There was nothing on the white snow, not even a dead branch.

  Hua Mi's brand new black nanny car was parked on such a snowy field.

  A disheveled woman ran towards Hua Mi's nanny car. On the way, she was thrown to the ground by a group of men.

  They smiled as if no one was watching, and their behavior was outrageous and full of unscrupulousness.

  Hua Mi opened the door of the nanny car, stretched out her head and looked out with her big belly.

  The group of men not far from the nanny car were stunned and looked at each other.

  What, they thought there was some powerful figure in the nanny's car, but she turned out to be a pregnant woman with a big belly.

  Hua Mi blinked her fox eyes, tilted her head, looked at the group of men, and counted their heads.

  The woman on the ground shouted loudly,

  "Help, help."

  She don't know how she did it, but she suddenly pushed away the man on her body and ran towards Hua Mi.

  While running, she cried,

  "Help me, please help me, wuwuwuwu~~"

  Judging from her appearance, she was wearing a brand new cotton-padded jacket. Although her cheeks were haggard, there was still flesh.

  Looks good.

  Hua Mi glanced at the woman, and before she could close the door, the woman opened the door of the nanny's car and jumped in.

  She shivered in the car, quickly scanned around the car, and asked Hua Mi in surprise,

  "Are you alone here?"

  So how did she, a pregnant woman, get such a nanny car here?

  Or is there a man with her who went out to look for supplies and won't be back until a while?

 Hua Mi tilted her head and looked quietly at the woman who had forced herself into her car. Her fox eyes were bright. She curled her lips and said,

  "I'm the only one."

  The group of men outside started knocking on the door,

  "Hello , come out quickly, or we will overturn your car."

  All the men gathered around, and several men, holding iron bars in their hands, began to knock on Hua Mi's car window.

  In the car, the woman said in fear:

  "What should I do? What should I do? They will come in, what should I do?"

  She looked at the woman expressionlessly and said coldly, "It's very simple, just hand you over, right?"

  The disheveled woman was crying. After a pause, she looked at Hua Mi in surprise, as if she didn't expect Hua Mi to say this.

  After a while, amidst the shouts of men outside, the woman said to Hua Mi angrily, "How can you hand me over?"

  "Is it possible to hand over myself, a pregnant woman?"

  Hua Mi interrupted the woman. She sat calmly on the airline seat next to the door and watched quietly.

  The woman opened her mouth but stopped talking.

  After a while, she lowered her eyes and whispered, "What should we do now? They are going to rush in."

  As soon as she finished speaking, the man outside stabbed the wheel of Hua Mi's nanny's car with a knife.

  They deflated the nanny's tires.

  Hua Mi's face became serious, and she said to the woman, "It's okay to bully you, but damaging my tires is too much."

  The woman was speechless, looking at the unsympathetic Hua Mi, and muttered,

  "What, how can you say that?"

  Hua Mi ignored the woman. She stood up, opened the car door, and stood in the snow.

  Almost as soon as Hua Mi stepped out of the nanny car, the woman behind her stood up and closed the door of the nanny car with a "snap".


  Hua Mi looked back and said, oh ho~ today she met the garbage among the garbage.

  The men around the car surrounded Hua Mi, and some of them cursed with disgust, "Why is she still a pregnant lady?"

  "What a bad luck."

  Some people think it doesn't matter,

  "It's just a matter of losing the child. I think she looks pretty, and I don't know if there is supplies in this car. With all the supplies, we still made a fortune with this trip."

  Upon hearing this, Hua Mi put her hands on her big belly, frowned slightly, and looked at the grinning men around her,

  "Have a little conscience, okay? I already have a big belly. The baby is almost 5 months old, how can you be so cruel?"

  The men laughed and said:

  "She said we are cruel?"

  "You are alone in this ice and snow, and you will freeze to death before the baby is born , we are rescuing you."

  "There's so much nonsense, let's hold her up first and get rid of the child."

  As he said that, a man stretched out his hand to catch Hua Mi.

  What kind of evil is this? Compared with the administrators Hua Mi met in the emergency area at the beginning, it was hundreds of times worse.

  People's hearts are deteriorating rapidly, and principles and views have collapsed to this point in just a few months.

  Hua Mi sighed and took out her Gatling, "I can't spare any of your lives."

  Human scum doesn't even deserve the chance to escape.

  Gunshots rang out and a man fell down in the snow. Hua Mi held her Gatling and leaned against the car door.

  After a while, before she could put the body in the snow into the medium-sized garbage recycling bin, the car door behind her opened.

  The woman stood blankly in the car, looking at the corpses around Hua Mi.

 Her eyes, which could not be explained, were fixed on Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi looked back at her, with a provocative light in her eyes.

  The woman immediately came to her senses. She jumped out of the car, fell to the ground, cried and kowtowed to Hua Mi, "Thank you, thank you. I don't even know how to thank you. You saved me, thank you."

  Hua Mi felt sarcastic in her heart, and walked back with her Gatling on her shoulders, sat on the footrest next to the car door, and said to the woman, "You're welcome,I love to kill the strong and help the weak."

  The woman paused and knelt down. When she came to Hua Mi's side, she said timidly, "If you hadn't dealt with these men, I, I really don't know what would have happened to me."

  Her expression was sad and pitiful. .

  Hua Mi looked at the woman kneeling in front of her seriously, as if studying what kind of soul was wrapped under this woman's skin.

 She saw the woman crying, but her eyes secretly glancing at Gatlin that's in Hua Mi's hand.

  She cried for a while and asked Hua Mi, "Who are you? Why do you have such a powerful weapon?"

  "I mean, can I follow you in the future? If I encounter bad people again, you can protect me."

  Hua Mi had a look on her face. With an indescribable smile,

  "Why didn't you say, you came to protect a pregnant woman? You want a pregnant woman to protect you? How weak you must be."

After saying that, Hua Mi stood up and prepared to walk back to the RV .

  She didn't see that the woman who was kneeling in the snow suddenly stood up with a cold expression, "Why are you so arrogant? We are both women, and you are still a pregnant woman. Why can't you treat me better?"

  Hua Mi didn't look back, "I treat you well? Are you worthy?"

  As soon as she finished speaking, the woman behind her suddenly pulled out a knife and stabbed Hua Mi in the lower back.