Gong Yi went all the way from City C to City D.

  He could occasionally find one or two lone zombies, but there were no traces of large numbers of zombies.

  The traces along the way will be buried in the snow, making it difficult to trace the zombies.

  At this time, Zhong Zimo had already arrived in D City with some administrators from C City.

  The environment in D city was completely different from what he had imagined.

  There aren't many survivors here at all.

  The original D city garrison commander and management commander were all dead.

  One after another, in such natural and man-made disasters, most of the garrison and administrators were wiped out.

  Zhong Zimo looked at the administrator who led them to D City and asked, "Didn't you say that we should come to your D City? There is no one here. What are you doing in D City?"

  He really have never been to D. City, he don't know how desolate it is here.

  It was clear that the management of City D had contacted City C in a formal diplomatic manner and wanted to make a deal with City C.

  The administrator of D City, whose name was Mi Guoyuan, looked confused when he heard this, "I don't know where all the people in D City have gone. Maybe they all went to Xiangcheng?"

  Speaking of which, when he left , there are still people walking around on the streets of D City.

  Perhaps because the weather is too cold and there are too few supplies in D City, the survivors don't like to stay in D City.

  He said, leading Zhong Zimo and others on the way to the management building.

  City D was not buried in snow, but the buildings here were also in dilapidated condition.

  Although there are several superpowers appearing in D City, they are only very powerful and have no other abilities.

  So it's okay to do hard work. If you ask them to clear the snow in D City, they can do it very quickly.

  But if they were asked to repair the buildings in City D, they would not have cement.

  Zhong Zimo felt strange and followed Mi Guoyuan to the front of the management building.

  Another group of administrators were welcomed inside.

  Someone said hello to Mi Guoyuan and smiled teasingly, "So you really bring the gold mine back, hahaha."

  When he came, Zhong Zimo had already made an agreement with Mi Guoyuan, He has the reserve fund account of C City in his hand.

  While D City helps rebuild C City, Zhong Zimo can use C City's reserve funds to help D City operate.

  Zhong Zimo and Mi Guoyuan made this very clear.

  The administrator of City C and the remaining administrators of City D quickly entered the management building to discuss plans to rebuild City C and City D.

  To rebuild, the most important thing is materials.

  After all the detours, Hua Mi could not be bypassed.

  The discussion was very lively. Zhong Zimo from City C had money, and there was a person with super powers in City D. The two sides hit it off immediately.

  It was decided to use C City's reserve funds to purchase Hua Mi's supplies in large quantities.

  At this time, at the meeting, a small administrator from City C whispered to Zhong Zimo,

 "Why do I feel that there are so many new faces in the management of City D?"

  He was responsible for the business docking with City D, and he himself is also from D City and is familiar with the management of D City.

  But this time when he came to D City, the young administrator didn't see anyone he knew.

  Seeing Zhong Zimo looking back, the young administrator pointed to a man with a strong aura of martial arts in the corner of the conference room and whispered, "Management level, why do such people appear?"

  Zhong Zimo looked over. , Sure enough, he found a fierce-looking man with yellow hair in the corner.

  He felt strange in his heart and asked Mi Guoyuan in a low voice, "How powerful was your original management team?"

  In extreme environments, death is inevitable, and Zhong Zimo also understood.

  Not to mention the management of City D, but also the management of City C, their original secretary team of Ma Yongchun has lost a lot of people.

  If there is a loss, there must be replenishment.

  But the recruitment of D city management personnel is too unselective.

  Can a man who looks like a gangster sneak into the management class?

  Mi Guoyuan tilted his head and followed Zhong Zimo's gaze. He smiled and said, "There is nothing we can do. There are too many people running away here. The things that were originally assigned turned to those responsible administrators the next day, they will disappear."

  So gradually, various people infiltrated into the management of D City.

  Not to mention that Zhong Zimo and the others didn't know the management of D City at all. Even Mi Guoyuan couldn't recognize everyone in the meeting place.

  A gangster with dyed green hair stood up and said, "Okay, okay, we have arranged entertainment activities on the second floor of the management building. Let's eat, drink and have fun. Later we will go to Xiangcheng to buy supplies." Someone echoed, he happily took the lead and headed to the second floor.

  Zhong Zimo and Mi Guoyuan also followed to the second negative floor.

  Along the way, Mi Guoyuan was still muttering,

  "What kind of entertainment is there at this time?"

  But as soon as they entered the second floor, Mi Guoyuan and Zhong Zimo were shocked.

  Is this the second negative floor of the management building? Why is this dressed up like a dance hall?

  When they went downstairs, two rows of scantily clad women stood on both sides of the aisle, bowing to the administrators of City C and City D.

  The music sounded, and a group of gorgeous women rushed over, and every two of them hugged an administrator.

  Even next to Zhong Zimo, there were two women with their breasts and legs exposed.

  He frowned at this extravagant style, and then looked at Mi Guoyuan.

  Mi Guoyuan obviously didn't expect that he had only left D City for a few days. Why did the situation under the D City Management Building turn out to be like this?

 Looking at the other administrators, it is obvious that some of them have entered the negative two floors more than once for recreation.

  Everyone is very familiar with the road.

  Someone was holding two beauties in his arms and came over to toast Zhong Zimo.

  Because Zhong Zimo had money, he received great courtesy here. The two most beautiful women were holding Zhong Zimo on one side and the other on the right.

  He always felt that something was wrong, but after a while, Zhong Zimo became dizzy, and gradually lost his will under the stimulation of alcohol.

  The next day, Zhong Zimo woke up in the bed of two women. Mi Guoyuan raised his hand and pushed Zhong Zimo.

  "Wake up, wake up, something happened."

  Looking at Zhong Zimo's still sober face, Mi Guoyuan said seriously,

  "Several of your administrators in City C have died."

  These words made Zhong Zimo Mo's expression paused, and he suddenly woke up and hurriedly put on his clothes,

  "How did they die?"

  Yesterday, everyone was still together, ambitiously planning to rebuild City C and City D. How many administrators of City C died today?

  Mi Guoyuan shook his head, he didn't know either.

  Zhong Zimo had a sullen face and was led by Mi Guoyuan all the way to the first floor of the management building.

  The blood stains on the ground have been buried, and the bodies of City C administrators are placed side by side in the lobby of the management building.

  Among them was the little administrator who reminded Zhong Zimo yesterday.