Hua Mi has always strictly controlled her thermal weapons.

  So the Ak47 in her hand was lent to Shi Caixia, not given as a gift.

  Even though Shi Caixia has fired all the bullets, the AK47 without bullets still has to be returned to Hua Mi.

  However, Hua Mi sells cold weapons.

  She had been wandering around the stalls in Xiangcheng before, and also activated Chichuan to buy a large amount of various materials for her.

  As time went by, there were many cold weapons stored in her level 35 warehouse.

  All kinds of categories.

  These cold weapons can be sold, and the price is very cheap.

  Shi Caixia squatted in front of a pile of cold weapons that looked like a hill, and chose a sharp mountain axe.

  She waved it twice and thought it was pretty good. After paying 10 crystal cores happily, she started to chop down zombies with the mountain axe.

  After a while, Hua Mi had enough rest. She stood up and moved around a few times. She also took out a sharp machete and worked with Shi Caixia to clean up the zombies wandering on the snowy road.

  She was busy until evening.

  Gong Yi would not blast zombies at night. He called the garrison elites over and held a meeting that night to summarize their experiences in killing zombies.

  Then let each captain submit a list and let the captain choose more garrisons to come to D City to kill zombies.

  Gong Yi had a hunch that the world would soon undergo qualitative changes.

  Before that, his garrison must grow up as quickly as possible.

  At this time, Li Haifu and his group of superpowers also followed Gong Yi's garrison and held a meeting together.

  They seem to be extremely eager to learn. After all, the world has become like this. The more exchanges between the garrison and the superpowers, the more money they will have to survive in the future.

  Zhong Zimo and Mi Guoyuan stood by their car.

  In the car behind them, women were chattering and laughing by the smokeless wood stove.

  Someone supported her head, opened the car door, and said to Zhong Zimo and Mi Guoyuan outside,

"Look, Qin Xiaolan is here."

  Everyone looked over.

  In the snowy night, Qin Xiaolan, who was shivering from the cold, was walking out of D City with her arms folded and her body hunched.

  Seeing Mi Guoyuan, Qin Xiaolan rushed over, trembling all over, "I, I really can't stand the cold. Give me something to eat."

  "I'm willing to do anything you ask me. Can you give me something to eat?"

"Can I get in the car and warm myself by the fire?"

  She thought Hua Mi wouldn't be able to move all the supplies in the D City Management Building in a while.

  So she went back to the basement, preparing to stay there for the rest of her life and never come out.

  As a result, when she finished eating the few supplies she had left, she went to look for food.

  Qin Xiaolan discovered that there was no food left in the entire building.

  Not even a morsel of food to satisfy her hunger.

  She didn't give up and spent a day searching around the management building.

  it is as expected.

  Did Hua Mi use some magic to evacuate the entire building?

The resentment in Qin Xiaolan's heart made her want to tear Hua Mi into thousands of pieces.

  Mi Guoyuan was a little disgusted, looking at Qin Xiaolan's oily hair, skinny skin, and sallow withered face.

  What man would want a woman like this who looks to be in her forties?

  Qin Xiaolan didn't look so slovenly in the past, but it hadn't been long. It turns out that time makes people grow old, and beauty fades easily.

  "Give me something to eat."

  Qin Xiaolan was still pleading,

  "As long as you can give me a bite to eat, I can let you do whatever you want."

She can do anything, as long as they give her a bite to eat.

  Mi Guoyuan took a bag of bread in his hand and handed it to Qin Xiaolan, his mouth full of disgust and charity, " Here, take the food and leave quickly, we don't need you here."

  However, the bread he handed out was stopped by Zhong Zimo.

  Zhong Zimo's eyes hidden under the lenses were shining with an unpredictable light.

  Holding the bread with his fingers, he asked Qin Xiaolan, "Are you really willing to do anything?"

  Qin Xiaolan nodded hurriedly,

  "No matter how many people come and sleep with me, I will cooperate."

  She has really changed a lot.

  As Ma Yongchun's secretary, Zhong Zimo naturally knew Qin Xiaolan before.

  It seemed that Qin Xiaolan was in a lot of trouble after being taken away by Brother Monkey.

  Zhong Zimo gestured to Gong Yi who was coming out of the tent in the distance after the meeting, "Have you seen him? If you can find a way to let him send Hua Mi back to Xiangcheng, how much food will you need in the future? There will be no problem."

  Hearing this, Mi Guoyuan opened his mouth, as if he had something to say.

  But before he could say anything, Qin Xiaolan nodded quickly, "Okay, okay, it's a deal."

  Zhong Zimo said with a smile,

  "Maybe Hua Mi won't cooperate, so you can use other methods, force her to leave here."

  "Of course, I'm just suggesting, you decide what means to use."

  Everything and the above are just random suggestions from Zhong Zimo.

  He did not instruct Qin Xiaolan to do anything.

  Seeing Qin Xiaolan nodding, Zhong Zimo threw the bread in his hand over.

  The feeding gesture is similar to feeding a dog.

  The bread fell to the ground. Qin Xiaolan picked up the bread from the snow, ran onto the bus, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

  Mi Guoyuan, who was outside the car, walked up to Zhong Zimo and asked quietly,

  "How could Gong Yi like Qin Xiaolan's beauty?"

  "Gong Yi's current status is incomparable to what he used to be. What do you think of him? Is there such a woman? Qin Xiaolan is really bad."

  Zhong Zimo turned sideways, held a fire in his hand, and lit a cigarette,

  "She has a motive for anything she does against Hua Mi."

  Let other women do it with Hua Mi, they don't have such a strong hatred for Hua Mi.

 They may not necessarily try their best to exclude Hua Mi.

  But Qin Xiaolan is different. Qin Xiaolan hates Hua Mi.

  This kind of hatred is enough to drive Qin Xiaolan to despair.

  Hearing this, Mi Guoyuan stopped talking.

 He felt pity for Hua Mi's upcoming fate.

  But Mi Guoyuan doesn't pity Hua Mi. After all, she is blocking the way and insists on staying in D City, preventing others from flourishing and climbing up.

  Just like that, the morning of the second day arrived.

  Everyone got into their positions and started to dress up and go to D city to kill zombies.

  That's the good thing about zombies frozen in ice.

  You can kill as many as you want, just blow up a little bit of the ice and release the zombies inside.

  When you want to rest, don't worry about these zombies. When you have rested enough, you can continue to blast the zombies out.

  Several women twisted their waists and joined Li Haifu's group of superpowers.

  Even from a distance, you can hear them calling brother, brother is strong, brother is awesome.

  Hua Mi followed Gong Yi out of the nanny car and glanced at Li Haifu.

  She don't know if it's an illusion, but she always feel that people with special abilities like Li Haifu seem to be afraid of these women who make loud noises.

  At this time, Qin Xiaolan stumbled over and knelt directly in front of Hua Mi and Gong Yi, "Sister Hua Mi, please let me go."