"Is it possible that we can get some teleportation tickets back to Xiangcheng from the new survivors?"

  Some survivors thought wildly.

  In fact, when they left Xiangcheng, they thought they would never return to that place again.

  So they didn't even have any tickets to return to the city.

  "It is said that another wave of survivors came today, and they were searched by Hu Yanxiang as soon as they arrived."

"I heard that not only their [Energy Water Drops] were taken away, but also the supplies brought out from the Xiangcheng base were also taken away. Gone."

  The survivor squatting on the ground, full of sorrow, plucked his short hair.

  "I really don't know what these people are doing here in E City? Two more survivors who tried to escape died this morning."

"Their bodies were hanging on the other side of the barbed wire fence. When I saw them, they looked like they were dead. "

  Obviously, the outside world's evaluation of the Xiangcheng Base and E City is very different from the facts.

  The outside world says that the Xiangcheng base will soon be destroyed by the zombie wave, and soon the Xiangcheng base will disappear from the map of survivors.

  The outside world also said that E City is a very good place, safe and comfortable, with a good environment. This is the real Garden of Eden for survivors,fart.

  Only those who have actually been to E City know that there is no comparison between E City and the Xiangcheng Base.

  That is to say, there are no zombies outside City E, but there is a row of corpses hanging outside City E. They were all killed by the Qu family in City E.

  Squatting on the ground, the shirtless survivor was skinny and emaciated. There were several whip marks on his back, all of which were beaten by the supervisors of the Qu family.

  If they were slow to repair the city wall, the Qu family's supervisor would come up with the whip.

  The survivor squatting on the ground said harshly: "I received news from the people at the Xiangcheng base. Now the Xiangcheng base is still alive." "

  Yes, it has been so long, and it is still alive."

  "It is said that the south and east sides of the Xiangcheng base have been sealed, and survivors have no way to enter or exit."

  "If we want to return to the Xiangcheng base, we can only enter from the north or west."

  This is a let-down. It is a fact that is difficult for people to accept, because City E exists to the east of the Xiangcheng base, which is the shortest path to the Xiangcheng base.

  If they want to go around to the north or west, they will have to travel a lot longer.

  But now that the outside of Xiangcheng Base is so dangerous, no one can make up their mind. If they get close to Xiangcheng Base, will they attract zombies?

  The key is, is there really that much peace inside the Xiangcheng base, and is it worth the risk for them to return to the Xiangcheng base?

 It was very difficult for them to go back without anyone to help them.

  Some people sighed, "What a pity. It would be great if we still had the teleportation tickets from the Xiangcheng base."

  Only those who have actually left the Xiangcheng base know that the teleportation tickets that could be bought all over the streets at this time. How hard it is to get it.

  The Qu family and Chen Hu's minion Hu Yanxiang have also been collecting teleportation tickets from the Xiangcheng base everywhere recently.

  They want to borrow the teleportation ticket, return to the Xiangcheng base, and then bring [energy water drops] and supplies from the Xiangcheng base.

  But it is said that in the Xiangcheng base, not only the production of [Energy Water Drops] has been restricted, but the sale of teleportation tickets has also been limited.

  Some survivors asked with luck,

  "If we make ourselves more pitiful, the garrison at the Xiangcheng base won't be able to not really care about us, right?"

You must know that the garrison at the Xiangcheng base is the highest among all city garrisons at present. The most responsible and professional person.

  It was impossible for them to ignore the two or three thousand survivors in E City.

  If they really understood the living conditions of the survivors in City E, they might not have to wait for those survivors in City E to run back to the Xiangcheng base on their own.

  Gong Yi from the Xiangcheng base will send troops to help them kill Qu Shiheng and Chen Hu.

  Everyone was silent, not knowing how likely this was.

  At this time, Qu Yimin led several women and walked past everyone.

  She saw this group of skinny survivors chatting in the open space.

  Qu Yimin's face was straight as she pointed at the supervisor on the side and said angrily, "Do you really think that our Qu family's supplies are free? We spend so much supplies every day to supply these people, and they are actually lazy here."

  "Hurry up and let them work!"

  The supervisors of the Qu family immediately stood up, holding whips in their hands, and waved them at the survivors squatting on the ground.

  Every stroke of the whip can leave deep blood marks on a person's body.

