It still didn't snow on the second day, and the survivors continued to be in high spirits.

  But on the garrison side, the atmosphere was gloomy and the troops were prepared.

  Gong Yi called Hua Mi and started a strict survey inside the newly built wall of the Xiangcheng base.

  Anyone who makes any unusual movements will be taken away by the garrison and placed in a specially designated area for guarding and observation.

  After all the garrison elites were sent to D City to kill zombies, ordinary garrison troops were also sent here by Gong Yi.

  D city has more garrison.

  Because it is no longer snowing, it means that the frozen layer is about to melt.

  Then what will come out soon not only will be zombies in D city.

  If the snow melts, it will melt more than one city.

  The future situation is very serious.

  At this time, Guo Se approached Hua Mi.

  She was standing outside Hua Mi's RV, looking at Hua Mi who was packing things inside and preparing to go out to kill zombies. She smiled and said, "I said, what we talked about last night about exploding the ice together, my husband already has a direction."

  "Now is the time when we need the help of people like you. My husband has arranged a position for you. When the time comes, you will be standing near the blast point.This is definitely the place with the most zombies position."

  She meant this, as if she didn't realize that Hua Mi would refuse her invitation.

  Hua Mi, who had already walked out of the RV with her belly supported, also smiled and said to Guo Se, "There is no need to arrange my position. My belly is too big and the explosion point is too dangerous. I will not participate in what you are going to do."

  Hua Mi said this sincerely, more truthfully than Pearl.

  Even she didn't dare to go to the blasting point. When Gong Yi wanted to blast the ice at a fixed point, she stayed far away.

  What's more, a pheasant team like Guo Se.

  Shee was not afraid of exploding zombies, but she was afraid that they failed to control the amount of explosives and would blow up Hua Mi who was standing near.

  She couldn't react even if she wanted to teleport.

  Guo Se was stunned for a moment and watched Hua Mi lock the car door.

  She came up and said to Hua Mi,

 "Don't you want to kill more zombies? Many people in our team came to my husband and said that we should be closer to the blasting point so that the zombies can be killed when they come out of the ice. "

  Everyone knows that the further away from the blast point, the fewer zombies there will be.

  Look at D city now, you can only watch the garrison there to blast the ice. As soon as the zombies come out, they will be divided up by the garrison elites near the blasting point.

  Ordinary survivors are already far away from the danger zone where they are stationed.

  Each person can only kill an average of ten zombies a day.

  Those who are unlucky only have five or six.

  Hua Mi frowned slightly and listened to Guo Se's talk.

  She took a deep breath and persuaded:

 "Actually, why are you so anxious now?"

  "There will always be a chance to kill zombies for you. When the time comes, I'm afraid you won't be able to kill the zombies. You guys,the current amount of zombies has been scientifically evaluated by the top management of the Xiangcheng base, and it is enough for you to practice."

  Due to the initial material support, Xiangcheng and City B gathered a large number of pre-apocalyptic talents.

  These talents collectively constitute the current Xiangcheng Base Think Tank.

  In addition, Gong Yi's garrison team also has many talented people with both civil and military skills.

  After systematic discussions, they combined the speed of zombies and the current physique of ordinary people, and finally came up with a scientific ratio.

  Ordinary people kill 5-10 zombies a day, and the crystal cores they earn can fully meet their daily material needs.

  The rest of the day can be used by ordinary people to study the internal reference materials of the garrison.

  In the internal reference materials, everything is written about the experience of garrison elites fighting zombies, which is of great learning value.

  Including Hua Mi herself, she would find a way to get the internal reference information of each issue and store it.

  Although she has already been reborn, she still feels that the experiences in these internal reference materials are worth reading again and again.

  "Humans, there is no end to learning."

  Hua Mi looked at the young and impetuous Guo Se and said earnestly,

 "This is still your training stage, and it is time for you to earn crystal cores."

  This is what she said from the bottom of his heart, Hua Mi hopes Guo Se can understand.

  However, Guo Se didn't understand, so she couldn't help but sneer, "There are only so many zombies every day. I don't know whether to say that the garrison pities us, or that the garrison looks down on these zombies and lets us kill them." "

  "Ah. Mi, you are a powerful person, my husband and I both value you, and I think you should be able to understand our grievances."

  The more powerful ordinary survivors are, the more dissatisfied they are with the current practices of the garrison.

  They obviously have the ability to kill more zombies, but because of the selfishness of the garrison, they can only kill a small number of zombies every day.

  It's still the little bit of zombies that leaked from the gaps between the garrison's fingers.


 Who can be convinced?

  Hua Mi shook her head, "But not everyone is that powerful."

  "The best can become the best because there are few people."

  What Gong Yi wants is to improve the overall combat effectiveness of the survivors.

  On this basis, as the last line of defense for mankind, Garrison needs to train itself every minute and every second.

  This is not selfish.

  Hua Mi looked at Guo Se, "Have you ever thought about it, if you blast the zombies out of the frozen layer, you may be able to kill many, many zombies, but what about those who are weaker than you? Once the zombies are out of control. What should you do if they run out of D City and endanger people outside D City? There are still many, many people who dare not enter D City. They will tremble with fear even when they hear the term zombie."

Don't doubt it, This is the true reaction of most people to zombies.

  Those who have the courage to enter City D must have been more courageous than ordinary people before the end of the world.

  Guo Se smiled nonchalantly,"We have killed all the zombies in D City, and those zombies will not run out of D City."

  So no matter what Hua Mi said, Guo Se and the others decided to form a group, break away from the control of the garrison, and explode more zombies to make money.

  Seeing that this theory didn't make sense, Hua Mi shrugged,"Then it's up to you. I choose not to join you."

  Gong Yi's idea is still good. There is nothing more relaxing and comfortable than walking on other people's experience.

  He asked the garrison elites to write down their experience and publish internal garrison reference materials, just so that ordinary survivors could learn while killing zombies.

  But people like Guo Se must use their own blood and tears to sum up their experience in killing zombies.

  To stop them, in their eyes, is to stop them from getting rich.

  Then why did Hua Mi bother to stop her?

  She is leaving, and no matter how Guo Se invited her , she has no intention of joining.

  So angry, Guo Se's face was distorted.

  "What on earth is she talking about?"

  Guo Se looked at Hua Mi's back, puzzled.

  With Hua Mi's conditions and her belly being so big, Guo Se and Ni Shuiwen wouldn't have done it, if not for the sake of Hua Mi's ability to kill people with ease.

  No team would take in a pregnant woman like Hua Mi.