Qin Xiaolan gets really old very fast.

  She was wearing a thin down jacket, revealing a handful of hooded hair, which was as dry and yellow as hay.

  Seeing Gong Yi stop and look down, Qin Xiaolan cried very pitifully, with tears all over her face.

  "Sister Hua Mi, I know I was very rude to you before, please forgive me. I was wrong, I was really wrong."

  Hua Mi, who was about to go find Shi Caixia, looked at Qin Xiaolan with an incomprehensible expression. "What did I do to you? Why are you kneeling here begging for my forgiveness?"

  It seems that since Hua Mi reunited with Qin Xiaolan, Hua Mi has only touched Qin Xiaolan once.

  After that, didn't it all depend on Qin Xiaolan to do whatever she had to do?

Qin Xiaolan cried and shook her head. Seeing that Gong Yi was about to leave, she hurriedly knelt down and blocked Gong Yi's way, "Sister Hua Mi, I know I was very rude to you before, but my life is really difficult. Please let me go, I just want to live a good life."

  Hua Mi grabbed Gong Yi who was standing in front of her and pushed Gong Yi's body to the side. She lowered her head and faced Qin Xiaolan, "Since you said you are so pitiful, then tell me, why won't I let you go?"

  Qin Xiaolan crawled over on her knees, her posture as pitiful as possible,

  "Give me a way to survive. I know you are angry, sister Hua Mi. You can target me, but after you target me, can you give me some food? Just a little." Wait for her hand to reach Hua Mi's. When the instep was touched, Hua Mi moved two steps back to avoid physical contact with Qin Xiaolan.

  Hua Mi nodded, "You want something to eat? Okay, a debris removal team will come over today. You can go to the debris removal team to clear the snow, and you'll get three meals and two snacks a day, as well as a late-night snack of barbecue and beer."

  No people have time to target Qin Xiaolan. In fact, before today, Hua Mi never thought of Qin Xiaolan.

  A woman who is lazy and just wants to sell her body to make a living is not worth of Hua Mi's time and energy.

  If Qin Xiaolan wants to eat, just go to work.

  She couldn't just wait for Hua Mi to bring food to Qin Xiaolan's mouth if she didn't want to work.

  Qin Xiaolan shook her head,

  "I can't do heavy work, sister Hua Mi, and you also know that my health is not good." Crying, she raised her head and looked at Gong Yi. Although her face was old and hateful, this did not prevent Qin Xiaolan from looking pitifully looked at Gong Yi.

  An ordinary pregnant woman would probably be out of breath if Qin Xiaolan harassed her like this.

  In an extreme environment, Hua Mi has such a big belly, and if she is not careful, she may have fetal gas.

  If you have fetal gas, you may not be able to find a doctor or nurse to treat you.

  But Hua Mi was okay. She stood in the wind and snow and looked at Qin Xiaolan coldly, "It's just sweeping the snow. It's okay. People who are weaker than you can sweep it. Why can't you sweep it?"

  "Don't you have a broom? Do you want me to lend you a broom?"

  The snow is too heavy, so just relying on a sweeping robot and a garbage truck is still a drop in the bucket.

  There are more and more garrisons here, and there will be new garrisons on the list every day to practice.

  Therefore, a large amount of supplies had to be brought over, and the snow road from the entrance of D City to the highway had to be cleaned up.

  When there are more people, many details need to be taken care of. Hua Mi plans to set up a teleportation point at the gate of D City today.

  After the teleport point is set up, more survivors are needed to build surrounding facilities around the teleport point.

  There are still many job opportunities here.

  Qin Xiaolan continued to pester Hua Mi, "No, sister Hua Mi, why did you do this to me? You have a strong man and a child who is about to be born. Please let me go."

"So I'm asking you, what did I do to you? What makes you think I haven't let you go? Tell me so I can let you go."

  Hua Mi was no longer in a hurry to do her business. She opened the door of the nanny car and sat in the clean footrest.

  Then she said to Gong Yi,

  "Go and do your work. I'll have a nice chat with Miss Qin."

  Gong Yi's stern eyes looked at Qin Xiaolan, his brows furrowed tightly.

  He thinks women like Qin Xiaolan are a bit scary.

  Obviously Qin Xiaolan seems to be the weak one, and very weak.

  But it just makes people feel angry.

  There is no way to kill such a woman.

  Because she was weak, she was kowtowing and crying, her cries were like blood, and her mouth was: Let me go, give me a way to live. If he really want to kill Qin Xiaolan, or even slap her, it's all a kind of injustice.

  It was the first time that Gong Yi saw this kind of woman. She was in full act of weak and a pituful people.

  He turned around and said to Hua Mi with worry, "Honey, why don't you go back to Xiangcheng first."

  He was afraid that Hua Mi would be angered by Qin Xiaolan.

  So Gong Yi had the idea to send Hua Mi back to Xiangcheng.

  She can't be offended, at least his wife can hide from her.

  Hua Mi looked up and looked at Gong Yi and smiled, "Why do you want me to go back to Xiangcheng? I won't go back."

  She felt that she was fine and was not angry at all. She even planned to say goodbye to Qin Xiaolan properly.

  So, Hua Mi urged Gong Yi again,

  "You go about your business. If you have nothing to do, don't disturb me. I can take care of it here." As soon as Hua Mi finished speaking, Qin Xiaolan pounced forward and was about to hug Gong Yi's leg.

  But Gong Yi had quick eyesight and took a few steps back, causing Qin Xiaolan to fall into the snow.

  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my knees hurt so much, I'm really sorry."

  Qin Xiaolan looked aggrieved in the snow. She struggled to kneel down again, looking at Gong Yi and Hua Mi pitifully.

  It seemed as if it was Hua Mi and Gong Yi who asked her to kneel here.

  Hua Mi raised her eyebrows, but still calmly said to Qin Xiaolan,

  "Why don't you get up? If you kneel down, won't you pounce on my husband."

  "No, no, no, if you don't let me go, I won't get up."

  Qin Xiaolan cried and shook her head, then kowtowed to Hua Mi again.

  Hua Mi nodded and said expressionlessly, "Okay, okay, I'll let you go. If you want me to let you go, I'll let you go. I'll let you go."

  Who knew that Qin Xiaolan didn't seem to be able to understand people's words? She kept shouting, "Sister Hua Mi, don't speak in such a weird way. I'm really scared. Please give me a way out."

  This gesture made Shi Caixia who was watching on the side very angry.

  She walked over quickly and kicked Qin Xiaolan until she fell to the side.

  "Who are you acting with at here? Do you think you are justified because you are weak? Why don't you try acting again?!"

  Shi Caixia's bad temper recently was caused by killing zombies.

  Qin Xiaolan started to cry loudly. She did not resist, but many women looked over and looked at Shi Caixia who beat someone with condemning eyes.