Mi Guoyuan stepped forward to check the bodies on the ground.

  He looked at Zhong Zimo with a heavy expression and moved his lips.

  There was a yellow-haired administrator next to him, who said indifferently, "They haven't enjoyed enough of the good life, so why did they die? Forget it, just bury it."

  As he said that, the other few looked very happy. A man with an aura of martial arts came over and lifted the body of City C administrator from the ground, preparing to send it outside for disposal.

  Zhong Zimo raised his hand and said, "Wait a minute."

  His people were carried out just like that? No explanation ?

  A D city administrator next to him raised his hand and patted Zhong Zimo on the shoulder, "Secretary Zhong, there are lots of dead people everywhere now. Right? Our plan yesterday must still go ahead as usual. If you don't have enough manpower , then we will send a few people to you."

  Zhong Zimo's face was ugly, and he looked at several strange men walking over.

  Zhong Zimo also didn't know what the abilities of these men were.

  The D city administrator seemed to be a few people assigned at random, and they looked like they were missing the ones who died around Zhong Zimo.

  But in essence, it's a bit like spying on Zhong Zimo.

  The eyes hidden under the lenses flashed, and Zhong Zimo looked at Mi Guoyuan.

  A man was talking to Mi Guoyuan. Mi Guoyuan looked ugly, but he still nodded.

  As for the corpses of those C City administrators who did not explain the cause of death at all, they were quickly carried out.

  The group of people were still chatting and laughing as before, except Zhong Zimo.

  Just like that, he was taken to the second floor of the basement again.

  Mi Guoyuan came over and said to Zhong Zimo in a low voice, "What they mean is that in the name of rebuilding City C, they are still looking for Hua Mi to buy supplies. I heard that you have a girlfriend named Shi Caixia. She is currently helping Hua Mi do something."

  "You can take advantage of your relationship."

  Under the colorful lights, Zhong Zimo looked at Mi Guoyuan with a serious face,

  "What is going on? Mi Guoyuan, I trust you and brought Ma Yongchun's secretarial team to your D city."

  "Did you know that everyone in this secretarial team is a talent and a proud son of heaven.bIn the end, we have only been here for one day. It's really ,one real day, more than half of my team members died."

  "How can we rebuild two cities like this?"

  Mi Guoyuan, standing in front of Zhong Zimo, lowered his head and pinched his eyebrows. He felt that if heexplain, it's a bit laborious.

  But he was still very sorry to say,

 "I gradually realized something was wrong. My boss told me that in fact, we just need to use the excuse of rebuilding City C to obtain large quantities of supplies."

  As for rebuilding or not, it actually doesn't matter at all.

  Mi Guoyuan couldn't understand many things. His previous management in D City was just a very small employee.

  There is a major change in the management of D City. Mi Guoyuan has nothing to do with this kind of thing.

  If it hadn't been for the loss of life today, and the administrators of City C who came to City D had died in front of Mi Guoyuan, he wouldn't have known what the problem was.

  The problem is that the entire management of D City seems to be controlled by an invisible hand.

  No one knows what they are doing, they just need to find a way to get supplies to D City.

  Zhong Zimo's face turned ugly,

  "You, City D, have made a good plan. Do you plan to use City C's reserve funds to stock up on crazy goods for yourself?"

  Mi Guoyuan didn't say anything. He thought it wasn't the case at first, but now he thinks it is so.

  Zhong Zimo immediately turned around and left, "This money is going to be used to rebuild City C. Who knows if you will use up all the money in my hand and then kill me? Mi Guoyuan, our cooperation was terminated."

  On the long corridor on the second floor, Mi Guoyuan stood behind Zhong Zimo and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid this matter is not up to you and me now."

  Mi Guoyuan was also innocent, and he only found out today and was taken advantage of.

  But his ability to accept it was better than Zhong Zimo. Seeing Zhong Zimo in front of him stop, Mi Guoyuan breathed a sigh of relief and said in a low voice, "

Those C City administrators of yours died after their necks were broken."

  Zhong Zimo turned around sharply and stared at Mi Guoyuan in the dim light.

  He nodded, took two more steps towards Zhong Zimo, and said, "No matter what, save your life first before you can find a way to leave."

  It was obvious that this was a huge trap, and Zhong Zimo stepped into the trap of D city.

  There was no way to get out.

  He stared at Mi Guoyuan hatefully, and Mi Guoyuan spread his hands and sighed helplessly.

  Immediately afterwards, Mi Guoyuan's boss came over and told Zhong Zimo directly, asking Zhong Zimo to contact Shi Caixia to purchase large quantities of supplies.

  He asked Zhong Zimo to turn on his phone to amplify it.

  A group of men gathered around Zhong Zimo, listening to Zhong Zimo and Shi Caixia talking.

  Zhong Zimo, who was angry, knew that he could only do as he was told.

  If he doesn't comply, he will probably be the one to suffer.

  The call was connected, and Shi Caixia's voice came from the phone,

  "Hello? Senior brother? Didn't you go to D City?"

  Shi Caixia was not surprised to receive a call from Zhong Zimo again.

  Zhong Zimo is not an ordinary person.

  If he wants to rebuild City C and enjoy the feeling of being the city's leader, he will definitely plan in many ways.

  So even though Zhong Zimo went to D City, neither Shi Caixia nor Hua Mi thought that Zhong Zimo would disappear from now on.

  Zhong Zimo frowned and was surrounded by a group of men. Following the prompts of Mi Guoyuan boss, he said to Shi Caixia, "Yes, I arrived in D City and negotiated a cooperation project with them. I want to get supplies from Hua Mi. Purchase large quantities of supplies and send them to D City."

  He reported some types of supplies, including side dishes, rice, grain and oil, winter clothes, etc.

 Following the instructions from Mi Guoyuan boss, he said, "D City is developing quite well now. It is a city with great prospects. If we use huge resources to leverage the development of this city, it will not be worse than Xiangcheng in the future."

  Zhong Zimo's words sounded very formal, and there was nothing wrong with it.

  Because in the eyes of many people, there are many survivors in D City and they also need large quantities of supplies.

  Therefore, there is nothing wrong with Zhong Zimo wanting to purchase a large amount of supplies from Hua Mi to rescue the survivors in D City.

  However, Shi Caixia said on the other end of the phone, "Ami just sent out a notice that her supplies will not be transported to D City in large quantities."

  Because there is no teleport point in D City.

  Such a large truckload of supplies can easily be robbed while walking on the road.

  The threat of Vasili has always existed, and Hua Mi does not want to be taken advantage of Vasili.

  The survivors in left and right of city D wanted supplies, so they have to found a way to go to Xiangcheng to buy them.