The crystal core in the zombie's brain may be just fine for Li Haifu and the others.

  But there was absolutely no way to satisfy Gong Yi.

  Even Liu Shengyuan couldn't be satisfied.

  As he spoke, Gong Yi, who was lying on the bed, took out a handful of crystal nuclei from the pocket of his garrison combat uniform.

  He handed the crystal core to Hua Mi and said, "These are of no use to me, why don't I give them to you."

  His attitude was well-behaved and his posture was submissive.

  It's not like a commander who holds the garrison of several cities.

  What does he look like? He looks like a husband who is busy with work and has no time to spend with his wife, so he turns in his pocket money as soon as he comes home.

  Hua Mi looked down at the crystal core in Gong Yi's hand.

  Suddenly her mind started to have random thoughts.

  The bright crystal core in Gong Yi's hand looked like a handful of gems the size of pomegranate seeds.

  And there are still many such crystal nuclei in Gong Yi's pockets, all of which are filled.

  Hua Mi came to her senses, turned around and found a net bag, and asked Gong Yi to take out all the crystal cores on his body and put them in the net bag.

  She couldn't help but curiously asked,

  "What is the difference between the energy of these crystal nuclei and [Energy Beads] when inhaled into the body?"

   Hua Mi's anger seemed to have dissipated a little.

  Gong Yi sat on the bed with a smile and patted the empty bed next to him,

 "Come here, I'm gonna tell you, oh, don't stand, you're tired."

  When Hua Mi came over and sat down, Gong Yi squeezed her shoulders, He said cautiously, "There is still a slight difference. It feels like there are more impurities in the crystal core, which is not as pure as the energy of [Energy Beads]."

"Is your foot starting to swell? Let me pinch it for you."

  Originally, the crystal nuclei in the zombie brain were not enough for Gong Yi. There were still many impurities absorbed into his body.

  The taste is like eating snails, with sand in them.

  If you eat prawns, the shrimp threads will be full of shit.

  If too much is absorbed, the person with the superpower will feel uncomfortable.

  Hua Mi let Gong Yi squeeze her legs and thought about it for a while.

  In fact, many of the people with superpowers in their previous lives were thick and strong, had bad skin, had lumps on their bodies, and had bad tempers day after day.

  Even female superpowers are rarely pretty.

  Many analyzes are saying that absorbing the crystal nuclei in zombies and mutated animals and plants will make people violent.

  Some superpowers absorb crystal nuclei for a long time, and are even in danger of losing their minds.

  Therefore, Hua Mi had long known that there were impurities in this crystal nucleus.

  She just didn't expect that her [Energy Water Droplets] and [Energy Condensation Beads] were purer than the crystal core.

  "Then let your garrison give me all the crystal nuclei they obtained and exchange them for [energy beads] from me."

  Hua Mi lay down half-ly, enjoying Gong Yi's service.

  The crystal core is actually useful and can be used as currency in the future.

  She was hoarding more crystal cores now, which could be used for big things in the future. After a while, Hua Mi suddenly remembered that she wanted to tear up the marriage certificate.

  So she opened her eyes, and her expression just turned serious when Gong Yi suddenly leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.

  Hua Mi was stunned for a moment, and her anger turned into astonishment.

  Gong Yi smiled and lay down next to Hua Mi. He lay on the outside of the small bed and told Hua Mi. "You sleep in there, I'm afraid you will turn over and fall out of bed at night."

  Hua Mi couldn't help but go into the bed. After moving around, she saw Gong Yi turning off the lights, and the environment in the warm nanny's car suddenly dimmed.

  After a while, Hua Mi turned around and looked at the sharp lines on Gong Yi's face in the darkness, "I heard that Zhong Zimo has prepared several cars of women for you?"

  Gong Yi closed his eyes and touched Hua Mi's belly with one hand ,"I asked him to take those women away. We won't guard those things."

  If you have a need, just find a girlfriend and fall in love.

  Don't have a girlfriend? so you hide and solve it secretly.

  What time is it now? This is still happening. At this moment of life and death for the survivors, who has the heart to play with women?

So Gong Yi immediately rejected Zhong Zimo's overtures.

  Hua Mi said nothing, seeming to be examining the credibility of Gong Yi's words.

  She also heard Gong Yi say, "This Zhong Zimo is too evil-minded, and I am not a person who can trust him."

  Maybe Zhong Zimo's tactics are acceptable to the management class.

  But in Gong Yi's case, this approach is very disgusting.

  From the beginning, Gong Yi's route to the top has been to do things in a practical manner.

  Not only did he dislike Zhong Zimo's behavior, he also despised it in his heart.

  At a time of life and death, Zhong Zimo must not be able to bear the trust of the garrison.

  Hearing what Gong Yi said, Hua Mi felt relieved, as long as he knew what was going on.

  However, the next morning, Gong Yi took the garrison elites to work.

  Hua Mi saw that Zhong Zimo and Mi Guoyuan were not leaving.

  They also purchased some supplies from Xiangcheng and planned to stay at the gate of D City for a long time.

  Seeing Hua Mi get out of the nanny's car, Mi Guoyuan smiled and said hello to Hua Mi, "Mrs. Gong, you're up."

  Hua Mi nodded and saw Zhong Zimo talking to Shi Caixia so she stepped up to find Shi Caixia.

  However, Mi Guoyuan reached out to stop her body.

  Hua Mi raised her face and looked at Mi Guoyuan expressionlessly.

  There was still a smile on his face, and he asked very considerately, "It's very chaotic in D City now, doesn't Mrs. Gong have no plans to go back to Xiangcheng?"

  Hua Mi held her waist with one hand and protected her big belly with the other. , tilted her head slightly, "I won't go back. The zombies in D City haven't been killed yet, so I won't go back yet."

  She felt that Mi Guoyuan's words seemed a bit too much, so she raised her feet and prepared to bypass Mi Guoyuan and continue walking forward.

  Who knew that Mi Guoyuan moved forward and stopped Hua Mi again,

  "I didn't mean to tell you, but Mrs. Gong's belly is quite big. It is said that you are pregnant with twins. The environment outside is so bad, Mrs. Gong is still pregnant. Don't take risks outside."

  The force and persuasion in these words made Hua Mi finally look at this man.

  She asked, "What do you want to say?"

Mi Guoyuan was not polite, "What I want to say is that this is a man's battlefield after all. Mrs. Gong is a pregnant woman and should return to the ivory tower as soon as possible. It will also be less of a drag for Commander Gong."

  Many people may say that Hua Mi had the foresight to stock up on supplies at the beginning of the disaster.

  But Hua Mi is a woman after all. If she stays here, Gong Yi won't be able to let go.

  Gong Yi will not participate even in entertainment between men.

  Therefore, Mi Guoyuan's intention was to advise Hua Mi to go back to Xiangcheng as soon as possible and stop hanging around among men all day long.

  Seeing the uncertain look on Hua Mi's face, Mi Guoyuan continued, "Seeing the zombies appear, isn't Mrs. Gong afraid? For the sake of the child in your belly, Mrs. Gong shouldn't be so irresponsible."

"What's more, this is a man's business and the wife should act like a wife, Mrs. Gong understand this, right? "