E City, which has a harsh living environment, increasingly does not regard E City's labor force as human beings.

  Chen Hu ordered that a city wall be built in City E, so the strong labor force going from Xiangcheng to City E began to work in the dark, day and night.

  The Qu family sent additional supervisors, divided into several batches, to keep an eye on these survivors 24 hours a day.

  Once a survivor was lazy, the overseer would come forward and punch and kick those survivors.

  Not only that, they didn't let the survivors leave E City.

  There are survivors who would rather leave City E without taking any money or food rations.

  The end result was that he was stripped naked and tied to a pillar for everyone to watch.

  It is said that under the leadership of Hu Yanxiang, they have collected all the [Energy Water Drops] from the survivors.

  Several people died because of this.

  The vendor asked curiously:"Isn't [energy water droplet] readily available in our Xiangcheng city? Is it worth dying for it?"

  He didn't quite understand what the people of E City were like because of the lack of supplies.

Because he has been staying in Xiangcheng and has never been out, he lacks the most realistic understanding of the external environment.

  The vendor only knows that [Energy Water Droplets] can be seen everywhere on the construction site in the west of Xiangcheng.

  As long as you participate in building the city wall, [Energy Water Drops] will be provided for free.

  Chichuan didn't know how to explain it. E City was really too poor.

  He could only continue, "Because those survivors did not have the supplies to escape, and were watched very strictly by the E City base.

  "So they found a way to send us a message, hoping that we could lend a helping hand to rescue them. "

  After hearing the news from Chichuan, whether it was Cao Feng, Qin Zhen, or Hua Mi, they all frowned.

  Hua Mi asked coldly with a puffy stomach, "They were so decisive when they left, why do they want to return now? "

  When Hu Yanxiang left with those survivors, she told these survivors that

no matter what happens in the future, Xiangcheng will never accept them again, and will never open the door to these survivors again. Welcome with arms.

  This is very clear, and it's not like it hasn't been said before.

  Qin Zhen nodded and said, "Furthermore, our Xiangcheng base is currently suffering from internal and external troubles, and there are many things going on. Where can we find the time and energy to rescue this batch of people who have left? "

  The labor force left Xiangcheng in batches. The first time Hu Yanxiang took away more than a thousans of people. One

after another, it was said that when they arrived in E City, there were only a thousand people left.

  Later . Because the external environment of the Xiangcheng base continues to change and deteriorate, more and more people are leaving the Xiangcheng base. There are probably two to three thousand survivors in City E alone. It is necessary to remove these two thousand or three thousand people from E City.It will take a lot of manpower and material resources to rescue them.

  The manpower of the Xiangcheng base is not enough.

  Hua Mi directly refused, "No, let them find a way to come outside the Xiangcheng base. Don't go to the south of Xiangcheng . East side, that side has been blocked. "

  "The west part of Xiangcheng will also be closed soon. "

  " If they can arrive in the west of Xiangcheng before it is closed, then the Xiangcheng base can accept them. "

 " If they have no way to reach the west of Xiangcheng, then so be it. Life or death is their own choice, no matter who dies." "

  After saying this, Hua Mi stood up with a puffy belly. She walked up to Cao Feng, raised her hand, and patted Cao Feng's shoulder heavily, "I know that as a garrison, you will save anyone until death. It goes against your professional ethics. But you have to think about the situation now. Your commander is resisting the zombie wave in the north. "

  " He didn't bring many people to the north in the first place. Almost all the elite garrison troops in the Xiangcheng base were dragged to the north. "

 " And when you stay in the Xiangcheng base, you need to divide a group of people in the south and a group of people in the east. More energy should be focused on the west. The battle in the west will be difficult to fight."

  "I estimate that in less than two days, the zombies from the south will roll to the west. There is not much time left for us. We should not distract our energy to help some people who don't even know what they want. "

  Those survivors said that they had done something wrong, but Hua Mi also felt that those survivors had done something wrong.

  In the messages they sent to Xiangcheng, they deeply regretted their original insistence on going their own way.

  They also explained how they took the problem too seriously. It's too simple, and it's too naive to see the world.

  But what can you do if you realize your mistakes?

 Not everyone is like Hua Mi, and has a chance to do it again.

  You only have one life, and you can make mistakes but One step would lead to an irreversible outcome.

