Qin Xiaolan has gone completely crazy.

  She stood in the wind and snow, looking at Hua Mi,

  "It's all because of you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have suffered so much. It's all caused by you."

  She finally stopped pretending. Not long ago, she still kneel on the ground and look pitiful in front of everyone.

  She hope Hua Mi can let her go.

  But now, the way she looked at Hua Mi was filled with hatred.

  Downright hatred.

  Hua Mi sneered and held the long knife in her hand forward, "My fault? Isn't it your own fault that you are here today?"

  In the past, Hua Mi and Qin Xiaolan had nothing to do with each other. It was Qin Xiaolan herself. She was too naive and trusted Fang Xin, and finally fell into the hands of Brother Monkey.

  "Now that Brother Monkey is dead, you can completely break away from the past and live a good life, but you still chose to betray yourself."

"You don't work hard and chose this path now, are you still blaming all the mistakes in your life to other people? How can you live an easier life when someone else is in charge?"

  Hua Mi looked at Qin Xiaolan warily.

  The hatred on Qin Xiaolan's face turned into a look of confusion.

  After a while, Qin Xiaolan murmured,

  "But you are my brother's girlfriend. You should have found me and protected me from the very beginning. Even my mother, you should have treated her well and provided for her in her old age."

"So? Just because I got blind once, but I still have to work as a cow for your family for the rest of my life?"

  Hua Mi didn't know what kind of thinking this was.

  Qin Xiaolan couldn't control her emotions and shouted loudly,"Why not? Why can't you work as a cow and horse for our family for the rest of your life? The daughters-in-law of other families are all members of the family who work hard for their husband's family and take care of their husbands."

"You also said, it is the husband. What is the relationship between me and your brother? You should contact Fang Xin about this matter. Oh, I forgot, Fang Xin is dead."

Before she finished her words, the expression of Qin Xiaolan became crazy and suddenly took out a gun and shot Hua Mi.

  She shouted loudly, "Fang Xin, Fang Xin, Fang Xin is also your sister. It's because of you that she hurt me like this."

  The bullet was shot, but it did not fall on Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi just stood there without moving.

  When Qin Xiaolan was about to draw her gun, she could actually move away.

  But Hua Mi didn't move, and the bullet didn't hit her.

  The bullet stopped in front of Hua Mi, as if separated by a transparent wall. It was stuck on the wall 1 meter away from Hua Mi, unable to move.

  Qin Xiaolan was unwilling to give in. She pointed her gun at Hua Mi again and fired several more shots.

  "Why? Why can't I kill you? Why?"

  She couldn't believe it. She looked at the bullet floating in front of Hua Mi and shouted frantically, "What is this? Why is the bullet floating in front of you? Why are you not dead?"

  "Because." Hua Mi held the long knife and looked up at the sky, "I am always within the coverage of someone's mental power."

  Although Hua Mi did not mention it, she was in D city and was always in the area. The whole moment was covered by Gong Yi's mental power.

  Now Gong Yi's mental power can cover a radius of more than 600 meters.

  Now that Hua Mi has such a big belly, she wants to move around and kill zombies, whatever she wants, Gong Yi will not care about her.

  Because Gong Yi knew that Hua Mi was not in danger.

  When the real bullet comes, Gong Yi will not let Hua Mi be in any danger.

  Although Hua Mi may is able to dodge these bullets.

  The next moment, Hua Mi picked up the long knife in her hand and cut off Qin Xiaolan's gun-holding arm.


  A scream sounded, and the black pistol and an arm fell into the snow.

  Hua Mi stepped forward, and the pistol and arm disappeared on the spot.

  Before Qin Xiaolan could stand firm, the long knife in Hua Mi's hand was placed across Qin Xiaolan's neck.

  "You just made a mess of your own life because of your own incompetence and your unwillingness to endure hardship and greed for enjoyment." Hua Mi used a little force and cut Qin Xiaolan's neck with the sharp blade.

  She said expressionlessly, "Since you feel that living is a pain, then I will send you on your way to reunite with your brother and mother."

  As she spoke, Hua Mi pushed the handle of the long knife with her hand.

  With a little force, Qin Xiaolan's head was cut off.

  This movement seemed slow, but in fact there was no time left for Qin Xiaolan to say her last words.

  The sweeping robot came up quickly and sent Qin Xiaolan's body to the high-end garbage recycling station.

  The sweeping robot has been working very hard recently and has gained a lot of level 19 factory energy.

