At this time, in the ambulance center, Hua Mi's pulley hospital bed had arrived outside the emergency area.

  There were corpses all along the way.

  Xin Qiuru looked at Hua Mi, whose face was pale. She pushed the hospital bed and asked, "What should we do? What should we do?"

  There were so many killers besieging Hua Mi. Xin Qiuru could not imagine what Hua Mi would be like at this time. What should she do to give birth to a child?

  Hua Mi was not in a hurry, all the Gatling bullets in her hand were gone.

  So she took out another handful of Gatling.

  At this time, she didn't care whether her warehouse was exposed or not.

  Just keep shooting forward like this, no matter whether there is someone in front or not, when someone is in an emergency, Hua Mi will use bullets to clear the way.

  Therefore, except for the killers lying on both sides of the hospital bed, no one dared to block Hua Mi's path to the emergency area.

  Tu Lijia shouted loudly:

  "They will definitely not give up. Should we inform Commander Gong?"

  It was at this time that Gong Yi's call came into Hua Mi's hands.

  Hua Mi answered the phone. She was holding Gatlin in one hand and holding the mobile phone in the other. She shouted into the phone in a rough voice: "What are you doing? I'm busy giving birth to a baby here. What's wrong? Say it quickly."

  Gong Yi was in the north of the Xiangcheng base, and his side was also in a stalemate.

  This morning, the number of zombies coming to the north of the Xiangcheng base suddenly increased several times compared to before.

  He faced the zombie wave in front of him with one hand and used his mental power to control the zombie wave to approach the north of the Xiangcheng base. He held his mobile phone in one hand and said with a frown, "How are you doing over there? I'll be right back now." "

  At this time, Gong Yi was also anxious.

  He hated himself, why was he so far away from the emergency area?

  His mental power can only control all the zombies within a range of 800 meters. If he leaves the north of the Xiangcheng base, the zombies like a tide will soon sweep into the north of the Xiangcheng base without any protection.

  Gong Yi was anxious to death. He shouted to Hua Mi on the phone,

  "Find a safe place to give birth. Don't stay in the emergency area. This is an organized conspiracy. They d will never give up until the Xiangcheng base is destroyed."

  Hua Mi had a terrible stomachache. She was half lying on the hospital bed, pushed by Xin Qiuru, Tu Lijia and Ke Minghong, and rushed towards the emergency area of ​​the Xiangcheng base.

  A pulley hospital bed was forced on the three of them to reach racing speeds.

  Hua Mi yelled at Gong Yi, "It's too late. I'm giving birth. These people in the emergency area are all done."

  "Just guard the north of your Xiangcheng base. Call me. What are you doing?"

  "When the baby is born, I will let you see it. You will see it sooner or later. Why are you anxious?"

  Hua Mi was irritated and hung up the phone in her hand.

  At this time, she was impatient to chat with a man.

  She was busy killing people and giving birth to children, so she had no time to take care of Gong Yi's emotions.

  Moreover, it is really impossible to leave because the supplies from Chichuan and Afu are not in time.

  Hua Mi went to the Lotus Supermarket to give birth alone. What to do with so many guards here?

 They need a wall!

  After hanging up the phone, Gong Yi looked angrily at the zombie wave opposite him, so dark that he couldn't even see the end.

  It's all these zombies that are dragging him down.

  His wife was giving birth in the emergency ward, and there were countless killers chasing his wife, but Gong Yi couldn't do anything now.

  Why can't he do anything?

 His wife has such a big belly and works so hard every day.

  Not only could he not help Hua Mi in the slightest, but now his wife and children were in danger, and he was still here killing zombies.

  Gong Yi suddenly felt a sense of hatred for himself. He was tired of this feeling of powerlessness.

  Always walking on the edge of powerlessness.

  Because of his incompetence, he is now in a very passive situation. When a person, especially a man, falls into such emotions, the situation is very bad.

  Tang You shouted loudly from Gong Yi's side, "Commander, Commander"

  Gong Yi did not answer him.

  In the eyes of all the garrison troops in the north of the Xiangcheng base, they only saw a substantial force pouring out of Gong Yi's body.

  The [Energy Crystal Bead] in his hand quickly melted into his body.

  Tang You was almost stunned.

