One friend was driving the car, and another friend was sitting in the passenger seat.

  Having received the news in advance, each of them knew that the transportation line at this time would be very dangerous to drive on the road.

  So they put a machine gun in the passenger seat.

  Before they even got close to Chichuan, they fired their guns at the group of people besieging Chichuan.

  After a while, the group of people who tried to rob Chichuan were killed.

  The garbage truck slowly drove over and cleaned up the corpses on the ground one by one.

  A friend stopped the car and jumped out of the car. He looked at Chichuan with a worried look on his head and asked, "Chi Chuan, how are you?"

  Chichuan put down the gun, lowered his head, and used his own clothes and wiped the blood off his face.

  He opened his eyes and said, "It's okay, keep driving and go deliver the goods as soon as possible."

  He said it nonchalantly, and when he said this, the blood on his head kept pouring out.

  But Chichuan thinks the problem is not big.

  If he feels that he has no energy left, he can go back and take out a bottle of [Energy Water Drops] from the carriage, just like drinking water, and pour it into his stomach.

  After finishing the drink, he threw the bottle away and the truck continued to drive.

  Seeing friends like him, you should feel relieved even if you don't worry.

  They drove trucks one after another through the streets and alleys of Xiangcheng.

  Some are going to the north of Xiangcheng, and some are going to the west of Xiangcheng. As long as their material transportation routes are continuous, the garrison in the north and west of Xiangcheng can be sustained.

  At this time, the Afu family also received the news.

  They hurriedly closed the largest material wholesale market in Xiangcheng.

  The survivors who were wholesale supplies in the market gave up and shouted at the top of their lungs,

  "Hey, how can you do this? Don't you know that supplies outside Xiangcheng are already very scarce?

  " The supply market is closed. Where can we buy supplies?"

  Ye Rong glanced at the dissatisfied survivors in front of her and sneered,

  "Are you still sending supplies outside of Xiangcheng? I don't know that our survival in Xiangcheng is at stake. Is it a critical moment?"

  "I tell you, Xiangcheng's supplies are also scarce. That's it. You guys leave as soon as possible. If you don't leave, I will drive you away with a broom." After saying that, Ye Rong actually took out a broom.

  Her husband Ah Fu next to her did not hesitate to give in. He turned around and looked around and found the dustpan that matched the broom.

  Ah Fu thinks this can also be used to hit people.

  When the survivors who were preparing to take goods out of Xiangcheng saw this, someone slapped the table and shouted at Ye Rong: "What kind of supplies are not in short supply? I saw that there are so many supplies in the supply market behind you. Don't you dare try to close the supply market for me!"

  It's just a broom and a dustpan. Don't be ridiculous, these things have no lethality in the apocalypse.

  However, before he finished speaking, Dafu and Xiaofu appeared at the teleportation point behind Ye Rong.

  Each of these two children had a Gatling gun on their body. With Gatling in their hands, they asked the group of dissatisfied survivors on the opposite side, "Are you leaving? Are you leaving? Are you leaving? If you don't leave, we will shoot." Come on! Let's go!"

  These days, Dafu and Xiaofu sometimes help their parents with some things at the supply market at the Xiangcheng base.

  But more often than not, the two of them were in the quarantine area of ​​D City, killing zombies with Guo Se.

  Because they kept killing zombies day and night, these two children naturally had a murderous aura about them.

  And Dafu is old enough, and he will soon go to work as a garrison.

  At this time, Dafu will naturally not let these survivors cause trouble in the material market.

  The group of survivors who wanted to bring the goods were swearing.

  But there is no way, their momentum is not as strong as the two children.

  Under Gatlin's threat, even if they no longer wanted to retreat, they did not dare to move forward.

  So Dafu and Xiaofu held Gatling in their hands and moved forward step by step.

  The survivors who surrounded Ye Rong and Ah Fu moved back step by step.

  Eventually they withdrew from the material market.

  Dafu and Xiaofu pulled down the rolling shutter door of the supply market, and the two children shouted at the survivors outside: " As long as Xiangcheng calms down, supplies will definitely be supplied to you. Now if you want to bring supplies outside Xiangcheng, it's better to give up on this idea as soon as possible."

  "We are almost unable to survive, and there are no more supplies for other cities."

  Not all of the survivors who brought supplies outside w are people from City E there were as well as people from other cities.

