Hua Mi stood outside the glass wall of the insulation room.

  She threw two [Energy Light Groups] into Qin Jianqiang's incubator.

  Although Xin Qiuru said that Qin Jianqiang just had a fever and there were no complications, Hua Mi still felt uneasy.

  Just after throwing away the [Energy Light Group], she heard Qin Zhen say to Zhong Zimo,"C City is like this now. Let's not worry about the reconstruction issue anymore. Now that all the people in C City have arrived in Xiangcheng, it doesn't matter. This is already good."

  Qin Zhen now has a large number of factories to start construction, and all of them will be used by survivors of City C.

  Her focus is entirely on the construction of these factories. No talk about rebuilding City C.

  City C is buried in the snow, how can it be rebuilt?

  Qin Zhen no longer has this ambition.

  So Zhong Zimo didn't say a few words before Qin Zhen interrupted impatiently,

  "Why do we still need to waste manpower, material and financial resources to rebuild City C?"

  "If we have such ability, we can build a good place together.There is no need to disperse our current manpower."

  Seeing Zhong Zimo's disapproving look on his face, Qin Zhen didn't want to say any more.

  She turned around and walked to Hua Mi's side.

  When she had time to chat with Zhong Zimo, she might as well take a second look at her son.

  Zhong Zimo's face darkened.

  As Ma Yongchun's first secretary, at this juncture, of course he had to follow up and continue to persuade Qin Zhen.

  However, Shi Caixia stood in front of Zhong Zimo.

  She advised Zhong Zimo, "We should still look forward. Zimo, you are a talented person. At this time, you should use your talents to do more practical things."

  Zhong Zimo looked sarcastically at Shi Caixia, "What does it mean to do practical things? Going to the emergency area to work, deal with those scumbags, and get those scumbags to clear the roadblocks. This is called doing practical things?" What kind of big deal is this?

Anyone who has graduated from law can do this job.

  But he is different. He is a top student in the law major. At a young age, he became the first secretary of the C-city management commander.

  If Ma Yongchun hadn't died, if City C hadn't been buried in snow, if it hadn't been for these continuous natural and man-made disasters.

  Zhong Zimo will take over Ma Yongchun in the future.

  In such a bright future, he can become a master, and he can obviously achieve something.

  Why should he go to the emergency area and be a small lawyer on duty?

  Shi Caixia raised her glasses on the bridge of her nose."Zimo, it's not that I don't understand your ambitions, but the actual situation now is that rebuilding City C is very redundant. There's no need."

  Before Shi Caixia could finish speaking, Zhong Zimo took the rest of the management member and left angrily.

  Hua Mi's eyes moved from Qin Jianqiang to Zhong Zimo, and then asked Qin Zhen, "By the way, do you know the password for your reserve fund account in City C?"

They stood in front of the glass wall together. Qin Zhen shook her head and said, "I don't know. Ma Yongchun didn't tell me , I probably won't be able to get this money."

  According to the rules of the management class, only the management commander knows the reserve funds of each city.

  Ma Zhixuan was able to use the money in this reserve fund account in the first place purely because his Ma Yongchun's favored brother.

  Now that both Ma Yongchun and Ma Zhixuan are dead, the money will naturally remain in the Internet forever.

  Qin Zhen didn't feel anything about it.

  She wanted so much money, but it was of no use now.

  The survivors in City C are almost settled. After everyone is settled, Qin Zhen will work as a small administrator in the management of City C.

  Then raise her son.

  This is her plan for her future.

  Hua Mi nodded slightly and looked in the direction where Zhong Zimo's back disappeared.

  "You should get it back if you can. If you don't use it yourself, it's best not to let others use it."

  Money is still useful now.

  Because in Hua Mi's [Doomsday Supermarket], you can use money to exchange for teleportation tickets.

  Money can also be withdrawn and turned into banknotes.

  So she figured that in the future, even if mutants and zombies appeared, the money could still be used.

  Qin Zhen nodded thoughtfully, and immediately turned to tell Shi Caixia,

  "Go and contact Zhong Zimo. He is Ma Yongchun's first secretary. Maybe he knows the account password of C City's reserve account."

  However, Shi Caixia had not yet found Zhong Zimo.

  Zhong Zimo led Ma Yongchun's original team to D City.

  They didn't even attend Ma Yongchun's farewell ceremony.

  The farewell ceremony for Ma Yongchun's body was very small, held at the crematorium, and was handled by Qin Zhen.

  But the only ones who gave her face were Hua Mi, Ye Rong, Dafu, Chi Chuan and others.

  Quite a few people take tea to cool it down.

  Qin Zhen felt a little emotional. After completing the process, she said to Hua Mi, "I really didn't expect that Ma Yongchun would leave so deserted in the end."

  Although they were divorced.

  Although Qin Zhen and Ma Yongchun are no longer in love.

  But to be honest, Ma Yongchun never treated Zhong Zimo's group of secretaries and administrators badly.

  He even put all his efforts into promotion and training.

  Apart from Ma Yongchun's brainless doting brother, Ma Yongchun is actually a very charming person.

  Zhong Zimo and the others couldn't, or at least shouldn't, leave like this.

  Snow was falling heavily outside the crematorium, and survivors spilled blood one after another.

  Hua Mi patted Qin Zhen on the shoulder and said, "I used to think you were a very realistic woman, but now I see that you are more loyal than many people. Forget it, Qin Zhen, all the people in this world will die. Enough, don't worry about these."

  "You have done the last bit of dignity for Ma Yongchun."

  As soon as she finished speaking, Hua Mi's cell phone rang.

  She picked up the call and saw that it was Yang Honglin calling her.

  A street girl on the Hunan D Expressway was attacked by a wild beast.

  It is said that the scene was very tragic. The face of the street girl was chewed to pieces.

  All the internal organs were scattered on the snow.

  Hua Mi: "."

  Why are there women standing on the streets on the Hunan D Expressway?

  Isn't City D okay? Zhong Zimo even ran to City D. Why did this happen?

 Hua Mi hung up the phone and looked at Qin Zhen apologetically,"Please help me manage Xiangcheng. I have to go to the Xiang-D Expressway."

  This matter cannot be let go easily. There are "wild beasts" attacking people. Who knows if this so-called beast is a zombie or a mutant?

Before Qin Zhen could say anything, Hua Mi left.

  She took out her phone and called Gong Yi.

  The answer on the other end was filled with the sound of wind and snow, "I heard, you are heading to City D now. Don't come, for fear of being in danger."

  At this moment, Zhou Cheng's phone call suddenly came to Gong Yi .

  Gong Yi hurriedly comforted Hua Mi and answered Zhou Cheng's call.

  Zhou Cheng said angrily,

  "A bunch of idiots are coming to our supply warehouse in City C. I%7#@#"

Then followed by a string of heavy curses.