  Qu Yimin looked at the survivors in the open space, as if they were driving away chickens, and they were being driven to work. Their faces were full of fear and panic.

  She giggled happily.

  This is really refreshing.

  Not far away, Hu Yanxiang ran over and smiled fawningly at Qu Yimin, saying,

  "Hey, Miss, why are you here in a place like this?"

  Speaking of which, Hu Yanxiang is not very old, in his thirties at most.

  When Qu Yimin was in her twenties, she was still unmarried and didn't even have a man.

  Facing such a young girl, Hu Yanxiang naturally had his own ideas.

  He felt that if he could please Qu Yimin well, Qu Yimin would favor him.

  Hu Yanxiang will definitely be able to save decades of struggle at the E City base.

  Qu Yimin looked at Hu Yanxiang.

  She snorted disdainfully,

  "This is the base of my family. I can come when I like and leave when I like. Do you care?"

  That's right, now the Qu family and Chen Hu are saying to the outside world, It is to establish E City as a base, and they call themselves the base of E City.

  Although compared to the Xiangcheng base, this E city base is not 1/10 the size of the Xiangcheng base.

  But if someone wants to call themselves a base, what can be done?

 "Yes, yes, yes."

  Hu Yanxiang continued to nod and bow, his flattering gesture was even worse than the contractor's attitude towards Hua Mi.

  But the contractor's fawning over Hua Mi is not disgusting to watch, because the contractor is simply fawning over Hua Mi.

  Hu Yanxiang was different. The way Hu Yanxiang looked at Qu Yimin revealed a disgusting and obscene look.

  Qu Yimin felt upset, so she slapped Hu Yanxiang on the face. She treated Hu Yanxiang like a dog, "If you look at me like that again, I will ask my brother to tear your eyes out. Dig it out."

  After saying that, Qu Yimin turned around angrily and went to find her brother Qu Shiheng.

  Qu Shiheng was in the tent, talking to Chen Hu.

  The two talked about nothing more than how to build the E City base, how to find ways to get supplies from Xiangcheng City, and how to find the teleportation point of E City before Xiangcheng City was completely surrounded by the zombie wave.

  They want to use the transfer point in E City to smoothly transfer the materials in Xiang City back to E City.

  That's right, until now, they still believe that the teleportation point is a gift from God to the survivors.

  As long as you look carefully, there are teleportation points everywhere in this apocalypse.

  E City is no exception.

  Chen Hu said confidently,

"As long as the transmission points between E City and Xiang City are opened, we can transmit Xiangcheng City's materials to E City in large quantities and omit the process."

They know that there are a lot of zombies outside the Xiangcheng base. If they want to bring supplies out of the Xiangcheng base, they must break through the zombies in this city.

  This is very dangerous.

  If they are not careful, they may bring the zombies outside the Xiangcheng base to E City.

  Therefore, there was not much time left for Chen Hu and Qu Shiheng before the Xiangcheng base was about to be completely surrounded by zombies.

  Qu Shiheng was also anxious about this question, "But where is the teleportation point? None of us know how many teleportation points there are near E City."

  Regarding this point, they really wanted to ask Hua Mi. How did Hua Mi find so many teleportation points in Xiangcheng?

 However, Hua Mi must die, and there is nothing else to say.

  If this woman hadn't died, it would have been harder to get the supplies and [Energy Drops] from the Xiangcheng base.

  While they were chatting, Qu Yimin came into the tent angrily.

  Seeing Qu Yimin pouting her red lips with an angry look in her eyes, Chen Hu asked with a smile: "What's wrong with Miss Qu? Who has offended our Miss Qu?"

  Qu Shiheng also looked doting on his face. He looked at his sister in despair.

  Nowadays, there are not many people left in their Qu family. Qu Shiheng's sister, Qu Yimin, is a treasure.

  Qu Yimin stamped her feet and glanced outside the tent, "It's not that Hu Yanxiang who always looks at me with a pair of squinting eyes."

  She said, hugged Qu Shiheng's arm, and said coquettishly , "Brother, please dig out Hu Yanxiang's eyes. I saw his eyes staring at me all the time, and I felt annoyed." When she said this, she didn't

act like a girl at all.

  She don't think there's anything cruel about saying this.

  This is the end of the world.

  If Qu Yimin hadn't been Qu Shiheng's sister and the Qu family hadn't been so powerful in E City, I'm afraid Qu Yimin would have become Hu Yanxiang's bag long ago.