  He looked at this strange sight with shock.

  The power that turned into substance, like water mist, poured from Gong Yi's body and transformed into a city wall in the air.

  A city wall made of white mist.

  This city wall blocks the entire north of the Xiangcheng base.

  All the zombies that hit this cloudy city wall were reduced to nothing.

  Their bodies turned into powder, and the bright crystal nuclei flickered in the sand-like powder.

  The northern line of Xiangcheng was paved.

  The sweeping robot in the distance was sweeping happily at the feet of the zombies.

  The powder is cleaned up by the sweeping robot, sent to the garbage station, and converted into energy.

  The sweeping robots collected these crystal nuclei and stored them in Huami's warehouse.

  There are constantly zombies coming from the north to the south.

  Those zombies had no consciousness of their own at all. They threw themselves at the city wall made of clouds and mist, turning a blind eye to the fate of their predecessors turning into dust.

  At this time, these zombies only have the most primitive desire to hunt. They want to go south and destroy the Xiangcheng base.

  However, no matter how many of them came, how many of them turned into powder when they encountered the cloudy city wall.

  Tang You looked at the magical scene in front of him in surprise, as if he had seen some supernatural power.

  Instantly he felt like he had fallen from the real world into some fantasy world.

  Before that, Tang You knew that their commander was a person with supernatural powers.

  But before this, the most Gong Yi could do was like an infrared scanner, which could see everything within a range of 800 meters.

  They all say that the commander is a psychic power user, the most powerful power in the apocalypse.

  He is also the only person with mental powers found in the Xiangcheng base.

  But no one knows how powerful this mental superpower can be.

  When Tang You and others were stationed there, they only thought that this mental power was only slightly more powerful than the strength power.

  Even Gong Yi's current strength is not as good as Liu Shengyuan, the most powerful person in the Xiangcheng base.

  But now, when he saw Gong Yi's power materialized with his own eyes, Tang You truly believed that this mental power was a type of power that exceeded ordinary powers several times.

  Gong Yi's spiritual power was materialized.

  This is already outrageous.

  Because this means that as long as Gong Yi thinks, everything in his head can be realized.

  Sure enough, Gong Yi stood behind the city wall made of clouds and mist, his hands turned into claws, and told Tang You,

"Give me all the [Energy Water Droplets], [Energy Water Beads], and [Energy Crystal Beads] you have on your body. "

  The powerful mental power output has made Gong Yi aware that the energy in his body is beginning to dry up.

  This is a very bad phenomenon.

  Gong Yi's eyes exuded a cloud-like mental energy, making it difficult for people to see what his true eyes looked like.

  His temples began to throb, and his brain began to throb with heart-wrenching pain.

  He was very anxious, eager to deal with the zombies in the north of Xiangcheng so that he could go back to accompany his wife and children.

  Tang You hurriedly mobilized all the garrison troops in the north of Xiangcheng, and they took out all the [Energy Water Beads] and [Energy Crystal Beads] on their bodies.

  Everyone put these things in a huge basket and piled them beside Gong Yi.

  Gong Yi grabbed h and those [Energy Water Beads] and [Energy Crystal Beads] turned into streams of energy and penetrated into his palm.

  The towering city wall of clouds and mist in front grew higher and higher, gradually solidifying.

  Mountains and seas of zombies are still coming down from the north, but they no longer have the power to cross the city wall and harm the garrison and survivors in the city wall.

  Gong Yi stepped back step by step. After a while, the basket of [Energy Water Beads] and [Energy Crystal Beads] had been used up by him.

  Huge mental power output requires absorbing huge amounts of energy.

  Upon seeing this, Tang You hurriedly ordered the idle garrison to get [Energy Water Beads] and [Energy Crystal Beads] from the commander and find a way to mobilize these things.

  Hurry, hurry.

  All the garrisons were moving, and at this time, Chichuan was running towards the north of Xiangcheng, dragging a carload of [Energy Water Beads] and others.

  The accidents in Xiangcheng West and Xiangcheng North made Chichuan and his friends very busy.

  Chichuan was speeding on the road in his car.

  A warning line suddenly appeared in front of him. Chichuan cursed and drove the car without slowing down at all.