  But they all knew what happened in Xiangcheng, and no one came out to speak a word of justice for Xiangcheng, and no one helped Xiangcheng stop these people who were causing trouble in and outside Xiangcheng.

  If this is the case, then why does Xiangcheng provide supplies to these people?

  Of course, Xiangcheng needs to stabilize the order of its own base so that it can have enough energy to help others.

  Among the group of men outside the supplies market, one was a supplies buyer from F City.

  He called back to report all the things that happened in the Xiangcheng base to his city commander.

  The city management commander of F City pondered for a moment and said to his material purchaser:

 "You should pay close attention to what is happening in Xiangcheng first. If Xiangcheng is destroyed, organize manpower to get supplies as soon as possible and transport them. Go back to F City."

  Seeing Xiangcheng City crumbling like a candle in the wind, the commander of F City had no idea of ​​sacrificing his own manpower to help Xiang City.

  The first thing he thought of was how to obtain enough benefits for his little F city.

  The survivor who was responsible for purchasing for City F said hesitantly:

  "Commander, should we help a group of Xiangcheng? Xiangcheng may not be destroyed."

  He often stays in Xiangcheng, so he understands.

  If a city like Xiangcheng is destroyed like this, it is very likely that in the future, F City will no longer be able to find a city to purchase supplies.

  Xiangcheng is still doing well now. Although the Xiangcheng base has always said that survivors are strictly prohibited from carrying supplies out of Xiangcheng, the direction of their restrictions has always been E City.

  Xiangcheng did not restrict other survivors from taking Xiangcheng's supplies out to their own small cities or small bases.

  So in fact, those survivors who often move around Xiangcheng know that if Xiangcheng is destroyed, it will not be of any benefit to the overall survival rate of the survivors.

  The key is that the Xiangcheng base does not seem to be completely surrounded by city walls.

  However, the Xiangcheng base is stronger than the outside world thinks and will not be destroyed so easily.

  It's better to take advantage of now and sell the Xiangcheng base a good deal.

  In the future, City F will be able to buy supplies from the Xiangcheng base.

  The commander of City F on the other end of the phone scolded,"How do we have the ability to manage the war between City E and Xiangcheng?"

  "It's already good that we can manage ourselves well now. At this time, The kid who gets into a fight of the Gods will suffer, so just calm down."

  "We just need to find the right time to drag the supplies back to F City. leave the rest alone as you are told." The commander of F City spoke very harshly.

  The survivors under him who were responsible for carrying the goods had no idea of ​​the considerations of their superiors.

  Seeing that the entire world is undergoing drastic changes, can they not think more about themselves?

 At present, the Xiangcheng base is the most developed among all the survivors' gathering places.

  Not only in terms of their sufficient supplies, but also in terms of base defense and base order, the Xiangcheng base is also the No. 1 gathering place for all survivors.

  Seeing that the Xiangcheng base is growing larger and larger, in fact, this does not bring any benefits to other forces.

  If you think about it carefully, if City F wants to survive, there are only so many supplies for survival. All the supplies are concentrated in the Xiangcheng base.

  If other cities want supplies, they have to travel thousands of miles to the Xiangcheng base to transport them.

  However, if the Xiangcheng base is destroyed, the supplies stored in the Xiangcheng base will be released.

  To put it very cruelly, if all the survivors in the Xiangcheng base died, wouldn't there be a large number of survivors missing in the world, and their remaining supplies would be divided up?

 This is also the consideration of the superior.

  The world is cruel, and there are only so many supplies for survival. If others don't die, you will have to die.

  Based on this premise, F City and other cities think it's good to just sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and Lions.

  The group of survivors outside the material market all had their own hidden agendas and remained silent without saying anything.

  Yu Mengmeng looked at the survivors outside through the rolling shutter door and sneered.

  She didn't say anything. She held the child in her arms, locked a dozen locks on the rolling shutter door, and turned around to find Dafu and Xiaofu to get their guns.

  Because of the sudden tense atmosphere, all the survivors in the entire Xiangcheng base who could hide in the house did so.

  Of course, there were many survivors who took their weapons and set off to the west side of the Xiangcheng base to help Cao Feng guard the west side of the Xiangcheng base.

  The streets and alleys of the entire Xiangcheng base seemed extremely empty. At this moment, a large number of survivors with weapons rushed outside the rescue center.

