Hua Mi, who was lying on her side in the snow, took out her mobile phone and called Gong Yi.

  There were also gunshots on his side, but he frowned and listened to the gunfire while Hua Mi were still shooting.

 " Why is it so noisy over there? Is Ma Yongchun jumping over the wall to attack you?"

  "Don't panic." Hua Mi looked particularly special and said calmly, "There is something you need to do."

  She told Gong Yi exactly what happened when a man ran out of the supply warehouse and directly crossed the firefighting zone.

  On the other end of the phone, Gong Yi pondered for a moment and said,

  "If I didn't use my mental power, I wouldn't be able to leave the firefighting zone unscathed."

  The firefighting zone, what kind of place is that? People on both sides are shooting at each other. There was a lot of coming and going.

  What kind of god can pass through directly? Even Hua Mi and Gong Yi couldn't escape unscathed.

  Gong Yi asked again,

  "Is this a person with superpowers?"

  This is what worries him the most. In the face of natural and man-made disasters, survivors who have awakened superpowers are better able to cope with such harsh and extreme environments.

  But what if supernatural powers appear in evil people?

  None of Brother Fan's group of people who have now entered the material warehouse are good people.

  Allowing such people to have superpowers will do no good to the remaining survivors.

  Hua Mi pursed her lips. She supported her bloated body, sat up from the snow, and whispered, "Actually, that's not what I'm afraid of. What I'm afraid of is that some people not only have superpowers, but also they are no longer human."

  Evil people also have humanity, because evil people are also human beings, and they are not two different species from humans.

  Hua Mi didn't know if Gong Yi could understand what she said. She thought for a moment and said to Gong Yi,

  "Have you seen zombie movies? Some people will mutate into superpowers, but some people will die and will directly turn into zombies."

  "And it is also contagious. One zombie can infect a large number of survivors and become zombies."

  In fact, Hua Mi has completely lost control of everything that has happened in this life.

  Whether it is the sequence of natural disasters or the development pattern of the world in this life, it is different from her previous life.

  In fact, in her previous life, it was several years after frequent natural disasters that mutated animals and plants appeared, then zombie animals, and finally zombies.

  It is said that the zombie poison first existed in mutated plants. After being eaten by animals, the animals were transformed into zombies and eventually bit people.

  Human beings are the last link in natural disasters and man-made disasters.

  At least before Hua Mi was pushed into the pile of zombies by Fang Xin, the zombies didn't appear before until the end.

  Hua Mi didn't know what the thing that just ran away was, so she couldn't be sure directly.

  So she tried her best to get Gong Yi to pay attention to it.

  "Catching zombies is a very dangerous thing, but if it is really a zombie, you are probably the only one in the world who can kill it."

  Ordinary people, it is best not to get close to zombies.

  If they are accidentally scratched by a zombie's teeth or nails, they will be infected and become a new zombie.

  Therefore, Gong Yi's mental power is even more useful at this time.

  "Okay, I'm going to search for that thing right now."

  Gong Yi became more solemn, waved his hand, and closed the team, no longer pursuing the remaining forces of Brother Fan.

  Because he didn't know where the Scorpion Man had gone. In the vast snowy field, snowballs as big as fists fell down, and it took only ten minutes to cover up a person's traces.

  Therefore, Gong Yi cannot take risks with ordinary garrison.

  He arranged all the garrisons, returned to the supply warehouse of City C, and started trekking on the snowfield by himself.

  When something happened suddenly, Zhou Cheng and others originally wanted to continue chasing the retreating group of killers.

  But Hua Mi stopped him.

  At this time, it is very dangerous for ordinary people to be alone.

  It was very quiet in front of the material warehouse, and the blood on the ground had been covered by white snow.

  The corpses of several killers were carried up and placed side by side in the open space in front of the material warehouse.

  Hua Mi walked down from the snow mountain holding her waist and walked past the corpses on the ground.

  Zhong Zimo, with messy hair and stiff body from the cold, stumbled out from behind a small snow bag.

  He almost bumped into Hua Mi.

  His face was frozen and his lips were white.

  "What happened? Why did these people suddenly rush out to grab supplies?"

  No one paid attention to him, so he frowned and asked Hua Mi,

  "Give me an explanation, what happened?"

  Hua Mi lowered her head, used her toes to push the heads of the dead bodies on the ground, and checked whether there were bite marks on their necks.

  She had no intention of answering Zhong Zimo at all.

  Zhong Zimo, who experienced this sudden change, became very emotional at this time.

   Hua Mi ignored him, and no one from the surrounding guards answered him.

  The few secretaries who came with him were all killed or injured in random gunfire.

  He saw Shi Caixia coming down from the opposite mountain again.

  Zhong Zimo became furious. He strode directly in front of Shi Caixia and angrily shouted, "What on earth are you doing? Do you know what happened just now? Where have you been?"

  "What on earth is the person you're following ? Is she still a human?"

  A woman like Hua Mi, with a big belly, was poking at the corpse with her feet.

  Not afraid at all.

  In fact, Zhong Zimo had already told Shi Caixia that Hua Mi was a cruel woman and asked Shi Caixia not to get too close to Hua Mi.

  See, he was right.

  Shi Caixia also felt very uncomfortable. This was the first time in her life that she had experienced such a thing.

  It's like walking into a gunfight movie in person.

  Only then did she realize that the gun fights in the movie and the amazing gunman movements were all fake.

  When a gun battle is going on, both the enemy and them are hiding and shooting bullets at each other. No one will stupidly stand up with a gun and click.

 She was deceived by the blockbusters.

  Well, actually this is not the point. The key point of Shi Caixia's discomfort was that it was the first time she saw the garrison covered in blood.

  So many garrisoned men, with more than one shot in their bodies, were carried in front of her.

  She was just a little secretary who could only read, and she had been saving people just now, non-stop, non-stop.

  But those on the garrison took a short rest after taking cod liver oil. As soon as they regained a little strength, they would go back to fight the killers again with their guns in hand.

  Shi Caixia couldn't stop them, just like she couldn't stop Hua Mi.

  She didn't stop any of the guards.

  Until now, Shi Caixia has not reacted.

  Why are these garrison soldiers who still carrying bullets in their bodies despite suffering such serious gunshot wounds still go to the battlefield?

  They want to go back and join the war without hesitation? Why?

She stared blankly at the furious Zhong Zimo in front of her, and suddenly felt that this man was so strange.

  After Shi Caixia experienced a tragic and bloody rescue, witnessed the injured garrison one after another, and fought desperately to return to the battlefield.

  She suddenly felt that Zhong Zimo was so narrow-minded.