Looking at Mi Guoyuan, Hua Mi finally understood why this man stopped her this morning.

  She sneered coldly, "What kind of identity do you have to tell me this?"

  "I'm preventing you from climbing up, right? Come on, take a look."

  She pointed to the entrance of D city behind Mi Guoyuan.

  A snow city, the entrance is a long road covered with thick snow.

  On this long road, dozens of sweeping robots work around the clock.

  Hua Mi said, "You don't need me to tell you, you know what's going on here. Does it still mean that the male should work outside and the woman should be in the inside?"

  "Mi Guoyuan, are you going to be the outsider and let me see your man's style?"

  Men are used to it. Kidnapping women with children and marriage.

  Once a woman acts stronger, men will use various standards to criticize the woman's "deviant".

  But why is the person who says this coming from a man that has nothing to do with her?

  Gong Yi didn't use these to kidnap Hua Mi.

  Although Hua Mi's serious husband Gong Yi does not agree with Hua Mi staying in D City, he wants Hua Mi to go back because he is worried about Hua Mi's health.

  Hua Mi wanted to stay, but Gong Yi didn't insist on sending her back.

  On the contrary, it was Mi Guoyuan who ran up to Hua Mi and jumped around.

  He also told Hua Mi whether or not these things were true.

  He dislikes Hua Mi. He thinks Hua Mi staying here is an eyesore.

  This was funny. Hua Mi looked at Mi Guoyuan with raised eyebrows and continued to encourage, "Go ahead and kill a zombie. If a man like you can take on the important task of killing zombies, there won't be a need for a pregnant woman like me to work hard to kill zombies."

  Mi Guoyuan's face became very ugly, and he said coldly, "I'm doing it for your own good, so you don't have to speak so harshly."

"Is it for my own good? You know it yourself."

  Hua Mi walked around Mi Guoyuan expressionlessly and continued to take two steps forward. She stopped and looked back at Mi Guoyuan, "There is something you must understand. You are an administrators, not a pimp, the environment has become difficult to survive, and being a pimp for a superior person is not a shortcut."

  On the contrary, it is actually a long way.

  When the environment gets worse and worse, only by making yourself stronger and even more useful will you be invincible.

  By pimping? The zombies are coming, and Mi Guoyuan and Zhong Zimo also rely on pimping to reach the top of their lives?

 Based on Hua Mi's experience, she has never seen a pimp eventually become a high-ranking member of the base.

  It's all just entertainment stuff.

  Women in the flesh business and men who are pimps are just pastimes in the eyes of the strong.

  Surviving in the apocalypse is especially difficult. Who would leave the important matters of the base to a recreational thing?

  "The road of human beings, will get narrower and narrower." Hua Mi's voice faded away.

  Mi Guoyuan's face was gloomy, watching Hua Mi gradually walk away.

  He lowered his fingers and clenched a fist fiercely.

  Very good, this woman Hua Mi is indeed as annoying as Zhong Zimo said.

  This is a woman who doesn't understand the rules of the game between men at all.

  And such ignorant women usually like to be pretentious, but they always care about men's unavoidable entertainment.

  Mi Guoyuan looked at Hua Mi.

  In the distance, Shi Caixia saw Hua Mi's expression was not good. She was carrying an AK47 and turned around. She want to find Hua Mi.

  But her arm was held by Zhong Zimo.

  "Caixia, you have to bear in mind what I told you. It's very chaotic here. Remember to persuade Hua Mi to go back to Xiangcheng." Yesterday, Zhong Zimo wanted to send a few women to Gong Yi.

Allowing Gong Yi to relax and unwind after a day of killing zombies.

  As a result, Gong Yi didn't even look at Zhong Zimo and got into the nanny car directly.

  Hua Mi is in the nanny car.

  Before dawn today, Cao Feng found Zhong Zimo and Mi Guoyuan and asked them to send the women away quickly.

  The zombie killing work in D City has begun, and the garrison elites are gearing up.

  This place is really not suitable for idlers to stay.

  No normal survivor would stay in a place like this.

  For this reason, Cao Feng also said harshly that once the zombies came out of City D, no one would try to save Zhong Zimo and the others.

  But Zhong Zimo and Mi Guoyuan did not want to give up such an opportunity to climb up.

  Together, the two of them felt that the biggest problem was not the threat from zombies.

  The biggest problem still lies with Hua Mi.

  Because Hua Mi is here, Gong Yi can't let go.

  If Hua Mi leaves, Gong Yi will no longer have any scruples and will naturally accept the other woman.

  Once Gong Yi gets started, the rest of the garrison will naturally come to entertain women.

  So why is Hua Mi here? She is a woman and a pregnant woman with a big belly. Why doesn't she just stay in Xiangcheng like Qin Zhen?

  Shi Caixia looked at Zhong Zimo with a cold feeling in her heart,  "Commander Gong has nothing to do with A Mi's affairs, why are you meddling so much?"

  Really, maybe Shi Caixia is getting stronger and stronger.

  She followed Hua Mi, running here and there all day long. She had seen fights, killings, and zombies, and now she was still able to fight zombies.

  The wider her horizons became, the more she looked down on Zhong Zimo.

  Unconsciously, Shi Caixia reached a higher place than Zhong Zimo.

  She didn't feel at all that Hua Mi was dragging Gong Yi down.

  Completely, completely, not!

  Zhong Zimo looked at Shi Caixia carefully, his brows furrowed even deeper,

  "I'm telling you, Caixia, don't you think the way you are following Hua Mi is getting more and more ugly?bYou weren't like this before, although your ability is not good, but when you help Qin Zhen, you are doing a serious job."

"But look at you now, what are you doing? Are you Hua Mi's thug or her bodyguard? Zombies? What can you do if you're here?"

  Zhong Zimo felt that Shi Caixia's current image of carrying a gun was very unsightly.

  She is a top student in the law department, and now she is carrying a gun to fight zombies?

 excuse me? Who can tell Zhong Zimo, what Shi Caixia is doing now?

She has read books for so many years. Did she end up reading them in a dog's belly?

Hearing this, Shi Caixia trembled with anger. She took a step back and said with a sneer, "What about you? Zhong Zimo, have you ever seen what you have become now?"

  "What's the difference between what you're doing now and that of a pimp? The commander said, you go, let you go, but you're still hanging on here. You're really not afraid of zombies coming out of D City and biting you directly. One bite?"

  Of course Zhong Zimo was afraid, but he still had to stay here.

  He wasn't sure if he would have such a good opportunity to get close to Gong Yi after he left.

  In order to climb up and get close to Gong Yi smoothly, Zhong Zimo insisted on staying here.