  Huami's high-end garbage recycling station has reached level 6, [remaining lottery x36].

  The streets and alleys of this D city are filled with sweeping robots and driverless garbage trucks.

  Cleaning up zombie corpses 24 hours a day will prevent the city from piling up zombie corpses.

  Looking at the long white street, Hua Mi looked very satisfied.

  She turned around and went to another street to search for zombies.

  It was as if she had never experienced a bloody fight, and it was as if Qin Xiaolan had never appeared in front of her.

  Even from beginning to end, Gong Yi never appeared.

  At this time, Zhong Zimo outside the city gate looked at the snow-swaying D city like a stone.

  Behind him, Mi Guoyuan said, "I received news that Qin Xiaolan went to look for Hua Mi, but disappeared in the end. Hua Mi is still alive."

  More and more people are entering D City. If you can spend money to inquire, there are many methods for Mi Guoyuan and Zhong Zimo.

  As long as the money is in place, the people inside will deliver some news to the outside world.

  Mi Guoyuan lowered his voice and said,"It seems that Qin Xiaolan failed."

  Zhong Zimo had little money left in his hand, and half of his money was used up to buy a gun.

  Spending money to find out information costs a lot.

  If they don't find a way to leave, they will probably expose themselves sooner or later.

  Seeing that Zhong Zimo didn't speak, Mi Guoyuan said in a deep voice, "I have news for you. If you decide to follow me, I will take you to find the boss."

  "He is in E City now, and he also has a group of superpowers in his hands. Those who are capable."

  Hearing this, Zhong Zimo suddenly turned around, his eyes flashed with light,

  "Your boss? Zhang Jifeng? Isn't he dead?"

  Mi Guoyuan said, "No, Zhang Jifeng is just my former boss."

  Seeing that Zhong Zimo had tried everything and wasted so long at the gate of D City, There arebmore and more survivors in D City.

  When talking about zombies, many people still look frightened.

  But most of the people who can come to D City are quite brave.

  Being bold means having more money and supplies.

  And the women who enter D City to sell meat are also rare.

  Qin Xiaolan was living a prosperous life here.

 Deep in D City, Hua Mi held a two-meter-long knife and cut off the head of the zombie on the opposite side. She turned around and shouted,"Cai Xia, dig it out for me. The crystal core."

  She was physically inconvenient.

  Shi Caixia ran over helplessly, followed by a bunch of zombies. She turned around and chopped off the head of a zombie, while skillfully crushing the zombie's head with her feet.

  She picked out a zombie crystal core the size of a pomegranate seed from a pile of shredded brains and threw it to Hua Mi.


  Hua Mi's movements were clumsy, but she accurately caught the crystal core handed over by Shi Caixia. .

  As soon as she turned around, she saw Zhou Cheng.

  Zhou Cheng had a simple and honest smile on his face. Seeing Shi Caixia approaching, he scratched his head and asked, "Xiaxia, do you agree to marry me today?"

  He really comes to ask Shi Caixia every day, no matter how long he has killed zombies or how long he has not slept.

  He will definitely come and hang out with Shi Caixia every day.

  Shi Caixia rolled her eyes at Zhou Cheng and said nothing.

  At this moment, Shi Caixia took out her mobile phone and glanced at the screen.

  Most of the dozens of missed calls were from Zhong Zimo.

  Zhou Cheng, who was next to him, glanced at him and said honestly,

  "Secretary Zhong is so perseverant. He calls you dozens of times every day, Xiaxia. Unlike me, I don't even call. I will only come to you in person."

  Not far away, Hua Mi was stroking her belly, leaning against the garbage truck on the side of the road, glanced at Zhou Cheng.

  She heard Zhou Cheng say with an honest face, "Secretary Zhong is still educated and smart. Outside D city, he can chase Xia Xia while avoiding danger. It's different from me. I'm stupid and go wherever there is danger."

  Hua Mi looked at Zhou Cheng carefully again and opened her mouth to speak.

  Zhou Cheng raised his eyes and glanced at Hua Mi, signaling Hua Mi to leave quickly.

  With him by Xia Xia's side, Hua Mi doesn't need to talk.

  Okay, Zhou Cheng is really an honest and straightforward person.

  Hua Mi touched the tip of her nose and turned away knowingly.

  She was fat and clumsy, and as soon as she walked to the next street, several men walked up to her.

