After receiving the news from Liu Shengyuan, Hua Mi got out of the car and strode directly to the snowfield on the edge of the highway.

  Zhong Zimo followed Hua Mi and asked, "Is there any news about Commander Ma?"

  "Mrs. Gong, I hope you can tell me as soon as possible if you have any news. After all, I am Commander Ma's Secretary."

  "I have the right to know."

  Before he could finish his words, Hua Mi, who was pregnant, turned around in the heavy snow and looked at Zhong Zimo.

  She said coldly, "According to what you said, are you suspecting that I deliberately concealed the information about your Commander Ma?"

  Zhong Zimo looked at Hua Mi without saying anything. It was obvious, wasn't it?

As for the city management, now that City C has been destroyed, Commander Ma and Qin Zhen are the first and second leaders in the management.

  It can be regarded as disappearing at the same time.

  Once these two have their shortcomings, City C will completely cease to exist.

  Xiangcheng can directly annex City C without any bloodshed.

  Therefore, if Zhong Zimo were Hua Mi, he would definitely take this opportunity to completely incorporate City C into the expansion territory of Xiangcheng.

  Hua Mi was aroused by Zhong Zimo's "understanding" expression.

  She pointed to the snowy field in front of her, stood in the cold darkness, and said to Zhong Zimo, "Some people live a very high-level life because they have escaped from low-level tastes, while some people have narrow minds and determine that their vision will always be like this."

  "I now know why Shi Caixia must break up with you. Zhong Zimo, your vulgar taste determines your height, stop here."

  She stopped talking to Zhong Zimo and put her hand on her pregnant belly, she stepped onto the thick snow. After a while,her clumsy body disappeared into the snowy night with a strange lightness.

  Zhong Zimo, who stayed behind, looked angry.

  Why? Why did Hua Mi evaluate him like this?

  He just felt that people's hearts are complicated, and he would use the greatest malice to infer a person's actions and thoughts.

  Why did Hua Mi evaluate his life at such level?

 Zhong Zimo was born in an ordinary family. He knew from an early age that if he wanted to change his class, he had to stand out.

  His efforts are something that a woman like Hua Mi, who relies on her body to gain dominance, cannot understand at all.

  On the snowy night, Zhong Zimo clenched his fists tightly. Just wait, he will definitely change his class.

  When he reaches a higher level, Zhong Zimo will return to this woman exactly what Hua Mi said to him today.

  On the endless snowfield, Vasili immediately chose to evacuate.

  He took away the last remaining killers.

  If he did not evacuate in time, it is estimated that the heads of all his men would be wrenched off alive by Liu Shengyuan.

  Liu Shengyuan had no time to track them because his main task was to find Ma Yongchun and Qin Jianqiang.

  He found Ma Yongchun holding Qin Jianqiang under the falling snow.

  "But when Ma Yongchun fell, he found a temporary bunker and hid himself in the bunker without moving."

  Liu Shengyuan said to Qin Zhen and Hua Mi who came over.

  Qin Zhen was covered in snow, and the felt hat on her head was already covered in ice.

  She approached slowly and saw Ma Yongchun huddled behind a small snow bag.

  He was frozen, and his frozen face miraculously showed a satisfied smile.

  Ma Yongchun's entire body was in a protective posture, holding the baby in his arms.

  When Qin Zhen walked over, Qin Jianqiang was in the arms of his father who was still warm, curling his lips and humming softly.

  It had been a day since he had eaten, and Qin Jianqiang was very hungry.

  So hungry that he kept sticking out his tongue.

  Seeing that her son was still alive and well, Qin Zhen burst into tears.

  She took two hurried steps forward, trying to take her son out of Ma Yongchun's arms, but she couldn't break Ma Yongchun's arm.

  "Yongchun, it's me, please let go, he's already hungry."

  Qin Zhen choked with sobs.

  However, just after she said this, the arm of Ma Yongchun, who was already frozen to death, was suddenly pulled.

  He loosened his arms protecting his son.

  When Hua Mi on the side saw this, she didn't know how she felt.

  In an extreme environment, Ma Yongchun's indulgence of his younger brother indeed killed many survivors.

  However, at this moment, anyone can see that Ma Yongchun is qualified as a father.

  Already qualified.

  Qin Zhen hugged her lost son and found that his body was burning hot.

  While crying, she asked Hua Mi,

  "I have to send Jianqiang back to the emergency area first. Cannyou do me a favor?"

"Say." Hua Mi nodded.

  Qin Zhen said, "Help me collect Yong Chun's body. As the commander of C City management, he should die with dignity."

At this time, Qin Zhen's heart was no less complicated than Hua Mi's.

  Compared with the many selfish people Qin Zhen knows, people like Ma Yongchun are already very, very good.

  He deserves a decent farewell.

  Hua Mi nodded slightly and asked Liu Shengyuan to take Ma Yongchun's body to the Hunan C Expressway.

  She stood there for a while, looking at the vast snowfield, and sighed.

  According to the final body count, Liu Shengyuan broke the necks of 15 killers.

  Plus Ma Zhixuan was stabbed to death.

  These corpses were also counted by the garrison that followed and handed over to Hua Mi for unified "processing".

  The remaining killer leader Vasili and how many killers are still alive cannot be traced.

  But after this time, Hua Mi had a hunch that the hatred between Xiangcheng and Vasily had reached a point where it would never end.

  As she turned around, she told Chi Chuan who was delivering the supplies.

  These killers are inhumane. As long as they can make people panic, who knows what they will do?

 Chichuan and others are responsible for transporting materials from various material warehouses, and they are very likely to become the targets of Vasily's robbery and revenge.

  Hua Mi said to Chi Chuan, "Don't use the car. From now on, change your transportation method and let all your people go back to Xiangcheng. Immediately."

After calling Chi Chuan, Hua Mi called the foreman again.

 "Which of the projects you have on hand can be completed immediately? Finish one for me quickly."

  The foreman thought for a while,

  "The mat weaving factory outside the material warehouse in City B can actually be declared completed at any time. But because we have been recruiting more workers, the factory has been expanding."

  "Don't expand. We will build a second factory when it is finished. Hurry." Hua Mi can't wait.

  She wants to level up the black earth.

  After she hung up the phone with the contractor, she immediately went directly to the material warehouse in City B.

  She left a teleportation point in the supply warehouse in City B.

  As soon as she walked out of the material warehouse in City B, she saw Huo Jing beating gongs and drums outside and shouting,

  "It's finished, it's finished, our first mat weaving factory was officially completed today. If you are looking for a job, go to the second factory."