Looking at the survivors here, is anyone willing to deal with Hua Mi?

  Regarding their pain and despair, every word Hua Mi said seemed to be jumping on their bottom line.

  Now that their knees are injured and it's difficult to even walk, how can they kill zombies?

  The key is, do they still dare to kill zombies?

 Someone gritted his teeth and said, "I have never been bitten by a zombie, and a zombie has never touched me. Why don't you let me go back to Xiangcheng?"

  Hua Mi looked down at him, her posture full of disdain, "Who knows? Should I believe you when you say you haven't been bitten or scratched?"

  She didn't believe it, and she didn't want to take off the clothes of these survivors one by one and inspect their bodies inch by inch.

  She said they won't be allowed to go back to Xiangcheng, so they won't be allowed to go back. There is too much nonsense.

  Hua Mi inserted the long knife into the snow, "Save some strength and restore your physical strength. If the garrison cannot withstand it, you can kill a few more zombies before you die."

Undoubtedly, these words are again true. The survivors turned pale and their teeth itched with hatred.

  But hate, so what? These survivors couldn't even defeat Zhou Cheng, how could they defeat Hua Mi?

 After a while, the garrison sent several survivors who were pale, miserable and crying loudly.

  Everyone was crawling in the snow, as if they had experienced some terrible disaster and were surviving.

  Hua Mi watched coldly, saying nothing or comforting.

  Everyone in the last days has to go through this test.

  All survivors must overcome their own psychological barriers and understand this apocalypse properly.

  If there are survivors who survive, there will naturally be survivors who want to leave D City.

  But those who had teleportation tickets flew away.

  Those who were left behind either did not have teleportation tickets in their hands, or they had teleportation tickets but put all their belongings in the temporary safety zone.

  If they fly away now, they will lose all the supplies in the temporary safety zone.

  They have been busy in D City for so long, so naturally they are reluctant to part with these supplies.

  They would hate to throw it away even if they die.

  Some people cried, and after despair, they got up and went to the safe area.

  "I want to go back."

  He was forced back by Shi Caixia with an axe.

  "What the hell?!" was forced back by another ax blow from Shi Caixia.

  Another man rushed towards the safe area, "Give me my supplies. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

But Dafu stopped him.

  Others tried to sneak into the temporary safe zone quietly.

  Xiaofu stood behind him and drew out a Heavenly Dragon Slaying Sword.

  Hua Mi was in charge, "I really think you are wasting your time. We have sacrificed so much time to watch you not run to Xiangcheng, and we are also wasting time."

  She took out her mobile phone and called the contractor , ask the contractor to come over and pull up a circle of power grid outside the temporary safety zone in D City.

  For energy, use jelly water.

  The contractor was silent on the other end. Now Hua Mi asked him to go into D City to pull the protective net.

 Hua Mi: "What difficulties do you have? Just ask."

  When the contractor heard this, his hands relaxed, his heart trembled, and he almost dropped the phone in his hand and said, "Of course there is no difficulty. Don't worry, Miss Hua. There will be brave men under the heavy reward. I promise to complete the task."

After hanging up Hua Mi's phone, the contractor pulled out a handful of hair , said to Huo Jing on the side, "What should we do? Miss Hua said that she wants us to go to D city to build the power grid."

  Huo Jing nodded, "Go ahead, I'll recruit workers, and I'll lead the team for this project."

  With that, he stood up and started. Gotta go.

  Mr. Bao grabbed Huo Jing and said anxiously:

  "Are you crazy? You don't know what's going on in City D right now?"

  The garrison has removed all teleportation tickets to City D from the vending machines.

  He also used a radio to repeatedly inform inside and outside the walls of Xiangcheng: City D has been classified as a red danger zone, and all survivors are advised not to go there.

  Every minute, a large number of survivors from D City tear up their teleportation tickets and fly back to Xiangcheng.

  The specially designated isolation observation areas are overcrowded.

  Many survivors in City D found another way, instead of flying to Xiangcheng, they flew to other teleportation points.

  They thought that if they went to another teleportation point, there would be no 48-hour observation period.

  However, as a result, Gong Yi's efficiency was very fast, and all transmission points were equipped with heavy firepower garrison guards.

  The isolation observation area has already been prepared for these D city survivors.

  This shows that the situation in D City is serious.

  They can't go there.

  Huo Jing looked resolute and pulled his arm out of Mr. Bao's hand, "Why do we have such a good life? It's because Miss Hua can use us."

  "If this matter can't be handled well, Miss Hua will find someone to do it for her, uncle. The world is changing too fast, and we will soon be replaced by more powerful people."

"We don't want the waves behind us to push the waves ahead, and the waves ahead to die on the beach. We have to keep pace with the times. Okay."

  "You have to kill zombies while working on the project. I can kill them!"

  He walked out with firm steps and went out to recruit workers to repair the power grid in D City.

  Outside is the labor market in Xiangcheng.

  At first, this labor market was just an office of the contractor on a construction site.

  Later, people often gathered outside this office, wanting to do hard work in exchange for three meals and two snacks a day.

  The contractor and Huo Jing would also take care of these people every time and select suitable ones to work on.

  So as time goes by, many strong people will squat here gradually every day.

  However, this time, Huo Jing went out to recruit workers.

  The engineering project that originally received a response from hundreds of people has received no response today.

  Huo Jing looked at the large group of workers squatting in front of him, waiting for work, and raised his salary to 200,000 a day.

  Still no one responded.

  The survivors of D City brought them the current situation of D City.

  The city is full of endless zombies, who dares to go out?

 Huo Jing looked at these people and clenched his fists angrily. He sneered, "Sure, you're not going, right? If you don't go, I'll go alone."

  He turned around and was about to go to the warehouse to get the barbed wire.

  But he bumped into the contractor coming out of the office.

  The contractor held a crumpled pack of cigarettes and a cracked gold tooth in his hand, "I thought about it, since Miss Hua asked us to repair the power grid, there must be no great danger."

"Even if there is danger . Miss Hua can definitely handle it, we still can't let go of this opportunity to gain favor in front of Miss Hua."

"Let's go, I'll go with you."

  After saying that, the contractor mysteriously untied his windbreaker hanging on himself: a screwdriver, a hammer, a switchblade, an electric baton, anti-wolf spray, pepper spray, a cross, garlic.

"There are more."

He also carried a bulging snakeskin bag.

  It's like escaping from famine.

  "I have an iron helmet, an iron scarf, an iron glove, an iron armor, and iron boots, two of the same. Let's go, our uncle and nephew will set off to repair the power grid right now."