After closely observing the transformation of people from zombies, Shi Caixia and Dafu and Xiaofu truly connected people with zombies.

  This is a very novel understanding.

  Of course they knew that the zombies they killed were just like them, living people before they turned into zombies.

  But knowing is one thing, seeing it with your own eyes is another.

  It's like people know what a tsunami is, but they see the devastating power of a tsunami with their own eyes.

  The shock and fear in their heart must be different.

  Hua Mi picked up the long knife, touched the snow with her toes, and jumped up with her huge belly.

  When it fell, the long knife slashed at the head of the zombie on the ground.

  The blood is still fresh. This kind of zombie that has just transformed into a corpse will not be like a zombie that has been frozen. The blood is as thick as yogurt and has ice particles in it.

  what is that? Ice-blooded yogurt?

  In the distance, Zhou Cheng came back with the garrison. They killed zombies along the way, picked up the collars of several survivors, and threw the exhausted survivors on the snow.

  Seeing Zhou Cheng leading the team to turn around, they were going to kill other zombies.

  The survivors on the snow were helpless and furious, "What have you been doing in the garrison? Where are you going now?"

  "It's very dangerous here. You can't go, you can't go."

  They felt very scared, not knowing that Ni Shuiwen and his team were all blown up. What happened? Why did the zombies suddenly change to so many?

  Even if they drank a whole bottle of [Energy Water Drops], they still wouldn't be able to deal with so many zombies.

  "You always say that the garrison will protect the survivors, but look, when we were besieged by zombies, where did your garrison go?"

"I don't know what you are doing. Can't you see so many zombies? "

  How can Zhou Cheng pay attention to him? It is precisely because there are many zombies around here that he now wants to lead a team to kill zombies and save people.

  The survivors on the ground jumped up and were about to catch up with Zhou Cheng's theory.

  A sharp long knife was placed across his neck.

  Hua Mi was like a bird with a fat belly, falling lightly behind the man.

  She said gloomily, "Don't delay the garrison to save people. If you want to die, I will help you."

  Shi Caixia also waved her ax angrily,

  "It's you bastards who want to blow up the ice and release the zombies privately , it's you!"

  "Now you can't handle it, but you blame the garrison for not being able to rescue in time."

  "The garrison had a plan to let you practice before, what did you do?"

  The survivor with a long knife on his neck turned his head, trembling all over.

  He saw Hua Mi clearly behind him, and a look uglier than crying appeared on his face, "What do you know? You don't know how many zombies there are. No matter where we go, zombies will appear."

  " There are zombies everywhere in the alley, everywhere!"

  What a terrifying sight it is. Although the zombies are easy to kill, they still have to be able to kill them all.

  No matter how powerful the survivors are, no matter how many [Energy Drops] they have, they will never be able to kill them all no matter how hard they try.

  Kill one, and a bunch more.

  After drinking the [Energy Water Drop], They no longer have the money to buy it. Zombies keep coming from all directions, and they are even more airtight than the tide.

  Some survivors tore up the teleportation tickets in their hands and left because they were surrounded by zombies, without having time to take away their luggage and cars.

  Some survivors were torn to pieces by zombies right in front of them.

  This kind of despair and fear was something they had never experienced before.

  Hua Mi looked at the crazy survivors coldly, "I thought you were mentally prepared. Isn't this what you need to go through before you explode the ice privately?"

  It's like someone going to a noodle shop to eat a bowl of noodles. Feeling that it was not enough, he ordered 10 bowls of noodles.

  Before ordering 10 bowls of noodles, he must have a basic understanding of the quantity of 10 bowls of noodles and be mentally prepared.

  "Besides, are there many zombies?" Hua Mi tilted her head and asked in confusion.

  In the previous life, when the zombies appeared, they were not blocked by ice. Hua Mi was surrounded by zombies overnight.

  A densely packed area.

  Compared to the zombies in D City, the number was several times greater.

  The number of zombies is really not that many.

  After they had seen the zombie waves attacking the city a few times, they knew that this scene was still a practice.

  But what Hua Mi asked made people feel like why not eat minced meat.

  The few survivors sitting on the ground raised their heads and glared at Hua Mi,

"What are you talking about? You haven't seen how many zombies there are. If you were in such a predicament, it would be impossible for you to survive."

  "No, I want to go back to Xiangcheng. I can't stay here any longer."

  On the ground, there were already survivors struggling to get up and go to the safe area to get their luggage and cars.

  They were relatively lucky, at least they still had one life left, so they had to leave quickly.

  Hua Mi picked up the long knife, took the handle of the knife, and knocked their knees.

  Her movements were very fast, so fast that no one could see clearly how she moved.

  The survivors kneeling on one knee felt heartbreaking pain in their knees. They gritted their teeth and looked at Hua Mi,

 "What do you mean? We have never offended you from the beginning to the end."

  They knew Hua Mi and knew that some people looked down on Hua Mi before and wanted to cause trouble for Hua Mi.

  But that was someone else. From the beginning to the end, they never stepped forward to do anything to Hua Mi.

  So why is this big-bellied woman giving them a hard time?

  They just want to live well.

  Hua Mi held the handle of the long knife, dragging the blade on the snow, and walked slowly towards the entrance of the safe zone, "Survivors in D City cannot return to Xiangcheng. No one knows whether you have been infected by zombies."

  "The poison will lie dormant in the human body for 48 hours and you can teleport back two days later. I won't stop you."

  Within 48 hours, the survivors may transform into corpses at any time.

  The process of corpse transformation is either very slow or very fast.

  But most of them will see the outcome within 48 hours.

  Two days is not difficult.

  There were survivors on the ground gnashing their teeth, "What you are doing is too bandit. There are countless survivors in D city who have flown back to Xiangcheng. Some of them have been bitten by zombies."

"So you can't leave even more. The teleportation points in Xiangcheng are probably almost overwhelmed now. You went there to increase the workload of medical care and garrison in Xiangcheng."

Hua Mi held a long knife and placed it across the entrance of the safe zone,

"I can't control others but no one can fly back from under my nose."

  "I put my words here, I will cut off the hand of anyone who dares to tear up the teleportation ticket."

  After a pause, Hua Mi looked at the miserable-looking people on the ground and said kindly, "If you have spare energy, you can kill zombies. Didn't you want to kill more zombies and earn more crystal cores earlier?"

  "This is the opportunity to make money that you have worked hard for."