Mi Guoyuan and Zhong Zimo quietly prepared to leave D city on a snowy night.

  The first to evacuate were the women.

  Zhong Zimo took the beauties he had worked so hard to select and got on the Hunan D Expressway first.

  Mi Guoyuan packed his things and was about to leave.

  On the side, Uncle Eight squatted in the snow and watched, holding a cigarette in his mouth, and sighed, "Those beautiful women are gone."

  They are all very beautiful women. Their appearance and figure are absolutely amazing. Before the end of the world, Either an Internet celebrity or a celebrity.

  He have to say that although Zhong Zimo and Mi Guoyuan are useless, their vision of picking women is still very unique.

  A wrecker next to him spat: "What's the use of being pretty? These days, the more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous she is."

  All the wreckers knew that Zhong Zimo's women were to be kept for the garrisons. Or provided to people with super powers.

  This is not a very moral thing to do.

  But in the end of the world, it is the best way out for these beautiful women.

  And these women themselves are willing.

  No one has any reason to drive them away.

  They were neither noisy nor fussy, and were even very much looking forward to meeting a senior garrison officer or a person with super powers.

  A group of wreckers, who could only see but not touch, squatted in a row and sighed.

  They saw Gong Yi coming out of City D with the garrison, and stopped Mi Guoyuan who was about to leave.

  Gong Yi was wearing a garrison uniform and a black coat.

  At this moment, the medal on the garrison hat shines.

  His eyes were like knives, full of sharpness.

  He threw the pistol in his hand at Mi Guoyuan's feet and said, "What does this pistol have to do with you?"

  How could Qin Xiaolan, have a gun?

 Not only is Hua Mi strictly controlling guns, but Gong Yi is also strictly controlling the proliferation of guns.

  This thing must be restrained now.

  But Gong Yi also knows that the world is not good, and although some people appear to be respectful on the surface, they are actually not submissive.

  Many people buy and sell guns and ammunition privately.

  Not many, but there are.

  They always have endless ways and means to obtain these things.

  As long as there is money, lots and lots of money, there will be a market for this thing.

  But is Qin Xiaolan rich? A woman who makes a living by selling meat will not be able to buy a gun no matter how much money she has.

  When Mi Guoyuan saw the pistol at his feet, he lied for a moment and secretly cursed bitterly.

  Why did he let Zhong Zimo leave first?

Everything was planned and implemented by Zhong Zimo, but Mi Guoyuan stayed here.

  "Where did this come from?"

  Before Mi Guoyuan could finish speaking, the next moment, his throat seemed to be held by an invisible hand.

  What was terrifying was that the invisible hand lifted him high.

  Mi Guoyuan's feet even left the ground.

  He struggled in the air, kicking his feet in the air, and his whole face turned into the color of pig liver.

 "It has nothing to do with me, it's Zhong Zimo,"

  Gong Yi's voice was cold,"Tell me. What's going on?"

  He actually had no evidence to prove that Zhong Zimo and Mi Guoyuan gave this gun to Qin Xiaolan.

  Coming out of D City today was purely to deceive Mi Guoyuan.

  Who knew that it was really Zhong Zimo's fault.

  Mi Guoyuan was hanging in the air and fell directly to the snow. He didn't even have the strength to stand up.

  Once the fresh air is obtained, all that is left is to breathe hard.

  Like a dried fish returning to the sea.

  Gong Yi, who stood upright, took two steps forward.

  He has not been very patient recently. If Mi Guoyuan hadn't told him yet, he would have kicked him away.

  Realizing the danger, Mi Guoyuan lay on the snow and coughed while talking about Zhong Zimo buying a gun for Qin Xiaolan.

  "Where did Zhong Zimo go?" Gong Yi lowered his eyes and asked coldly.

  This Zhong Zimo , he really couldn't tell why a secretary could be so courageous.

  Is killing a pregnant woman something that a normal person can do?

 Mi Guoyuan lay down and took two steps back, as if doing so would make him less dangerous.

  He told Zhong Zimo intermittently that he got on the highway and was going to go to E City to join the "boss".

  Gong Yi sneered at the corner of his mouth,"E City, you can run far enough."

  E City is going to the direction of A City.

  City D and City A are one heading north and the other heading west.

  This shows how cunning the "boss" is.

  Everyone thought that the "boss" should be in D City, or went to H City further north.

  It turned out that he didn't, he was in City E to the west of City A.

  As for the boss Mi Guoyuan mentioned, he blindly guessed that it was Chen Hu.

  But in fact, Mi Guoyuan doesn't know who the so-called "boss" is.

  He only knew that his former immediate boss, Zhang Jifeng, was not the biggest boss in the D city management building.

  In fact, there is someone behind Zhang Jifeng. Zhang Jifeng calls this person "boss".

  Brother Monkey and those women were sent to D City by this "boss".

  "I've said everything, let me go, let me go."

  Mi Guoyuan was frightened to death. He sat up tremblingly and looked at Gong Yi expectantly.

  He believed he had a good chance of surviving.

  The garrison has strict discipline and will not kill easily.

  Before there is conclusive evidence, Gong Yi will not take anyone's life without any reason.

  Therefore, Mi Guoyuan was afraid of returning, but he was not worried about his own life.

  He has already planned that once he leaves City D, he will immediately go to City E to join the "boss."

  If it is not necessary in this life, Mi Guoyuan does not want to deal with the garrison again.

  Especially Gong Yi.

  Gong Yi, standing in front of him, lowered his eyes and pursed his lips.

  There was serious thinking in his sharp eyes.

  The discipline of the garrison does not allow him to treat human life lightly.

  But is it really better for the survivors to keep people like Mi Guoyuan?

  He didn't seem to have committed any serious crimes. Others were managing the building, and he had never killed anyone, nor had he led any major conspiracy.

  Even the fact that he stayed at the gate of City D was because of Zhong Zimo's insistence.

  He just watched.

  Watch Brother Monkey and the others turn miserable women into the management building one after another.

  Watching the administrators that Zhong Zimo brought to D City, were killed by Zhang Jifeng.

  Halso watched Zhong Zimo hinting Qin Xiaolan to go to Hua Mi.

  He even watched Zhong Zimo give Qin Xiaolan a gun and help Qin Xiaolan kill a pregnant woman who was 6 months pregnant.

  Should Mi Guoyuan die?

 Mi Guoyuan was on the snow. Seeing that Gong Yi was silent, he stood up, turned around and ran towards the highway.

  Gong Yi took two steps forward, raised his fingers slightly, and Mi Guoyuan, who had already run several meters away, resumed his feet in the air.

  He covered his neck with both hands, feeling suffocated. Mi Guoyuan's eyes were full of disbelief.

  "Indifference is also an accomplice."

  Gong Yi thought for a long time and concluded that Mi Guoyuan was guilty.

  Watching indifferently many times is just helping the evildoer.