  Hua Mi has been pushed into the emergency area. Gong Yi has placed more than a hundred guards in the rescue center and emergency area.

  Those stationed outside the emergency area prevented Chen Hu's killers from entering the emergency area.

  Both parties probably knew that this was a last ditch effort.

  Chen Hu's killers are all dying, and no one knows what they will do in the end.

  When garrisoning the emergency area, just hold on tight.

  At this time, Hua Mi was half lying on the delivery bed, holding a handful of Gatling tightly in her arms.

  A young nurse rushed into the already emptied delivery room.

  She said hurriedly:

  "All the patients have been evacuated, but..."

  As she spoke, the little nurse looked at Hua Mi on the delivery bed with a worried look.

  Her legs had been lifted up, and blood dripped onto the floor of the delivery bed.

  Xin Qiuru and Tu Lijia stood on both sides of Hua Mi, one on the left and one on the right.

  Xin Qiuru checked her cervix and looked between Hua Mi's legs. She said anxiously to Hua Mi, "No, the

amniotic fluid is heavy, but only two fingers have been opened now. You are about to give birth to the baby but it will take a long time."

  At this time, Hua Mi was already shaking all over in pain, her head was covered with sweat, and her clothes were wet and stuck to her body. She shook her head in pain, "It hurts so much, it's just spread two fingers?"

  "It doesn't matter, I can hold on! I can hold on, I can hold on!!!"

If she had known that giving birth to a child would not be that easy, Hua Mi would have been prepared in her heart,

  "Hurry up, is there any way to make me to give birth soon?"

  She was anxious. The fight outside turned into a pot of porridge, and she was anxious to go out and fight.

  Xin Qiuru thought for a moment, then asked Tu Lijia to help Hua Mi sit up. She anxiously looked back at the door of the delivery room and said to Hua Mi, "We will try our best to give birth naturally. There is no condition for caesarean section at this time."

  If so. If you have a caesarean section, you will need anesthesia.

  But in this situation, there is no telling how many killers are going to rush into the emergency area.

  In this case, if Hua Mi was given anesthesia, no one would be able to survive.

  Even though Hua Mi is at the critical moment of giving birth, she is still the most powerful of all the people here.

  If she gave birth normally, Hua Mi would still have the ability to protect herself in an emergency if the outside garrison couldn't defend her.

  Hua Mi was in so much pain that she just wanted to roll over. She had already heard gunshots outside the delivery room in the distance.

  The hundred or so garrisons Gong Yi left in the emergency area are all just ordinary garrisons. It is not known how long they can last compared with those professional killers.

  Hua Mi was so painful that her soul was about to leave her body. She pointed at a pile of guns in the corner of the delivery room and said to Tu Lijia: "Tu Lijia, do me a favor. Send this pile of guns out to those garissons outside."

  Tu Lijia was pushing Hua Mi's belly to help the twins in her belly get into the right position.

  This is to prevent the two children from getting entangled and fighting in the belly, causing the fetus to be in an abnormal position and preventing a normal delivery.

  After hearing what Hua Mi said, she turned around, her face covered with sweat and shock.

  Tu Lijia looked at the mountains of guns and ammunition piled up in the delivery room. Where did all these guns and ammunition come from?

 Tu Lijia didn't have time to think about it. She quickly found a cart, quickly piled the guns in the delivery room on the cart, and pushed it out of the delivery room.

  Ke Minghong is preparing for Plan B.

  Plan B is to perform a caesarean section on Hua Mi under anesthesia.

  Although the risk of a caesarean section is very high in this case, if Hua Mi fails to give birth, the only option is to have a caesarean section as a last resort.

  After all, in most cases when twins are born, caesarean section is chosen.

  Seeing the young nurse Tu Lijia pushing a cart of guns and ammunition out, Ke Minghong rubbed his nervous heart.

  Even standing here, he could hear the continuous gunshots in the emergency area.

  Ke Minghong nodded to Tu Lijia and watched Tu Lijia push the guns and ammunition out.

  In the delivery room, with Xin Qiuru's help, Hua Mi stood up from the delivery bed and walked around the delivery bed.

  She was in so much pain that she couldn't walk after less than two steps.

  "No, no, no, it hurts too much. It's getting more and more painful." She couldn't hold it in. Oh my God, the pain of childbirth is worse than that of Hua Mi imagined.