Zhou Cheng stumbled back to the material warehouse.

  He looked at a large group of garrison troops who were still in the same place and had not teleported away at all.

  For a moment, Zhou Cheng was furious. He shouted at the garrison, "Why don't you leave? Didn't I give you those flying tickets? Why don't you leave? Are you here to die?" He was so angry, so angry.

  There is such a big stack of tickets, one person can share several of them, why are they all here?

 Where are the tickets?

 Zhou Cheng found teleportation tickets for [A. Tomson Shangpin Villa Community] scattered on the ground.

  He jumped up and down in anger,

  "The tickets have fallen, right? Can't you pick them up? You have to wait for me to come back and pick them up for you, right?"

  A captain stood up cautiously, "Commander, you didn't order us to leave. We are always ready to fight."

  He held a white phosphorus bomb in his hand.

  Because there is no clear order indicating who goes and who stays.

  What everyone heard was that Sister Hua just said, "Leave a few agile ones behind."

  They realize that after several years of garrison training, they are all agile.

  So the agile ones stayed behind to prepare for battle.

  The only one who left was the little garrison who mistakenly tore off the teleport ticket in his hand out of curiosity.

  "Where are your brains?"

  Zhou Cheng's eyes were red with anger. He turned around the guard in front of him and stuffed a lot of tickets into his arms.

 "Get out of here, get out of here!"

  In fact, he was still a little nervous.

  Hua Mi said to let him check who was injured and who was infected with the zombie poison.

  Then if all the garrison troops under his command flew to [A. Tomson Shangpin Villa Community], it would be difficult for him to find them.

  Should they avoid cutting off the heads of these garrison brats with our own hands?

 As a result, they were stupid and one of them flew away.

  What to do if they stay? Stay, wait until they find out they're infected, and then be beheaded?

The little garrison who had been scolded innocently looked at the furious Zhou Cheng with a pale face.

  Zhou Cheng let him go, and a nine-foot-tall man squatted on the ground and cried, hugging his head.

  A bunch of stupid idiots.

  So stupid.

  So stupid.

  Hua Mi, who was standing behind Zhou Cheng, turned to look at Gong Yi.

  The expression on Gong Yi's face was hard, and there was a glimmer of water in his eyes.

  Probably only the garrison commander could understand Zhou Cheng's despair at this moment.

  Hua Mi stretched out her hand, took Gong Yi's hand, and said in a low and cruel voice,

  "You also have to order the garrison under you to conduct self-examination. If anything is wrong, they must be isolated immediately to prevent them from turning into zombies."

  Gong Yi pursed his lips and turned his back heavily.

  Hua Mi advised:

  "You are a garrison. Only if the garrison team can hold on, can we better hold on to this final line of mankind. If all of your garrison turns into zombies, the survivors will really be in chaos."

  She hoped Gong Yi could figure it out.

  Because in the previous life, the garrison with noble sentiments was quickly tortured by natural and man-made disasters.

  The last remaining survivors were completely out of order.

  The Chen Hu Rebellion is just a typical example. There are many people who are much worse than Chen Hu.

  In fact, looking at it now, Chen Hu's path to fortune is not very impressive.

  He has been suppressed by Gong Yi, constantly weakening his power and material reserves.

  Until now, Chen Hu could only hide in a corner of the world, not even daring to come out.

  Therefore, the little devil must have strong rules and order constraints so that it will not cause huge troubles in the future.

  Gong Yi finally nodded. He took out his mobile phone and called Cao Feng, Tang You, Fang Yuqi, and Liu Shengyuan respectively.

  He told them the whole story, and then asked them to start self-examination of their own team.

  Zhou Cheng, who was in the front, cried bitterly for a while and no longer needed Gong Yi to persuade him.

  He wiped away the tears on his face and started to organize the team, taking their temperatures one by one and asking them to report their wounds and whether they had been in close contact with zombies.

  In the end, 10 people formed a team and were on strict guard. If anyone in the team found something was wrong, they were immediately reported for quarantine.

  The garrison officers gradually understood the seriousness of the matter, but they were also very conscious and did not make any noise or make a fuss, or even raise a single objection.

  Whether it is the garrison under Zhou Cheng or the garrison under Gong Yi, it is the same.

  Seeing that night had fallen, Gong Yi deployed his mental power and searched a 500-meter radius.

  There was no sign of any other zombies.

  He looked at Hua Mi, but he hadn't spoken yet.

  Hua Mi took the initiative and said,

  "Go to D City. It seems that there are more zombies in D City than other cities."

  No one knows what the situation is in D City, but according to the news obtained from Qin Zhen , many powerful superpowers appeared in D city.

  The emergence of zombies and supernatural beings goes hand in hand.

  If several superpowers appear in the same place, it means there are more zombies in this place.

  It's impossible not to visit D City.

  Gong Yi stood in the wind and snow, his lips moving.

  Finally, he put his hand on Hua Mi's belly and said, "It's almost 6 months."

  Time passed so fast, as if the night he and Hua Mi had been together was just yesterday.

  Hua Mi nodded, thinking that Gong Yi was going to make the same mistake , and become a nagging mother-in-law again.

  In the end, Gong Yi just raised his hand, touched Hua Mi's head, turned around and walked into the snow.

  At this time, on the Hunan-D Highway, Vasily was looking for his brother with his remaining killer subordinates.

  Ever since they narrowly escaped death, Vasili and other killers have been waiting for an opportunity to hijack a batch of supplies and take revenge.

  However, they don't know if it was their bad luck or Hua Mi who was taking precautions.

  They stayed on the Xiang-C Expressway for several days, but not a single material transport truck arrived.

  Perhaps it is because City C has been buried in snow, so the supply truck will no longer go to City C.

  So Vasili decided to change the route and rob the supply truck.

  Isn't the Xiang-D Expressway smooth now?

  They asked for information along the way, but they didn't find out the information about the supply truck. Instead, they found out about their brother who had a scorpion tattoo on his neck.

  He is said to have been seen.

  A killer whispered, "Chief, since Babu has come out of the supply warehouse, why doesn't he come to us?"

  This was also something Vasili was confused about.

  They are an organization, and although there are only a few people left now, their centripetal force has always been good.

  Vasily's eyes suddenly became sharp, with a vicious murderous intent in them,

  "Our organization will never allow traitors to exist."

  They discussed it on the spot and continued to the direction of D City.

  Another killer was very strange,

  "How come there are so few people setting up stalls on the Hunan-D Expressway?"