Human beings are accustomed to uniting themselves and their companions with the same hatred and goals.

  All it takes is a very simple reason to collectively deal with the same person.

  No matter how weak and innocent this person is.

  The more they bully such weak and innocent people together, the more they prove their friendship and strength.

  This principle is actually applicable at any time.

  It is especially obvious in the last days.

  The man standing in front of Hua Mi pushed towards Hua Mi.

  "You are so arrogant."

  Hua Mi backed away, turned around, and with a "swish" sound, the long knife came out and directly slashed the man who pushed her in the waist.

  He knew clearly that she was pregnant and her belly was already so big, but he still pushed her.

  Wasn't he trying to kill her?

  There was blood with just one cut, and no one could even see clearly how the knife came out of Hua Mi, a pregnant woman.

  Hot blood was sprinkled on the ground, and many blood drops splashed on Hua Mi's face.

  In the astonished eyes of everyone, she stood up straight, thrust her long knife into the snow, and swept around everyone, "Stop talking nonsense, there are still many people who want to die, come up."

  After killing them, she could go to rest.

  Shi Caixia, who was back to back with her, skillfully drew out the two axes behind her, and even Dafu and Xiaofu fiercely drew out their watermelon knives.

  It's not as easy as imagined to bully them today.

  Guo Se's eyes gradually became colder and full of meaning.

  Just when she was about to speak, Ni Shuiwen jumped off the roof of the car, "What's going on?"

  He smiled and came to Guo Se's side.

  Guo Se wanted to speak, but Ni Shuiwen grabbed her hand and signaled her to be silent.

  He came to Shi Caixia, glanced at Hua Mi's back with a smile,"Oh, look, today is such a good day, why is there such a fuss?"

  "I just walked away for a while, and something like this things happened."

  He had seen everything just now.

  Even standing on the roof of the car, he could clearly see how the conflict arose.

  It wasn't until he was sure that Hua Mi was not an ordinary pregnant woman that Ni Shuiwen stepped forward to smooth things over.

  When Guo Se saw Ni Shuiwen's attitude, she instantly understood what Ni Shuiwen meant.

  As a result, Guo Se's face changed very quickly, and she returned to her original majesty. She smiled generously and said, "It was all a misunderstanding. How did this lead to death?"

  Anyone who has the courage to kill someone . They are definitely not ordinary people. Bringing such people into their team will definitely be a boost to the team they are about to establish.

  Even if you can't get into the team, you don't need to offend people like Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi held the handle of the long knife with one hand and turned around. There were still blood drops on her face.

  She opened her mouth and asked Ni Shuiwen, "Can you let us go?"

  Before she could finish her words, a man stood up behind Hua Mi and said, "Smelly bitch, you killed my brother!"

  Most of the people who can come to D City are not singles. Fighting alone, many come in groups.

  The survivors invited by Ni Shuiwen today did not go through any screening. Anyone can participate, whether it is a pregnant woman like Hua Mi or a brother with malicious intentions.

  Unfortunately, the man Hua Mi just hacked to death had a brother.

  Just when everyone thought Hua Mi was about to be attacked from behind.

  The long knife in Hua Mi's hand was raised again.

  She just casually pulled back, attacked the man, and he was hacked to death.

  This time, Hua Mi did not insert the long knife into the snow. Instead, she glanced at Ni Shuiwen and Guo Se, turned around, and walked back to her RV.

  Someone tried to stop her on the road, but she slashed across it to make it clear.

  Anyone who stops her will die.

  The person who tried to stop her unconsciously retracted his hand.

  Shi Caixia and Dafu Xiaofu backed up and exited the gathering place little by little.

  Ni Shuiwen originally wanted to persuade Hua Mi to stay, but looking at the situation today.

  Two people have died.

  The men at the scene all looked at Hua Mi with deep and vigilant eyes.

  And full of murderous intent.

  It is estimated that if he opens his mouth to win over Hua Mi, he will offend a lot of people.

  So Ni Shuiwen let Hua Mi go with a smile. Some people looked unconvinced and said, "This big-bellied woman actually killed two people. It is simply unreasonable."

  "Her methods are too evil. If we let her stay here, our life safety will not be guaranteed."

  The person who said this seemed to have no memory that the two dead men were the first to attack Hua Mi. .

  After hearing this, Ni Shuiwen advised:

  "We don't want to fight internally here. We should be united in dealing with the outside world. The top priority is to explode more zombies and obtain more crystal nuclei."

"You think Ami is dangerous ? But think about it from another angle, if we are in danger, with her here, our chances of survival will be greatly improved, right?"

  Just watching Hua Mi dance with the knife, even though she has a big belly, she can move smoothly. And two lives are easily resolved.

  She must have practiced it before.

  This kind of person is more useful to the team than a strong and powerful man.

  If everyone becomes a team, Hua Mi can still protect everyone.

  So thinking from this aspect, there is no need for everyone to fight with Hua Mi now.

  After Ni Shuiwen's explanation, everyone calmed down even if they were dissatisfied.

  Indeed, the purpose of their party tonight was to explode more zombies and obtain more crystal nuclei.

  Losing one's life here because ofHua Mi for no reason is not worth the gain.

  Ni Shuiwen gave Guo Se a wink, and the couple reunited as a group to continue enjoying the future.

  In the future, they can explode the frozen layer themselves and release the zombies inside.

  There are endless zombies to kill and endless crystal nuclei to hunt.

  There is endless money to exchange, and there are endless zombies.

  Compared with these, just two people were killed by a pregnant woman, which seems to be no big deal.

  After all, this city is full of frozen corpses.

  Just waiting for the list of members to join the group to be compiled, the survivors of D City left one by one.

  It was already late at night.

  Looking at the moon that he finally saw again, Ni Shuiwen told Guo Se who was making a bed behind their small truck,

 "Bring some supplies tomorrow and go look for that big-bellied woman. I'm wondering where this big-bellied woman came from. It's not simple."

  "At least it's not as simple as we thought before."

  Guo Se breathed out with lingering fear, "Thankfully I didn't offend that big-bellied woman to death today. You can see that she didn't even blink, and she even chopped two people. If a fight breaks out today, the garrison will definitely be provoked."

  Speaking of this matter, Guo Se still felt very lucky, and turned back to Ni Shuiwen and said, "Tell you about this pregnant woman, she is quite powerful, I really didn't expect it. I originally thought it was a drag, but as soon as she took action, she was like the king."