Huo Jing was carrying the cement and asked strangely: "Uncle, why don't you run?" "

  "I ran away. Miss Hua has given birth to a child, would she be angry?"

  Mr. Bao rolled his eyes at Huo Jing.

  He is the number one flatterer around Miss Hua.

  The so-called number one flatterer must know what Miss Hua is worried about and Miss Hua is happy about.

  Although the contractor was scared to death, he also knew that the ultimate form of being a coward was to risk his own life to please his master.

  The No. 1 foreman, grinned at Huo Jing and said,

 "Don't worry, Miss Hua will definitely pay more attention to me after this incident."

  Huo Jing followed behind the foreman, unloaded the cement, and followed the foreman ran back to carry water behind him.

  He asked: "Then what if you die?"

  "If you die, it will be useless no matter how much Miss Hua pays attention to you."

  The foreman rolled his eyes at Huo Jing again, and he made a sign of a cross on his chest. He gestured, clasping his hands while running, "How could I die? I have Miss Hua to protect me."

  After saying that, he proudly pulled out a gold necklace around his neck.

  The pendant of the gold necklace is a palm-sized disc with Hua Mi's photo inlaid on it.

  This is the contractor's talisman.

  He waved the palm-sized golden pendant at Huo Jing.

  "Did you see that Miss Hua will protect me? I will definitely not die. On your side, you don't have Miss Hua's magical body protection. This dangerous place is not suitable for you. You should leave quickly."

  Huo Jing was speechless at the contractor's ridiculous behavior.

  He no longer communicated with the contractor, and just carried cement on his head.

  After all, the contractor's thoughts are beyond the comprehension of a normal person's thinking and logic.

  When a person reaches the extreme level of faith, it should be like the contractor.

  How could he be fawning over Hua Mi? He simply regarded Hua Mi as his belief in life.

  At this time, several women standing nearby also moved.

  They originally wanted to leave the Xiangcheng base and head west.

  But they looked at Cao Feng and others who were wearing garrison combat uniforms and insisted on staying outside the third protective net.

  Huo Jing and the contractor were already carrying dozens of bags of cement when they came and went.

  There are women who really can't move on this foot and leave.

  So they also took the initiative to join Huo Jing and Cao Feng's team carrying cement.

  Let's build the city wall, let's build it.

  Anyway, if the west side of the Xiangcheng base is breached, their fate will also be death.

  If they retreat further, where can they retreat to?

  Could it be that if they retreat to the Xiangcheng base, the zombies will not invade the Xiangcheng base?

  Someone has to build the wall.

  Someone must guard the west side of the Xiangcheng base.

  Some other men building the city wall who were about to leave saw the women moving on the construction site.

  Those men couldn't help but spit on the ground.

  Someone was very puzzled. He grabbed a woman's arm and asked,

 "If you haven't run away at this time, why are you still carrying cement here?"

  The woman threw the man away and laughed miserably, "Of course you can run. Now, after you leave the base, you can still go to E City Base, you can go to F City, and you can go wherever you want." "

  "But, we only have the Xiangcheng Base left, understand? We only have the Xiangcheng Base left. Xiangcheng Base."

  Don't think that since they have been inside the Xiangcheng Base, they don't know how fragmented the lives of the women outside are.

  They clearly understood what kind of fate they would face after leaving the Xiangcheng base.

  If they defended the Xiangcheng base today, they can still live as individuals. If they fail to defend the Xiangcheng base, then they will perish together with the Xiangcheng base.

  Anyway, the fate of the women who leave here is worse than death.

  It's better to take this life and contribute your own strength. Maybe because of your own strength, Xiangcheng will have an extra chance of survival.

  The women started to move one after another.

  A child was crying at the construction site. A woman took off her protective gloves and wiped the tears from the child's face.

  She gently said to the frightened child,

  "Stop crying and go to work. You are with your mother."

  The child stretched out her young, dirty hands and hugged her mother's neck.

  He cried and asked: "Mom, if we don't run away, will we be eaten by these zombies?"

