to help us. She is not from C City and will not always be so kind to us."

 " That's why we have to be more ambitious and clear the obstacles quickly. This is our life and death in C City."

  Shi Caixia shouted loudly, speaking the truth.

  The men in front of her all lowered their heads, feeling aggrieved.

  The contractor strolled over and said to Shi Caixia, "The road is open, they can just shovel the snow."

  Miss Hua just called to say that, so what was Shi Caixia worried about?

  Lao Bao now has experience. Whenever Sister Hua appears, there is no need to be anxious. He can just lie down and wait for the problem to be solved.

  Shi Caixia's mouth opened wide, and several snowflakes floated into her mouth. She looked at the contractor exaggeratedly,

 "The road is clear?"

  Didn't he mean that the obstacle was complicated? It took so long to dredge it, but one-third of the road has not been dredged yet?

 Is the road open now?

  The contractor nodded with a cracked gold tooth. "Of course, I'll do the work. Don't worry. Just ask your people to shovel the snow harder and don't let the snow block the road again."

  He waved his hand and asked his workers to get into the RV and shovel the snow ahead.

  Although the obstacle was cleared, the snow had to be shoveled continuously, otherwise the car would get stuck in the snow within a few hours.

  It is even more difficult for people to pass through.

  Hua Mi, who had already flown to City C, found a place to rest.

  God knows, she went non-stop to the medium-sized recycling bin to recycle all kinds of garbage. She could obviously fly across the road very quickly and complete the workload quickly.

  It took two or three hours of hard work to finish walking the Hunan-C Highway.

  Because her body was heavy, she couldn't run.

 At this time, she finally felt a little tired.

  Seeing that there was no one around, Hua Mi released a nanny car from the No. 1 warehouse on Level 24 and prepared to take a rest.

  This nanny car was something she had won in a lottery before. It was brand new and had never been used.

  Therefore, the smokeless firewood stove was not modified in the car.

  Hua Mi was a little annoyed. If she had known earlier, she should have gone to the Level 24 No. 1 warehouse to collect a batch of smokeless firewood stoves.

  How can she keep warm at this time?

  She thought about it for a long time, but in the end she had no choice but to sit cross-legged in the cold nanny car and take out an [Energy Light Group] to play with.

  She threw the ball of light up and down in her hand, wanting to sleep, but she didn't dare to sleep, for fear that she would freeze to death if she fell asleep.

  At this time, Hua Mi received a call from Gong Yi.

  He asked anxiously on the other end of the phone:

  "Where are you? Why did you come to City C? I'm telling you, it's very dangerous outside City C now.

  Because Chen Hu was in City C. Outside the city, it was a mess.

  The chaos was so great that even Zhou Cheng's garrison could not control it.

  At first, order could be maintained for a period of time, but within a few days, the weather became so cold that Chen Hu's people had no cover at all.

  They will do anything. In order to survive, they will fight and kill without any cover.

  In just a few days, Chen Hu's men killed several garrison soldiers.

  It is often the front foot garrison that stabilizes order. As soon as they turn their backs, they will be attacked by ruffians disguised as survivors.

  It would be fine if it was just one or two things, but now outside of City C, things that go against the garrison are happening everywhere.

  After listening to Gong Yi's words, Hua Mi raised her hand and the [Energy Light Group] in her hand fell to the socket nearby.

  "Zi~" The socket rang. Hua Mi looked up and saw that on the coulomb meter of the nanny car beside her, the original 20% charge suddenly reached 30%.

  Yes, her [Energy Light Group] can be used to recharge a power bank. Why did Hua Mi forget about this?

  She hurriedly threw a few more [Energy Light Groups] into the socket to recharge the nanny car's battery to 100%.

  Turned on the small household air conditioner in the nanny's car.

  With the warm wind blowing, Hua Mi calmly gave Gong Yi the direction and asked him to come find her.

  After hanging up the phone, before Hua Mi could take a break, she heard a woman screaming outside the nanny car,

  "Ah ah ah, let me go, you beasts."