  He had no intention of stopping the car, but when he was about to cross the cordon, Chichuan's heart moved and the car turned to the side.

  A bomb hit his car, landed on the road, and exploded instantly.

  The front of Chichuan's car hit a building nearby. The building was made of cement from the Huami factory. There was nothing wrong with the building. The front of Chichuan's car was flattened.

  Hot blood slowly flowed from his forehead.

  Chi Chuan, who was lying on the steering wheel, shook his head and saw a group of men rushing out of the explosion.

  This group of men had weapons in their hands and seemed to intend to rob his car.

  How can he bear this? Chichuan opened the car door, pulled out a machine gun in his hand, and fired a burst of fire at the group of men.

  His face was covered with blood, and his head was dizzy. The red blood mist made it impossible for him to see clearly who was in front of him.

  But at this time, Chichuan only had one thought in his mind: he wanted to deliver goods to the north of Xiangcheng.

  He knew that the north of Xiangcheng was very urgent, and the garrison there needed [Energy Crystal Beads]. It is estimated that the group of people who robbed Chichuan did not expect that Chichuan also had heavy firepower like a machine gun.

  Several of them died, and the remaining group found a bunker to hide.

  Someone shouted to Chichuan,

  "Chichuan, you are working so hard for a woman, why do you have to work for a woman?"

 " Behind you is a car of [Energy Water Drops], let's take this car of [Energy Water Drops] with us. Let's go. From now on, wherever the world ends is not ours?"

  "You can live a free life, and you don't have to listen to a woman's orders."

  Everyone knows that Chi Chuan is now in charge of transporting supplies in Xiangcheng Base and his little friends.

  Cutting off the material transportation line in Chichuan, no matter how capable the garrison and police at the Xiangcheng base are, they will one day run out of energy.

  Chichuan ignored these people. He dragged his machine gun and stood precariously beside his truck. He sneered coldly, "What future do I have if I follow you people?"

  "From the first day of the apocalypse, I have been following Miss Hua to eat well and drink spicy food, and follow you to survive in this apocalypse? Any smart person knows where to line up, right?"

  "It's just stupid people like you who will do it for you. Others are working hard, but if you eat too much, you will live longer."

  These words successfully angered the group of people who came to rob.

  Of course they know that their lives are not good. If they are living a good life, why would they work for Chen Hu to do this kind of thing with their heads in their belts?

  If they were as lucky as Chichuan, they would have met a wealthy woman like Hua Mi who had hoarded a large amount of supplies from the beginning.

  They don't have to be here anymore.

  But now that the matter has come to this, what can they do?

Their family is still in Chen Hu's hands. If they don't come to rob Chichuan, none of their family members will survive.

  The people hiding behind the barrier whispered, "I don't think there is any need to go on. Although he has a machine gun in his hand, he is only one person."

"Let's do this, this, and this."

  The people behind the barrier, doing made several gestures.

  Everyone nodded silently and began to move their positions, trying to surround Chichuan.

  But where is Chichuan so easy to manipulate?

He don't know why, maybe he soaked in the [Energy Water Beads] provided by Hua Mi all day long, absorbing the energy in the [Energy Water Beads] when he was hungry or thirsty.

  So his ears became extremely sensitive.

  Even though his eyes were completely blurred by the blood flowing from his head, Chichuan heard it if the people around him moved slightly.

  He raised the gun in his hand, his face covered with blood, and fired several shots at the moving sounds with his eyes closed.

  Successfully killed a few more people.

  Someone yelled, "Are you a human or a ghost? Why are you so outrageous?"

  Obviously there are so many of them, and Chichuan was so seriously injured, but they want to take over this car [ Energy Water Drops] turned out to be very difficult.

  Someone did not believe in evil and quietly approached Chichuan with a stick in his hand.

  But just as he stood up, Chi Chuan suddenly turned around and was hit by the machine gun in Chi Chuan's hand.

  At this time, several large trucks slowly drove up the street. They were the friends driving behind on the Chichuan transportation line.

  They dragged a trailer of [Energy Crystal Beads] over.

  If these [Energy Water Droplets], [Energy Water Beads], and [Energy Crystal Beads] are sent to the north of Xiangcheng in time.

  There is no need for a city wall in the north of Xiangcheng.