The gentle woman smiled, held the child's hand, and stuffed one into the child's hand. Brick, deceiving her child,

  "If you build the bricks high enough, you and your mother will be able to live well. Don't worry, your mother will never lie to you."

  She only has her own life and that of her child.

  Neither she nor her children would be able to survive if they left Xiangcheng.

  So don't think about anything and don't feel afraid.

  The only thing they have to do is to build the city wall high enough before the zombies eat up Cao Feng's garrison.

  There are many, many people who understand this truth.

  Some women ran halfway, figured it out, and ran back with their children in their arms.

  Gradually, the construction site became busy again.

  This time, their speed was much faster. They didn't need the foreman and Huo Jing to make arrangements at all. They did everything they could see and do.

  Cao Feng bravely kills zombies outside the power grid.

  On the city wall construction site behind him, construction was gradually resumed.

  Although the construction speed is not as fast as before, at any rate, the city wall project is still slowly moving.

  Sometimes people's psychology is like this. When you are working hard, everyone around you gives up.

  You will feel that there is no point in fighting hard.

  You feel like a big fool.

  You wish you could just give up along with others.

  But if the people around you work together with yourself, you will feel a force in your heart, and everyone will work together for the same goal.

  This is very exciting.

  At this time, whether it was Cao Feng, the garrison, or the contractor and Huo Jing, etc.

  Everyone is getting more and more motivated.

  The remaining people were all twisted into a rope at this time.

  Some other people who retreated from the Xiangcheng West Wall Project have already fled to the quarantine area.

  Yang Honglin led the police to guard the isolation area. He had received news that Hua Mi was giving birth in the emergency area.

  Seven of the ten power grids in west Hunan have been destroyed.

  If Cao Feng's human wall cannot be defended, the quarantine area will be in danger.

  Yang Honglin and other police officers were fully armed.

  He said to the children from the police academy, "You all stand back and stand behind our old police officers."

  As a police officer, it was impossible for Yang Honglin to persuade those children from the police academy to take off their police uniforms at this time. , retreated to the observation area.

  Garrison is their first line of defense, so as police officers, they are the second line of defense for survivors.

  No matter which line of defense you have, you cannot retreat.

  But not a single kid from the police academy listened to Yang Honglin's words.

  There was even a child from the police academy who took the initiative to stand in front of Yang Honglin.

  He turned around and said to Yang Honglin, "Captain Yang, you are old and your body can no longer move. The physical work of killing zombies is up to us."

However, before he could finish his words, he retreated to the isolation area. Among the survivors, someone suddenly ran out and threw a bomb at the child's feet.

  Yang Honglin had quick eyes and quick hands and kicked the bomb back.

  Bombs exploded in the air and the entire quarantine area seemed to shake.

  At this time, other survivors in the isolation area ran around in a hurry, screaming and rushing towards the observation area.

  Yang Honglin shouted loudly,

  "Don't move, don't move."

  Before he finished speaking, he saw a woman holding a gun in her hand, pointing at Yang Honglin's police academy children, and fired several times. gun.

  Yang Honglin's eyes were about to burst, why was this happening?

  They are all ready to use their lives to fight against the zombies.

  Why did the survivors shoot them?

  Their enemy has never been humans themselves.

  Yang Honglin couldn't figure it out.

  The people who attacked Yang Honglin's police school children thought that they had finally dealt with Yang Honglin's policemen.

  As a result, Yang Honglin and the children from the police academy lowered their heads without any problems, looking at their police uniforms with several bullet holes in them.

  They are really embarrassed. The police officers were wearing body armor provided by Miss Hua.

  Not to mention that bullets can't penetrate their body armor, even bombs can't kill their bodies.

  The woman who shot Yang Honglin was killed by a child from the police academy in front of Yang Honglin in the next moment.

  The children, howling and screaming, targeted the survivors, and a few of them took out their guns.

  This time, the survivors with guns did not attack the police.

  They go out of their way to kill ordinary survivors around them.

  Everyone has the same skin.

  Just looking at this face, who can tell whether the person hidden under the face is a human or a ghost?

 Soon, ordinary survivors with little protection were shot to death in a large circle.

