
  Shi Caixia found Hua Mi mysteriously.

  She kicked the snow off her feet and whispered to Hua Mi,

  "Ami, do you know that Zhong Zimo and the others haven't left yet?"

  Hua Mi doesn't have the same mental strength as Gong Yi. She is in D City, completely unaware of what is happening outside.

  Seeing Shi Caixia's mysterious look, she asked, "What's wrong? Why haven't Zhong Zimo and the others left yet?"

  Shi Caixia said, "They left a group of women behind and are still waiting at the entrance of D City. You think,what's the reason?"

  Seeing Hua Mi's confused look, Shi Caixia said, "Of course it's because they want to use these women to please the commander of the garrison."

  "Oh." Hua Mi nodded, with a look on her face that no expression can be seen.

  Shi Caixia said hurriedly,

  "Ah Mi, why aren't you in a hurry?"

"I know Zhong Zimo's methods. Those men   are actually no different from street gangsters, Ah Mi!"

When a man has a social status, will he play more elegantly?

 Not really.

  The higher the social status of a man, the more vulgar the entertainment content.

  There is no difference.

  All thinking with the lower body.

  Seeing that Hua Mi still had no reaction at all, Shi Caixia decided to speak more clearly,

  "Ma Yongchun in the past, you think he was such a serious man, he seemed to treat Miss Qin well, right. But no one can guarantee that Ma Yongchun have no women outside."

  "Ah Mi, all men have women outside, all of them."

  As far as Shi Caixia knew, Zhong Zimo often arranged such entertainment activities for senior managers who came and went.

  Really, it was so common. For Zhong Zimo, this was something he was familiar with.

  Those poor, innocent women were in the hands of Zhang Jifeng before, but now they are in the hands of Zhong Zimo.

  There is actually no difference.

  They often use women to consolidate the friendship between men.

  Whether it is a business discussion or serious entertainment, a woman is indispensable as a companion.

  Shi Caixia continued to vaccinate Hua Mi, "Look, your belly is so big now. It's inconvenient for you to do anything with your husband. Your husband will definitely be looking for a woman outside."

  "Even if he doesn't look for her, he will not be able to reject it if a girl is the one to seduce him. Think about it."

  "Ah Mi, this man Zhong Zimo is really not that easy to deal with, but apart from Zhong Zimo, there is also Li Zimo and Prince Mo."

  "You have to be more open-minded."

  Looking at Shi Caixia's sympathetic look, Hua Mi raised her hand and patted Shi Caixia's shoulder.

  "Fight the zombies, don't bother me."

  Anyway, she didn't like Gong Yi very much.

  Hua Mi didn't feel anything at all.

  Anyway, she already has her children. Does it matter whether Gong Yi plays outside or not?

  Except for feeling a little sick inside, Hua Mi didn't have any emotions.

  In the evening, the blasting work finally came to an end. After everyone cleaned up D City, they returned to the entrance of D City under the cover of darkness.

  Cao Feng, Tang You, Fang Yuqi, and Liu Shengyuan each led a small team to the entrance of City D.

  Gong Yi is holding a meeting for them.

  These garrisons are all elites in his hands. This time, the zombies in D City happened to be frozen, so the number of zombies can be controlled appropriately.

  To achieve the effect of allowing the garrison to practice hands.

  So Gong Yi called over all the elites under his command.

  Starting tomorrow, all these garrison elites will be sent off to fight zombies.

  Hua Mi and Shi Caixia returned to the city gate and saw Gong Yi holding a meeting in the tent with the garrison elites.

  Shi Caixia winked at Hua Mi and asked Hua Mi to look at the cars buried in the snow in the distance.

  Those beautiful women are in those cars.

  Hua Mi glanced at it expressionlessly and returned to the nanny car.

  As the night progressed, Hua Mi looked at her huge belly in the mirror in the small bathroom of the nanny car.

  She thought very seriously about the possibility of leaving the father of her sons

  At this time, the door of the nanny's car was opened, and the wind and snow poured into the car. Gong Yi got in the car, turned back, and quickly closed the door.

  He looked at Hua Mi who walked awkwardly out of the small bathroom and warmed his hands on the smokeless wood stove.

  Gong Yi asked:

  "Did you enter City D today? It's been six months, why can't you go back to Xiangcheng?"

  Hua Mi ignored him with a straight face.

  Dirty man, not worth one more word from her.

  Seeing that Hua Mi didn't speak, Gong Yi came over again and sat on the edge of Hua Mi's chair,n"What's wrong? Who messed with you?"

  As he said that, he stretched out his hand, touched Hua Mi's big belly, and sighed, " You said that this D city is full of zombies, and we will definitely not be able to kill them all in a few days."

  "How about you go back? Isn't it time for a prenatal check-up? If you go back, I feel more relieved."

  Hua Mi pushed Gong Yi's hand and asked him, "Where is our marriage certificate?"

  Sure enough, Gong Yi had the foresight. After dragging Hua Mi to get married, he didn't ask for anything but just took the marriage certificate from Hua Mi's hand.

  Now Hua Mi wants to tear up these two marriage certificates.

  She wants to cover up the fact that she and Gong Yi are married.

  "Put it away, what's going on? Do you want to see it?"

  Gradually, Gong Yi noticed something was wrong.

  Based on his manly intuition, he felt that his marriage with his wife might be in crisis.

  Sure enough, Hua Mi sneered and spread her palm towards Gong Yi,

  "Hand it over!"

  Gong Yi immediately stood up and walked to the bed,

  "What do you want this thing for? We need something to talk about, so don't do something thing."

  He is afraid of her.

  Afraid of that.

  Because he moved his hands in such a small place and accidentally bumped her stomach. Just thinking about it made Gong Yi turn pale.

  You have to go along with it, but it can't stimulate the emotions of pregnant women.

  Seeing Hua Mi striding over, Gong Yi simply lay down on the bed and said,

  "Hit me, and have a good rest after the beating."

  Yes, in order not to irritate Hua Mi, Gong Yi lay down flat and let her hit him.

  No matter what happened that offend this ancestor, why not let her beat him up to vent her anger?

  Originally cruel, she wanted to force out the marriage certificate in Gong Yi's hand and tear it up.

  When she saw Gong Yi lying down, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

  Gong Yi, who was on the bed, turned his head and glanced at her. He immediately sat up and asked with bright eyes, "You laughed again. Does that mean you're not angry anymore?"

  Hua Mi's face was stern. She took a feather duster next to her and pointed at Gong Yi.

  "Don't be so playful with me, what are you doing outside?"

  Gong Yi, who had already sat up, immediately lay down, lay flat on his back, folded his hands on his chest, frowned and recalled, "Before dawn. I went to blast and took Zhou Cheng to kill zombies for a day. Now I am getting more and more skilled at killing zombies, and I can also extract the crystal core from the air."

  "Honey, I followed your instructions and extracted the energy from the crystal core. But I think it's not as durable as [Energy Beads]."