  Looking at this posture, Hua Mi snorted coldly, held her waist and stood still.

  Hua Mi is very familiar with this kind of thing.

  Perhaps she was too calm, and the man who walked up to her first had a malicious look on his face, "Big belly lady, we slept with a woman recently. She doesn't want money or supplies, as long as we help her avenge her."

  Hua Mi thrust the two-meter long knife in her hand into the snow, leaned on the knife and asked, "What woman? Why do I have such a deep grudge against her? Is she going to use this method to have revenge on me?"

  This is the same as what she said. How many men have slept with for free?

  Look at the men coming from all directions, there are quite a few.

  Hua Mi secretly counted, one, two, three, four and twenty-seven.

  So many men are sleeping for free.

  The leading man glanced at Hua Mi's belly with a look of regret.

  He did not answer Hua Mi, but said,

  "It's a pity. I don't care about your deep hatred. Seeing that your belly is not small anymore, you will die in the mouth of zombies sooner or later. You might as well let us kill you so that we can fulfill our promise."

  It is said that Hua Mi has a lot of money.

  This is what Qin Xiaolan said.

  She would inform each man of her conditions before sleeping with him, and she would take nothing from him, not even a bite of food.

  But these men want to help her take Hua Mi's life.

  As long as Hua Mi is killed, the money on Hua Mi will belong to these men.

  If they agree to Qin Xiaolan, they can sleep with her.

  It doesn't matter whether he sleeps with this old and ugly woman or not.

  But they got some tantalizing news.

  Hua Mi, a big-bellied woman, has a lot of money, enough to buy the entire Xiangcheng base.

  This is very tempting for most men.

  There were so many zombies in D city that a big-bellied woman simply couldn't survive. Rather than letting Hua Mi die in the zombies' mouths, it would be better to die in their hands.

  Hua Mi shrugged and watched as the man opposite showed a knife and pointed the tip at her stomach.

  She shook her head, "It's OK to provoke me, but you can't point the tip of the knife at my ducklings."

  Mothers are born to protect their calves.

  She pulled out the long knife stuck in the snow and cut off the arm of the man opposite who was holding the knife.

  The second knife cut the man's neck directly.

  Because the knife is too long, as long as 2 meters.

  Therefore, the man's hot blood did not rush to Hua Mi's body.

  She took two steps back, and the man behind her raised the weapon in his hand and slashed at Hua Mi's back.

  Hua Mi looked like she had eyes on her back. She had a big belly but could stab him with her backhand.

  She raised her eyes, her cold and bloodthirsty eyes projected from her goggles, looking at the eager men opposite, "Do you know who bought the weapons in your hands from?"

  Before she finished speaking, the men on the left and behind, all rushed towards her.

  They are indeed the most courageous group of survivors.

  With this courage, they stood out from the group of survivors and became the first among the survivors to face the zombies head-on.

 They also has the courage to make this ill-gotten fortune.

  Hua Mi didn't call anyone at all, although Gong Yi gave her a whistle specially used for garrisoning.

  As long as she blows the whistle, all nearby garrisons will rush over in time.

  But Hua Mi didn't have time to blow the whistle.

  The long knife in her hand whirred, her belly was big, and her movements were clumsy and bloated.

  But no one could touch her.

  No one even knew how she, with such a bloated figure, could move smoothly and cut all the men who besieged her on this long street into two pieces.

  This may be a mystery that will never be solved.

  Dozens of sweeping robots came from all directions, and a garbage truck slowly came from the street.

  After a while, the bodies on the ground were cleared away.

  Even the white snow stained with bright red blood was shoveled clean.

  The whole long street seemed like nothing had happened.

  Hua Mi held the long knife dripping with blood and continued to wander along the long street next door.

  She met Qin Xiaolan here.

  Qin Xiaolan's hair under her hat was as dry as a handful of dead grass.

  Her dead fish-like eyes stared at Hua Mi,"How did you escape?"

  Standing in the wind and snow, Qin Xiaolan screamed at Hua Mi with a broken expression,"I ask you, how did you escape? Ah? Why, why did you run away?"

  "Why don't you die?"

   he couldn't even touch the garrison.

  Mi Guoyuan had to think of ways to find a way out again.

  As a result, he contacted the "boss".

  Zhong Zimo, however, listened with glowing eyes to what Mi Guoyuan said as a "superpower".

  He nodded, "Let's make a plan and take these beautiful women to join your boss."