In extreme environments, it is not that there is no way for people to survive.

  If things weren't so complicated, with a little bit of reasoning, they could still find a clear path.

  But the problem is that once the environment is bad, everything will become a mess.

  At least for Ma Yongchun, he can only go back to City C to find Ma Zhixuan.

  If Ma Zhixuan and those killers are together, he don't know how much trouble they will cause in the future.

  Before returning to City C, Ma Yongchun called Qin Zhen, "If you can exchange the cotton from City D, you still have to find a way to facilitate this transaction.You also know that this world is getting harder and harder. Putting all hope in Xiangcheng and purchasing all supplies from Xiangcheng is still too risky for City C."

  Qin Zhen was busy on the other end of the phone, preparing to see her son.

  Her son's fever finally went away a few days ago, but today it is said that he has started to have a fever again.

  The baby, who is more than 1 month old, is still a premature baby and is really too fragile.

  After listening to Ma Yongchun's words, Qin Zhen hummed twice but didn't take it to heart.

  Just as she was about to hang up, Ma Yongchun said hurriedly,

  "Qin Zhen."

  Qin Zhen stopped hanging up the phone and frowned at Ma Yongchun's call time.

  After 10 seconds, Ma Yongchun said solemnly, "Nothing, hang up."

  This time, he did not mention Ma Zhixuan again, nor did he ask Qin Zhen to forgive Ma Zhixuan for what he had done.

  For some reason, Ma Yongchun felt that saying this was a bit redundant.

  He quickly returned to City C and got off the CD Expressway, but the car could not enter the city.

  Looking ahead from the highway, half of City C has been buried in snow.

  At times like this, it would be difficult for a person, let alone a car, to enter the city.

  Ma Yongchun and the driver stepped out of the car in disbelief and saw that City C, which they had just left for two days, had turned into this in just two days.

  There are no people shoveling the snow in their city C.

  Ma Yongchun hurriedly called Zhong Zimo and asked what was going on?

  Why didn't City C arrange a tow truck team to shovel the snow?

  Zhong Zimo started to explain with a headache.

  For a long time, the management of City C has not paid attention to urban obstacle clearance.

  At the beginning, debris removal teams were arranged to clean up the earthquake debris. Later, because the terrain of City C was very high, all the jelly water flowed to Xiangcheng.

  After the city's earthquake debris was cleared, the management never took care of the city's debris removal team.

  Since the frequent natural disasters, the management has too many things to be busy with.

  The members of the wreckage team were all disbanded at some point.

  It is said that in order to make a living, they have all joined the dredging of the Hunan C Expressway. Now most of the people in the C City wreckage team are clearing the last remaining obstacles on the Hunan C Expressway.

  "Then call them all back and clear the snow in C City quickly."

  Ma Yongchun was anxious. In just two days, half of C City was buried in snow. In two days, C City will disappear on the map.

  This matter is extremely urgent.

  Zhong Zimo answered awkwardly, "We can't call them back. The salary offered to them by Hua Mi is too high. It is said that after they complete the obstacle clearing of the Hunan C Expressway, they will stay on this expressway to carry out maintenance work. Snow clearing."

  "They have been hired by Hua Mi on a long-term basis to ensure the smooth flow of the Hunan-C Expressway and the rescue work."

  In terms of material reserves, no matter how much supplies C City has, it cannot compete with Hua Mi.

  They don't even have the qualifications to go on the field and steal people.

  Ma Yongchun hung up Zhong Zimo's phone dejectedly and looked at City C, which was gradually buried by heavy snow under the dense university.

  City C is gone? What use is he, the commander of City C?

  An administrator from D City drove over and happened to meet Ma Yongchun who was stuck at the highway exit.

  The D city administrator said,

  "Commander Ma, in case of emergency, our D city management commander said to go to Xiangcheng first and then discuss our business in C city."

  City C can only give up.

  Ma Yongchun's thoughts moved, and he looked at the administrator of City D with hope,  "Why is your City D still doing well? You can use your own strength to clear the Hunan D and CD expressways, so what did you to do it well?"

  Maybe he can ask City D for help and dig City C out of the heavy snow.

  The administrator of D City said,

  "In our D City, there are several very strong garrison troops, so our roads are cleared very quickly."

  Those strong people can lift a truck to carry out rescue, obstacle clearance and dredging work , isn't it simple?

  But despite this, many people continued to die in D City during these continuous natural disasters.

  Now that all the supplies in the combat readiness supply warehouse in D City have been used up, the top priority is winter clothes and supplies.

  They dredged the Hunan D and CD highways at the same time, intending to use a two-pronged approach to obtain life-saving supplies from the two cities with the most abundant supplies.

  As a result, City C is now like this. The only one who can save City D now is Xiangcheng.

  Ma Yongchun's face was ugly. There was no such strong person in his C city.

  Is City C going to be destroyed?

  He could only look pale and walk towards the Xiang-C Expressway with the administrator of City D.

  Along the way in the car, Ma Yongchun's mood was not high.

  He was constantly reviewing his management. He couldn't accept that City C was destroyed so easily.

  Suddenly, the driver in front said, "Commander, look."

  Ma Yongchun and the D City administrator looked out the window at the same time as the driver signaled.

  Ever since he set foot on the Hunan-C Expressway, there has been an igloo every kilometer.

  It is said that there was a thick layer of snow on the outside of the tarpaulin, and the survivors simply used this thick layer of snow to build an igloo.

  These igloos were built bigger and bigger, with smokeless wood stoves inside, a small shop with hot water and food.

Along the way, there were survivors from City C, trudging along the Hunan-C Expressway.

  Fortunately, when you are tired, you can take a rest in the warm igloo, buy a pair of snow boots, and drink a glass of hot water.

  If you want to eat other food but don't have money with you, it doesn't matter. The wrecker team on the Hunan C Expressway is recruiting a lot of people for a long time.

  If you are willing to sell your labor to clear the snow on this road, you can eat three hot meals for free and sleep in a warm igloo.

  The conditions may not be good, but you will definitely not freeze to death or starve to death.

  The administrator of City D who squeezed into a car with Ma Yongchun was amazed when he saw this,"I must report everything I saw to my commander."

  He turned around and said to Ma Yongchun, "I heard that your City C has had the foresight long ago. Instead of wasting more manpower and material resources in your City C, you moved closer to Xiangcheng in advance and used multiple cooperation to transfer a large number of survivors from City C to Xiangcheng. You are right. Although City C was buried under snow, not many survivors died."

  Ma Yongchun's throat felt dry for a moment, "No, it was Qin Zhen who made this decision, not me."