There was applause behind her. Hua Mi stood behind Shi Caixia with her 6-month pregnant belly and clapped her hands,

  "Not bad, Xia Xia, keep going. The potential is very great. "

  Hua Mi searched around again and found that Qin Xiaolan had already run into the basement.

  Outside the hall, a few more zombies wandered over.

  On the street not far away, Li Haifu and other power users were twisting the heads of zombies.

  No wonder Brother Hou and Qin Xiaolan were so frightened. The street in front of the D City Management Building was full of zombies in twos and threes.

  They all heard the noise and came towards the management building.

  It seems that Li Haifu and others are not yet refined in their business, and they are not very fast in killing zombies.

  Hua Mi turned around and collected Brother Monkey's body, then looked at Shi Caixia.

  The little girl put on protective clothing, carried a baseball bat, and was about to rush out to kill zombies.

  Hua Mi reached out and lifted Shi Caixia's back collar, then gave Shi Caixia an AK47, "Take this and blast the zombie's head."

  Before Shi Caixia could say anything, Hua Mi took the AK47 in her hand and joined in the blast. Heading to the ranks of zombies.

  Not far away, Li Haifu, who was hurriedly twisting the zombie's head off, saw this, and while twisting off the zombie's head, he approached Hua Mi.

  "Sister Hua, you have such a big belly, so don't work too hard. Why don't you go and rest in the management hall."

In D City, where there were snowflakes and snow mountains, there would have been dozens of sweeping robots and a garbage truck, which had been cleaning up the snow on the ground.

  It is estimated that this road has long been covered by heavy snow.

  Hua Mi's belly looks as big as other people's eight or nine months old.

  It made Li Haifu frightened.

  He was afraid that if she lost her footing, she would knock her belly into the snow.

  Hua Mi stood on the long street covered with thick snow and shook her head, "I'm fine. I'm not very tired. Do you want something to eat and drink?"

"How about I grill you a skewer?", another explosion sounded.

  Not far away, the roar of zombies became stronger.

  It seems that Gong Yi and Zhou Cheng have exploded another explosion point, and the zombies inside have come out.

  Li Haifu hadn't realized what Hua Mi was talking about.

 He saw the garbage truck, scooping up the corpses of the zombies on the ground, and the heads on the side, and threw them into the garbage truck behind.

  It is not known who was driving the garbage truck.

  When he looked back at Hua Mi, Hua Mi was already holding out her stomach, and she shot off the head of a zombie on the other side with another shot.

  She glanced at Li Haifu and said,

  "I will grill some skewers for you now."

  After Li Haifu broke off the heads of a few zombies, he looked back and saw that Hua Mi was already standing on the side of the road, setting up a barbecue rack.

  Li Haifu was a little surprised. When was this barbecue rack placed here?

  However, several zombies have already appeared on the street, and it seems that the power users in the distance are also unskilled in their business.

  Li Haifu turned around and went to kill the zombies.

  Wait for him to look back at Hua Mi again.

  Hua Mi was holding an AK47 in one hand and building a big umbrella with the other hand.

  The big umbrella covered the snowflakes, and the charcoal fire in the barbecue stove had begun to burn.

  Li Haifu killed a few zombies again and came back to see Hua Mi.

  Next to the barbecue stove, there are brushes, oil, cumin and chili powder, as well as a large bag of bone and meat, mutton, coriander, cabbage, pepper, and wild rice peel. Hua Mi is busy, and there are still a few lying at her feet. The zombie whose head she shot.

  Just this scene made Li Haifu feel inexplicably not harmonious.

  When Li Haifu came back, the meat on the barbecue grill was already smelling delicious.

  The charcoal fire is roasting cumin, and there is a pleasant smell of fireworks in the frozen city.

  Li Haifu walked into the big umbrella hesitantly and looked at the surrounding environment.

  Hua Mi is in the distance, shooting zombies with a gun.

  Shi Caixia didn't know where she went to fight zombies.

  The zombie corpses on the ground were all shoveled into garbage trucks.

  The environment is quite clean.

  Li Haifu picked up a skewer of roasted bones and meat and looked at the cumin and chili powder on it.

  He took a tentative bite.

  So delicious.

  For people in the apocalypse, happiness comes from such simplicity. What could be happier than killing zombies and grilling skewers?

  Li Haifu finished eating with a sense of happiness, and he didn't forget to grill a few more skewers, waiting for other superpowers to come over and eat the grilled skewers.

  They made the bloody thing of killing zombies seem like an outing.

  And just when Gong Yi and the others continued to explode the blast points and released the zombies one by one.

  Mi Guoyuan and Zhong Zimo also discovered that zombies had indeed appeared in D City.

  Mi Guoyuan looked at Zhong Zimo with a panic look on his face, "What should I do now? I didn't expect there to be such a thing as zombies."

  Zhong Zimo sat in the car and looked out the window with an unpredictable face,

  "We still have to follow Gong Yi, do you have anything to eat there?"

  After Gong Yi left, everyone else entered D City, including Shi Caixia and Hua Mi.

  They did not leave any edible supplies for Mi Guoyuan, Zhong Zimo and others.

  When they came out of the management building, Mi Guoyuan and Zhong Zimo each took some food.

  But in this case, this little food can't last long.

  And they both have a lot of women to support.

  "If I had known this was the case, it would be better to live the same life as before without any changes."

  Mi Guoyuan was a little irritable and confused.

  They stayed in the management building before and didn't have to do anything at all. It was so cold outside that they didn't have to go out to starve or freeze.

  Life was going very well.

  Why dig them out of the management building?

 He can't figure it out more and more.

  Mi Guoyuan had also received information from Brother Hou before, saying that Hua Mi had entered the management building with a gun.

  At that time, although Mi Guoyuan had differences with Brother Hou, they had not fallen out yet and could go back to manage the building at any time.

  But now that Brother Monkey's information has been cut off, it's probably more bad than good.

  Mi Guoyuan couldn't help but feel a bit of resentment towards Hua Mi.

  With gloomy eyes, he asked Zhong Zimo next to him, "Talking about a woman who is not well-behaved. She doesn't want to stay in Xiangcheng, and she doesn't feel comfortable being a wife. Why is she running around?"

If it weren't for Hua Mi, Brother Hou in the management building probably wouldn't be able to die.

  Zhong Zimo raised his hand and patted Mi Guoyuan's shoulder.

  When he raised his eyes, he happened to see Gong Yi walking out of the windy and snowy D city.

  He hurriedly signaled to Mi Guoyuan, and the two of them got out of the car and walked up to Gong Yi.

  "Commander Gong."

  Zhong Zimo looked serious and businesslike, "I wonder if I can help you?"

  Gong Yi came to the city entrance to check if there were any zombies on the highway.

  He frowned and looked at Zhong Zimo,

  "Why haven't you two left with the women?"

  Although some of the women had left, there were still many women staying in the cars at the entrance of the city.

  If they don't leave now, the car will be buried in the snow soon.