She don't know how Huo Jing did it. He quickly got a bunch of firecrackers and a red silk ribbon for cutting.

  As soon as the firecrackers were set off and the red silk was cut, Hua Mi received a prompt:

  [Infrastructure project: mat weaving factory No. 1 completed]

  [Rating: primary infrastructure project]

  [17 square meters of black land obtained, please select a site for the black land. ]

  [Obtained lottery X1]

  [Remaining lottery X19]

  Satisfied, she called Huo Jing over and gave him a stack of teleportation tickets for [Xiangcheng. Watchtower] and [City. Material Depot].

  Then let Huo Jing see the usage behind the teleportation ticket.

  Without waiting for Huo Jing's reaction, Hua Mi asked Huo Jing for the car keys, jumped into Huo Jing's car, and drove away.

  At this time, Tang You received the news and hurried over, asking Hua Mi in the car,"Sister Hua, why are you here?"

  "Let me come and take a look."

  Hua Mi started the car and pointed back. Pointing to the supply warehouse of City B behind him, she whispered to Tang You, "I have placed a batch of white phosphorus bombs and teleportation tickets for [Xiangcheng Observation Tower] in this material warehouse. Don't let anyone know about it."

"Once someone wants to harm this place, just kill them. "

  After saying that, Hua Mi drove away.

  Tang You was left standing there, what?

  Where did Sister Hua get the bomb?

No one could explain to Tang You.

  Hua Mi's speed was very fast. After her car left the supply warehouse of City B, she arrived directly outside City B.

  There are also survivors in City B, which is now garrisoned by Fang Yuqi, the captain of the garrison.

  Hua Mi got out of the car and walked around the gate of City B. Compared to Xiangcheng, there were not many survivors outside the city.

  But it is still prosperous. With the efforts of all the survivors, the snow in B City is cleared every day.

  Therefore, although the city is dilapidated, if it develops for a while, it will be good as a supply station for survivors outside the base.

  Hua Mi placed 1 square meter of black land at the gate of City B.

  Then she drove non-stop onto the Xiang A Expressway.

  There is no need to consider placing a teleport point in City A, because City A has long collapsed into ruins. At this time, she's afraid that it has been buried deeply by the snow.

  But next to the Xiang A Expressway, there is a group of unfinished villas.

  Oh, it shouldn't be called the unfinished villa group now, it should be called: A. Tomson Shangpin Villa Community.

  Look, just hearing the name sounds very noble.

  This is the name given by Qin Zhen, although this A. Tomson Shangpin Villa Community simply connected the water and electricity, scraped the walls white, and smoothed the floor.

  But the houses here have been sold out.

  Many wealthy people from Xiangcheng, City A, City B, and City C, and even middle- and upper-class people, have bought houses here.

  Many have already moved in.

  It is said that they invested a lot of money in the contractor's infrastructure team and wanted to ask the contractor to decorate their home.

  They also want to build a wall outside the A. Tomson Shangpin Villa Community.

  This project plan was mentioned to Hua Mi by the contractor.

  Hua Mi also agreed.

  This time she arrived outside the A. Tomson Shangpin Villa Community and set up a teleportation point here.

  After all, rich people can stimulate consumption, and consumption requires the operation of manpower and material resources.

  In the future, Chichuan's transportation team will often come here to sell supplies.

  After setting up two transmission points at once, Hua Mi drove back to Xiangcheng.

  When she arrived in Xiangcheng, it was already dawn, but the heavy snow still showed no sign of stopping.

  Chichuan has summoned all his friends and are waiting at the Xiangcheng Watchtower.

  At first glance, it was a densely packed area. There were not only two thousand people, but more than a thousand.

  Seeing Hua Mi walking out of the gorgeous lights, Chi Chuan stepped forward with a smile and said, "Sister Hua, according to your instructions, I brought all my people."

  Among them were Ge Chuling and Wu Shigao.

  Hua Mi looked at the large group of densely packed heads in front of her. She frowned and asked Chichuan,

  "How many friends do you have? Why are there so many people?"

  "Hey, they are not all. Friends introduce friends? From all over the world, everyone They are all brothers with different surnames."

  Chichuan, who was wearing a bloated and thick coat, looked unconcerned,

  "I have streamlined athe people here, and I didn't dare to recruit people randomly."

Nowadays, Xiangcheng is full of people . He worry about recruiting people.

  But transportation team is notoriously difficult to enter.

  The job of transporting supplies will attract some sneaky people to come in. Who is responsible if the supplies are lost?

Therefore, even though Chichuan's friends travel everywhere, he still knows how to pay attention to this aspect.

  Hua Mi patted Chi Chuan on the shoulder with appreciation and told Chi Chuan about Vasily.

  In the watchtower, Chichuan didn't respond for a long time. Finally, he patted his thigh.

 "The best thing to do is to take action. The most promising ones are our transport team. Oh, Sister Hua, you have to protect us." He didn't feel at all that he, a grown man, was seeking the favor of a pregnant woman.

Protection, what's there to be embarrassed about?

  Hua Mi smiled at him and pulled out a snakeskin bag from behind.

  He motioned for Chi Chuan to open it, which contained a snakeskin bag full of teleportation tickets.

  Hua Mi said, "Here are [Xiangcheng. Watchtower], [A. Tomson Shangpin Villa Community], [City B. Material Depot], [City B. City Gate], and [City C. Material Depot]. You can figure out how to issue teleportation tickets yourself."

  "From today on, your transportation team will no longer run around on the highway. If you want to deliver supplies, you will all use teleportation tickets."

  These teleportation points are all Within the firepower range of the garrison, even if Vasily wanted to snatch it, he would have to pay the price with his life.

  Chichuan looked at the large snakeskin bag full of tickets hesitantly.

  He really wanted to ask what these "teleportation tickets" were used for.

  But he's afraid that if he ask, he will appear ignorant.

  Maybe it would be better not to ask.

Just as Chichuan was hesitating, Hua Mi had already turned around and left the watchtower, holding her waist.

  She was going to find Qin Zhen.

  Qin Zhen was outside the emergency area, and Shi Caixia accompanied her and sent Qin Jianqiang back to the incubator.

  Xin Qiuru organized several doctors here and originally prepared a rescue posture.

  As a result, Qin Jianqiang had a fever.

  Apart from fever, there are no other symptoms.

  When Hua Mi arrived, Xin Qiuru and several other doctors had already left.

  They left a little nurse behind to check Qin Jianqiang's condition at any time.

  Seeing Hua Mi coming, Shi Caixia stood up and said,"Ah Mi."

  After saying hello, Shi Caixia moved her eyes behind Hua Mi.

  Zhong Zimo came with a group of C City administrators.

  He held a stack of documents under his arm and said to Qin Zhen businesslikely, "Miss Qin, we are very sad about Commander Ma, but since he is gone, our work must continue."

 " This is what I drew up . Please take a look at the plan to rebuild City C."