  With today's result, these survivors who went to E City should accept their original duty to have no hesitation.

  Everyone is like this and must pay for their actions.

  Cao Feng nodded, stood in front of Hua Mi, and said in a low voice,"Sister Hua, I understand, I won't act out of emotion."

  Garrison is the last bottom line for human beings, and there is nothing wrong with that.

  However, this is also divided into primary bottom line and secondary bottom line.

  It is impossible for Cao Feng to leave such a large Xiangcheng base unprotected, and instead allocate manpower to E City to rescue people.

  City E is so far away from the Xiangcheng base. After they leave, the Xiangcheng base will immediately fall into the crisis of empty defense.

  No matter how thick the power grid is and how high the city wall is, there is always a risk for the Xiangcheng base.

  Cao Feng would not be so stupid.

  After receiving Cao Feng's assurance, Hua Mi finally felt relieved.

  She looked at the busy west city wall project. She didn't know how many people there were from Chen Hu and Qu Shiheng.

  According to the news Chichuan received, people enter the Xiangcheng base every day, obtain [Energy Water Drops], and then take them out of the city in batches.

  Wherever this batch of [Energy Water Drops] went, there is no way to trace it.

  And in this emergency situation, it is clear that E City has an evil plot against the Xiangcheng base.

  She knew clearly that Chen Hu wanted her to die, but Hua Mi could do nothing.

 She secretly resented it, raised her hand to caress her big belly, turned to Chi Chuan and said, "If you let the news out, just say that before I give birth ,Xiangcheng base will no longer produce [energy water droplets] in large quantities."

  If this is the case, and someone still smuggles [energy water droplets] from the Xiangcheng base to E City, it can only prove that there are indeed a lot of [energy water droplets] in Xiangcheng.

  People in Xiangcheng no longer cherish it.

  "In addition, I will come to the west every day to inspect the progress of the project and solve everything that can be solved."

  Next, Hua Mi once again told the contractor to lay out more layers of the power grid and build the city wall stronger. .

  Time was urgent. Not long after Hua Mi finished speaking, the garrison came to report that a small group of zombies had been purged to the west.

  Cao Feng raised his hand, led the garrison in the west, and hurriedly rushed towards the power grid.

  The gunfire rang out, Hua Mi stood there and listened, looking very unhappy.

  She turned her head and said to Qin Zhen, "Be prepared. Today's zombie wave will not be wiped out so easily."

  Listening to the continuous gunshots, Hua Mi knew that there was a big problem.

  Cao Feng was completely trapped in the west of Xiangcheng, and only the superpowers and ordinary survivors were left to work hard on their own.

  She turned around, upgraded her factory, and refreshed the level of the garbage recycling station.

  Dozens of sweeping robots came out.

  Hua Mi placed all these sweeping robots in the west of Xiangcheng.

  These sweeping robots will enter the zombie wave, automatically clean up the corpses of zombies, and collect crystal cores.

  Those crystal nuclei will be put into Hua Mi's warehouse by robots and will not be used directly.

  As Hua Mi said, Cao Feng was trapped by the zombies to the west. He led the team to kill them and the killing lasted until night.

  By midnight, the zombies coming from the west not only showed no tendency to decrease, but were killing more and more.

  One layer of the power grid was destroyed, but the contractor directed the workers, and behind the last power grid, the director of the power grid who had repaired ten lines also sent in truckloads of [Energy Water Drops] with Jelly lime comes to the west.

  The generator made a clanging sound. In Xiangcheng, electricity is sufficient.

  Hua Mi returned to the rescue center. As soon as she lay down, she heard movement outside the door.

  Tu Lijia, the little nurse who was specially responsible for taking care of Hua Mi, thought she was here for a ward round.

  She stood up and opened the door.

  Hua Mi called Tu Lijia, "Wait a minute."

  As soon as she finished speaking, the door of the ward was kicked open.

  The man outside the door held two guns in his hands and fired several shots into the door.

  Just as the people outside the door were shooting, Hua Mi had already arrived at Tu Lijia's side and dodged the bullets all over Tu Lijia's body.

  The killer outside the door put down his gun and looked at the empty bed. He was just about to find Hua Mi.

  The door in front of him was slammed shut.

  Hua Mi didn't know when she stood behind the killer.

