"Let's break up."

  Shi Caixia looked at Zhong Zimo calmly.

  Those who study law live very calmly, and being emotional is not suitable for them.

  Therefore, once the gap between each other's structure and cognition gradually widens, breaking up is the best way to stop losses in time.

  Zhong Zimo's angry expression paused, and he looked at Shi Caixia in surprise.

  Did he hear that right? The Shi Caixia who has always admired him, treated him with all her heart, and always regarded him as her role model and goal.

  Actually want to break up with him?

Zhong Zimo couldn't believe it.

  He had no idea why Shi Caixia did this. When he reacted, he stretched out his long arms and hugged Shi Caixia into his arms, "I don't agree. I was just too anxious just now and was stimulated by this gunfight scene. I didn't yelled at you on purpose."

  "I know that this stance has confused and shaken the relationship between you and me. We have not positioned ourselves correctly, and we have not truly made a distinction between public and private. This is just us having a little difficulty in the relationship. There won't be any problems. We are both calm and we just need to correct our mistakes immediately."

"In this case, you can resign and I will give it to you again a position at Commander Ma. Arrange a position so there is no adversarial relationship between us."

  Shi Caixia listened to Zhong Zimo calmly. She pursed her lips and broke away from Zhong Zimo's arms, "I like my current job very much. In fact, I suddenly realized that my job is so meaningful."

  She thought that she couldn't explain to Zhong Zimo that there were some things that transcended the scope of money, materials and rights, and filled Shi Caixia's heart.

  With Zhong Zimo, he could no longer lead her forward, but was dragging her down.

  She still chose to break up, but Zhong Zimo just didn't agree.

  The two couldn't argue and looked at each other in silence.

  When gentlemen quarrel, they are silent and having silent battles.

  Zhou Cheng, who was finishing counting the wounded, was sitting in a tent far away and shouted in pain,"Oh, it hurts so much. Can someone help me?"

  A small guard in the tent hurriedly came over.

  Zhou Cheng glared at him, he flinched, and ran out of the tent "without mercy".

  Zhou Cheng in the tent continued to shout, "I'm injured, I've been shot, I'm going to die soon, no one can help me~"

  Shi Caixia couldn't stand it, turned around and entered the tent, and asked with a cold face, "How can I help?"

  Really, she was breaking up with her boyfriend, what was Zhou Cheng screaming at this time?

 Zhou Cheng stretched out his hand tremblingly, feeling weak, as if he was going to see the King of Hell in the next moment, "Help me, I want to go to the supply warehouse to see if I can still fight."

  Shi Caixia took a deep breath, but still put his trembling hand on her hands. Zhou Cheng helped himself up, stepped on the thick snow, and walked step by step to the material warehouse.

  If Zhong Zimo and her didn't speak, they were stubbornly in a stalemate, and they were fighting in a cold war.

  In the open space at the entrance of the material warehouse, Hua Mi had already finished checking the corpses of the killers. When she turned around, she saw Zhou Cheng walking over, supported by Shi Caixia.

  She looked at the gunshot wound on Zhou Cheng's shoulder.

 "These corpses must be disposed of as soon as possible, otherwise it will be dangerous to leave them outside."

  Hua Mi said to Zhou Cheng, although she did not find any traces of scratches or bites on these corpses. .

  But if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of the worst. No one can say for sure. If you encounter corpses, you should dispose of them quickly, lest these corpses turn into corpses if they are left undisturbed.

  Zhou Cheng had no objection to this and asked his garrison to put all the corpses on the ground in a remote place, waiting for Hua Mi to be "cremated".

  He was supported by Shi Caixia and walked into the material warehouse with Hua Mi.

  There was a strange smell in the huge supply warehouse, like a mixture of feces and urine.

  There are already garrison troops cleaning up inside, and they have cleared out a pile of bones.

  Looking at the pile of bones with clothes still hanging on them, Shi Caixia turned around and couldn't help but vomit.

  Even Zhou Cheng was a little uncomfortable,

  "These people here, are they really cannibals?"

  It's really crazy. If they surrender clearly and hang up a white flag, won't the garrison consider it ?

Those who deserve to be put to death will be put to death, but the crime is not worthy of death, and the garrison will not kill the other party in a posture of surrender.

  Why go to the point where people cannibalize people?

  And it's only been a few days.

  Hua Mi looked at the pile of bones on the ground. She was almost 90% sure that the thing that ran out of the supply warehouse was no longer human.

  Where are the humans who can eat people so cleanly? There is no psychological burden and no fuss at all.

  But what exactly it is can only be known after it is caught.

  Hua Mi turned around, with her back to the pile of bones, and said to Zhou Cheng,

  "I'm going to get you a batch of ethanol, as well as resin gloves, protective clothing, and sterile boots. You can clean up and down this supply warehouse. Once again, do it twice."

  To be on the safe side, all the cement in this batch of materials warehouse should not be used again. Fortunately, the batch of cement that Hua Mi put in was produced in unlimited quantities in a level 18 factory.

  Now that it has been sent back to the medium-sized garbage recycling station for destruction, Hua Mi doesn't feel bad.

  Just produce another batch of cement and come out.

  Things were proceeding step by step. Hua Mi called Gong Yi and asked Gong Yi to arrange all the garrisoning.

  Starting today, all garrisons must wear protective clothing. This is no joke. If they encounter that monster, today's protective clothing may be able to save the lives of a large number of garrisons.

  Gong Yi agreed, and while searching for the monster in the snowfield, he called several garrison captains under him.

  At the same time, he did not forget Zhou Cheng.

  Zhou Cheng didn't ask any more questions.

  He listened to Gong Yi very much and did whatever Gong Yi told him to do, even if Gong Yi said that from today on, all garrison troops must wear protective clothing.

  Zhou Cheng didn't think it was anything.

  Fortunately, Hua Mi asked Chi Chuan to send enough supplies. More than a dozen large trucks were parked on the Hunan C Expressway, not far from the C City supply warehouse.

  But just when everyone was stationed and nervously protecting themselves, Zhong Zimo, who was isolated and helpless, discovered that Ma Zhixuan was missing.

  He called Ma Yongchun. At this time, Ma Yongchun had arrived on the CD Expressway.   

After listening to Zhong Zimo's words, Ma Yongchun raised his hand to ask the driver to stop. He frowned at Zhong Zimo, "I didn't ask Ma Zhixuan to take his bodyguards to rob the C city material warehouse. All of this was Ma Zhixuan's own initiative."

In the car seat, Ma Yongchun lowered his head and pinched his eyebrows, and then asked, "There was no sign of Ma Zhixuan at the scene, and there was no body of him?"

  After receiving Zhong Zimo's denial, Ma Yongchun sighed tiredly,

  "Then I'm afraid he is taken away by those killers."