  When she thought of this, Qu Yimin felt sick all over, and she just wanted to kill Hu Yanxiang quickly.

  Qu Shiheng patted the back of Qu Yimin's hand comfortingly, "Hu Yanxiang is still useful, I have to keep him to do things for me."

  After a pause, Qu Shiheng looked at Qu Yimin again, his sister. She have grown up and it is time to recruit people.

  He didn't know about other people, but Qu Shiheng knew that there were many men in the E City base who had thoughts about Qu Yimin.

  There is no way, Qu Yimin is not ugly, she is the daughter of the Qu family, and the biological sister of Qu Shiheng.

  With such a status here, who wants to establish a foothold in E City and show his ambitions, can he not have thoughts about her?

  Qu Yimin refused and pulled Qu Shiheng's arm to act coquettishly, "I don't care, I don't care, that Hu Yanxiang is really annoying. Brother, please find a way to kill that Hu Yanxiang for me."

  Qu Shiheng glared at Qu Yimin, He is currently discussing important matters with Chen Hu. How can he have time to comfort his own sister?

  "Don't be willful."

  Chen Hu, whose mung bean-sized eyes rolled in his sockets, said to Qu Shiheng with a smile, "Miss Qu has grown up, and more people like her. It doesn't matter if you kill Hu Yanxiang, but Master Qu should think carefully about who else in this world can be worthy of our Miss Qu."

As he said that, he pointed to the direction of Xiangcheng.

  Qu Shiheng naturally thought of Gong Yi at the Xiangcheng base.

  He looked thoughtfully at Qu Yimin again.

  Compared with the fair and fat Hua Mi, Qu Yimin can already be regarded as a fairy-like figure, right?

  It is said that Gong Yi is not bad looking either.

  Gong Yi rarely interfered with matters in the Xiangcheng base. He mostly fought outside the Xiangcheng base.

  Before the zombies came out, Gong Yi had been chasing and exterminating Chen Hu's forces.

  After the zombies came out, Gong Yi focused on how to suppress the zombies.

  People at the Xiangcheng base rarely see Gong Yi in the base.

  Compared to Gong Yi, more people have only heard of Hua Mi's name.

  Qu Shiheng suddenly had a headache and sent Qu Yimin away.

  He looked at Chen Hu with a serious face, "Boss Chen, I have one sister, and I cannot make fun of her life-long events."

  Qu Shiheng knew the grievances between Chen Hu and Gong Yi. If it weren't for Gong Yi, who keeps on weakening Chen Hu's power. Now, Chen Hu will not only have such a few people left.

  It won't just be this big of an ability.

  To be honest, Qu Shiheng knew how ruthless Chen Hu was.

  Based on his previous understanding of Chen Hu, Chen Hu is a person who is quite suitable for living in an apocalyptic environment.

  Gong Yi has always suppressed Chen Hu miserably.

  Qu Shiheng knew that Chen Hu and Gong Yi would fight to the death.

  Chen Hu will definitely find an opportunity to kill Gong Yi.

  And when Gong Yi saw Chen Hu, he would definitely kill Chen Hu.

  So when Chen Hu hinted that Qu Shiheng could allocate Qu Yimin to Gong Yi.

  Countless conspiracies and conspiracies passed through Qu Shiheng's mind in an instant.

  He emphasized sternly, "No matter what, I will never make fun of my sister's life events."

  Chen Hu smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, with a kind smile on his fat face,

  "Look at your personality. Just kidding. As the saying goes, if you can't beat him, then join him. I am convinced by Gong Yi. I also know that if Gong Yi hadn't been suppressing me, It's impossible for me to be as virtuous as I am today."

  "But if you think about it from another angle, Gong Yi is really talented. If you give your sister to Gong Yi, Gong Yi will be your brother-in-law."

"Brother-in-law, do he have the nerve to keep suppressing your brother-in-law?"

  "The Xiangcheng base has no possibility of survival, but our E city base is different. If the E city base can win over Gong Yi to join the army."

"I believe in the future of the E city base. The prospects are not bad."

  Listen, this is Chen Hu's pattern.

  Why is it that Chen Hu is obviously weaker than Qu Shiheng, but he can be as equal as Qu Shiheng in E City today?

  This is the pattern of Chen Hu.