  She patted the killer on the shoulder with her big belly. The killer turned around and saw a bright light flashing in front of his eyes. Hua Mi held a knife and cut the killer's throat with one knife.

  Her movements were crisp and neat, not like a pregnant woman who was about to give birth.

  The closed door of the ward was opened, and Tu Lijia stood in the ward with a confused look on her face, asking:

  "Ami, what happened?"

  Before she could finish speaking, the neck of the killer who was still standing in front of her appeared. A bloody gap.

  Hot blood surged out from the gap and landed on Tulijia's face.

  Tu Lijia's eyes widened and she fell back.

  Hua Mi pushed away the killer who was still standing in front of her, reached out and held Tulijia's hand to prevent Tulijia from breaking the back of her head.

  At this time, Xin Qiuru came over with a group of nurses.

  Seeing the mess, she asked nervously,

  "Ami, Ami, are you okay?"

  Hua Mi waved her hand to indicate that she was fine.

  This morning, she deliberately spread the news that in the Xiangcheng base, [Energy Water Drops] had fallen into a crisis of shortage.

  Everyone knows that there are not as many [Energy Water Drops] in Xiangcheng as before.

  Then those who transport [Energy Water Drops] from the Xiangcheng base naturally have to consider whether to meet the needs of E City first or their own needs first.

  If you want to replenish the [Energy Water Drops] in the Xiangcheng base, you must kill Hua Mi first.

  If Hua Mi is not killed, the [Energy Water Drop] will be stuck.

  Anyway, no matter what the reason is, Hua Mi will die.

  Xin Qiuru's face was full of worry. She looked at Hua Mi's big belly and asked, "Should I change you to another ward?"

  She couldn't understand why Hua Mi would say such a thing to the outside world.

  This means that Hua Mi regards herself as a living target. Anyone who lurks in Xiangcheng and wants to obtain [Energy Drops] will want to kill Hua Mi.

  In order to make the production of [Energy Water Drops] no longer subject to constraints.

  After all, before Hua Mi give birth [Energy Water Drops] will no longer be produced in large quantities.

  That proves that Hua Mi can decide whether [Energy Water Drops] can be mass-produced.

  She was stuck in labor and it was natural for others to want to kill her.

  Hua Mi touched her big belly and explained, "I just want to kill all the killers lurking in Xiangcheng before I give birth." "

  "Who knows if those ghosts and monsters will come to the stall where I give birth? Are they looking for trouble with me?"

  "Now of course I will kill as many as I can."

  Seeing that Hua Mi was about to give birth, she had to kill all Chen Hu's people while she still had some strength.

  Looking at the ambitious Hua Mi, Xin Qiuru had no choice. If it were an ordinary pregnant woman, she would have been frightened knowing that someone was going to kill her.

  How could anyone like Hua Mi take the initiative to spread the word and use herself as a living target to attract killers to kill her?

  Xin Qiuru sighed deeply and looked at Hua Mi with worry, "What should we do now? You are about to give birth. Tell me, how should I protect you?"

  Hua Mi waved her hand with pride,

  "I don't need your protection. As long as I am alive, I can kill those killers with evil intentions."

  She has this ability and has this confidence.

  But Xin Qiuru looked at Hua Mi with worry, was this the question she was talking about? She wasn't worried about her own safety.

  Where can a woman give birth to a child and engage in a gunfight at the same time? Throughout all this time, Xin Qiuru has only seen a pregnant woman like Hua Mi operating in this way.

  In sharp contrast to the tense situation in Xiangcheng, E City is obviously much more relaxed.

  But this is only the relaxation of the external environment, not the relaxation of the internal survivors.

  On the contrary, the survivors inside E City are now living in dire straits.

  On the construction site of City E, there was a shirtless and skinny survivor squatting on the ground, asking other survivors, " Didn't you send a signal to the Xiangcheng base a long time ago? It's the Xiangcheng base that didn't receive our signal. Do you have a signal? Why haven't people come to save us?"

  There are currently two to three thousand people here, and there is always one person who has a charged mobile phone.

  There are two or three thousand people, and it can't be that everyone's mobile phones are out of battery.

  The abuse of survivors in E City is no secret.

  During this time, more than once, someone sent a message to Xiangcheng, saying how the current situation in E City was and how difficult it was to survive.

  So, when can they wait for rescue from Xiangcheng?