As soon as Shi Caixia said these words, Zhong Zimo and all the men around him frowned.

  None of them thought that after planning the matter to this point, it would actually get stuck at Hua Mi's place.

  Mi Guoyuan's boss had a very ugly look on his face.

  He looked at Zhong Zimo as if he were looking at a dead person.

  Just when Mi Guoyuan's boss was about to speak, Zhong Zimo spoke first,

 "It seems that this matter is not as easy as you think. Why don't we talk about cooperation."

  He realized that he had fallen into a trap.

  However, Zhong Zimo now has money in his hands, and he also knows Shi Caixia, so it is not completely impossible to get supplies from Hua Mi.

  The men around him looked at Zhong Zimo with unkind expressions.

  Zhong Zimo arranged his clothes slowly, "Actually, I should have guessed it a long time ago. You guys should be a gang. For some unavoidable reason, you infiltrated the management of D City."

"I actually don't care about your true identity, because I am a person who wants to do big things. As long as things are beneficial to me, I don't mind reaching a mutually beneficial cooperative relationship with you." He originally asked the D city management to cooperate, but now the cooperation with the management was replaced by a team that did not follow ethics.

  Zhong Zimo is good at survival. Under any conditions that are unfavorable to him, he is likely to gain a chance of survival.

  Mi Guoyuan's boss, Zhang Jifeng, looked at Zhong Zimo with suspicion.

  He has also been in the management class. He understands the management class. Not all managers are like him, willing to "fall" and be willing to associate with some unscrupulous gangsters.

  After a long time, Zhang Jifeng stepped forward and patted Zhong Zimo on the shoulder,"That's right. If you had said that you had such a consciousness, those C City administrators in your hands would not have died."

  "And if you think about it, in today's environment, almost everyone is dead. We should hire some capable people and the previous meek approach of the management is outdated." For Zhang Jifeng ,Zhong Zimo was already convinced.

  He sneered. It seems that he needs to be with this group of people now, and there is no other way.

  After reaching a consensus, Zhong Zimo began to go to Xiangcheng to purchase supplies.

  According to his plan, since Hua Mi doesn't send supplies to D City, they can go to Xiangcheng to drag them.

  In short, Zhong Zimo has money, but what he lacks now is people.

  According to Zhong Zimo's knowledge, there are people with super powers in D City.

  And these powerful superpowers are loyal to the management of D City.

  The term "superpower" is really new. Zhong Zimo never imagined that people who could only appear in movies and TV series could actually appear in real life.

  He is quite interested in these superpowers.

  So Zhong Zimo found Shi Caixia again, and he expressed his righteousness to Shi Caixia on the phone, "Hua Mi has so many supplies now, she should give some to D City, Caixia, you should listen to this matter, I won't harm you."

  "After all, you are my girlfriend."

  "There are many survivors here in D city. They are in urgent need of supplies. I pay the market price. Isn't that okay? We personally sent people to transport the supplies."

  Obviously, Shi Caixia was persuaded by Zhong Zimo.

  She felt that the deal was a good deal, and Zhong Zimo didn't ask for supplies in vain, he would provide the money.

  However, Shi Caixia still emphasized,

  "We have broken up. I am not your girlfriend. There are only business matters between us. Don't talk about private matters anymore."

  Of course Zhong Zimo would not agree. At this time, he was reduced to this situation, and he was naturally even more not agree and put aside the relationship with Shi Caixia,

  "That was just your unilateral breakup. I have always said that I don't agree with the breakup."

  After saying that, Zhong Zimo hung up the phone. He knew Shi Caixia and she was a serious person.

  Because of her unlovable personality and poor looks, she has no other suitors around her.

  Even if Shi Caixia said she wanted to break up, after a long time, there was no one else by her side, so she could only stay with Zhong Zimo.

  When Zhong Zimo wants to purchase supplies from Hua Mi, Shi Caixia is his best channel.

  Shi Caixia, who was refused to break up, hurried outside the C city material warehouse and told Hua Mi that Zhong Zimo wanted to buy a large amount of materials and be responsible for shipping them himself.

  However, it was directly rejected by Hua Mi.

  The reason is simple. Hua Mi doesn't want to sell supplies to Zhong Zimo in large quantities.

  Hua Mi touched her big belly and said to Shi Caixia,"Commander Gong has arrived in D City. He said that there are not that many survivors in D City."

  "These materials were sold to Zhong Zimo, and he may not necessarily use them for survivors. But for his own."

  Shi Caixia, standing in the heavy snow, looked stunned,"Really? What about the survivors in D city?"

  In such a big city, where did the survivors go?

 Hua Mi did not reply. She looked in the direction of City D.

  "Actually, I was planning to go to City D."

  According to Huo Jing's statistics, the Xiang D Expressway has not been unblocked for long. The survivors from City D There are not that many.

  The scattered survivors, most of whom had a lot of strength, also took a detour from other cities to D City, and then took the Hunan D Expressway from D City.

  Finally arrived at Xiangcheng.

  Hua Mi thought of the group of stumbling zombies who didn't know how to get there, and she frowned.

  "If necessary, I want to blow up the Hunan D Expressway."

  Shi Caixia was startled by these words, and she asked,

  "What happened? It took a lot of effort to clear this road."

  Although the road to clear the Hunan D Expressway was not clear. It's not Hua Mi's wrecking crew, but it's also the result of the efforts of those with special abilities in D City.

  So by blowing up this highway, wouldn't it make it more difficult for the survivors in D City to get to Xiangcheng?

  Hua Mi raised her hand and patted Shi Caixia on the shoulder, "Believe me, I actually don't want to do this, but what if all the survivors in D City turned into zombies and hid in some unknown place."

  "Then it's better if we blow up the Xiang-D Expressway than these zombies coming one after another."

  Shi Caixia didn't understand what Hua Mi said.

  Shi Caixia understood every word she said, but Shi Caixia didn't understand the combination of these words.

  Hua Mi pointed at Zhou Cheng, who was squatting on the ground and drawing circles not far away, and said to Shi Caixia,

  "Why don't you ask Zhou Cheng? I still need to pack things for D City. Zhou Cheng can explain it better than me. It should be better."

  Following the direction of Hua Mi's finger, Shi Caixia looked towards Zhou Cheng.

  She don't know if it was Shi Caixia's illusion, but she always felt that the man who was so high-spirited before was now squatting on the snow, feeling aggrieved like a big boy.