  Yang Honglin quickly led a counterattack and killed the troublemakers one after another.

  However, the entire isolation area and observation area were in chaos.

  Everyone rushed into the Xiangcheng base like crazy.

  The remaining police officers rushed over and blocked the door leading to the Xiangcheng base.

  Yang Honglin's face flashed with an anxious look, "There are people with fever here who are not allowed to enter the Xiangcheng base. Don't be chaotic. Don't be chaotic." "

  Some of the survivors turned around and shouted at Yang Honglin,

  "Are you crazy? There are people shooting indiscriminately in this isolation area and observation area. Are you blind and didn't see it?

  "Do you want us to stay here and be killed? " "

  The order was so disordered. Yang Honglin shot the man in front of him who tried to attack him.

  He came forward and fired a shot into the sky. There was a "pop" sound, and the sound of the gun echoed in the sky.

  Yang Hong Lin said to the survivors in front who were trying to break into the base, "Our existence is to maintain order, especially when we don't know how many troublemakers there are among you, we will not let anyone go enter the Xiangcheng base. "

  As soon as he finished speaking, the policemen raised their guns and picked up the shields on the road leading to the Xiangcheng base. Everyone formed a line to prevent the survivors from flowing into the Xiangcheng base.

  Chaos, Chaos.

  The more times like this, the more impossible it is for them to let go of any turbulence and enter the Xiangcheng base.

  No matter how these survivors curse or cry to heaven and earth.

  Yang Honglin said that he would not let anyone go, not letting anyone in.

  Yang Honglin was surrounded by a group of survivors.

  One survivor took action and punched Yang Honglin in the face.

  Yang Honglin held the survivor's fist with one hand and twisted it with his backhand. He glared angrily and said to the survivor who attacked him,

  "If you have resentment in your heart, just keep this resentment and go out to kill zombies, or look carefully to see if any of you wants to take advantage of the chaos to enter the Xiangcheng base. The one who dropped the bomb. Don't vent your grievances on me. I am not your enemy and never have been. "

  "I am responsible for the vast majority of survivors in the Xiangcheng base. "

  As soon as he finished speaking, another group of people suddenly rushed out from the Xiangcheng base.

  That group of people had bombs in their hands.

  At this time, the children from the police academy under Yang Honglin were the first to discover this group of people. .

  The group of children roared, turned around, and hugged the group of people with bombs hidden on their bodies.

  The accident happened at this time. I don't know who it was, opened the bomb protection bolts on their bodies, and pulled several children from the police academy. They were blown away.

  Of course, they themselves were blown to pieces.

  Seeing those living lives falling in front of him like pieces of rags, Yang Honglin was so angry that he went crazy.

  He ordered The remaining old policemen said, "Follow my orders. Anyone who forces their way into the base will die. All of them will die!" "

  What a vivid life. One second, they were shouting at Yang Honglin, protesting that Yang Honglin still treated them as children.

  The next second, Yang Honglin watched as the bomb fell in front of him.

  His eyes were red.

  Some doctors and nurses rushed over, pouring [Energy Water Drops] on the children of the police academy as hard as they could. Whether they can be saved is another matter. Let's water them with [Energy Water Drops] first.

  "Hold on, who will do it again? No one will be left alive if they try to storm our defenses. "

  Yang Honglin fired and shot a survivor in the head.

  He didn't care, no matter whether the person was innocent or not, he didn't care.

  They couldn't control other places, but this way into the Xiangcheng base.

  Yang Honglin didn't care. Will let anyone in.

  Cao Feng has Cao Feng's mission, and Yang Honglin must stick to Yang Honglin's post.

  Only if everyone sticks to their posts, the rules and order will not be disordered.

  Inside the Xiangcheng base The police sounded the air raid siren.

  They called on all people in the Xiangcheng base to either stay in their houses and not go out.

  Or go out of the city to kill zombies.

  At this time, we have reached a critical juncture, and the other party is obviously making the final move. Fight.

  Xiangcheng was destroyed and everyone died.

  Don't think this is a joke, death is actually very close to them.