The survivors who had been fighting together were killed and injured by Chen Xiumin's bomb with a "bang".

  Some were even blown away and fell into the zombie wave.

  The scene turned into a mess.

  In the north of Xiangcheng, life is not getting better.

  In addition to those survivors who were expelled from the Xiangcheng base, there are still a large number of survivors who remain within the cloud and mist wall of the Xiangcheng base.

  Because of Hua Mi's outburst, the atmosphere in the entire north of the Xiangcheng base suddenly became much more tense than before.

  Originally, everyone stayed in their tents freely, waiting for the little humanitarian relief supplies sent from the Xiangcheng base every day.

  Now those people, Yang Honglin and others who were transferred by Hua Mi, are trapped in their own tent area.

  The Xiangcheng base no longer allows them to move around freely.

  Anyone who can be found out is under investigation.

  No relief supplies have been delivered.

  The entire atmosphere in the north of the Xiangcheng Base suddenly became extremely solemn.

  But they cannot enter the Xiangcheng base by their own abilities.

  Some people were dissatisfied. They pointed at Yang Honglin who came to issue the order and said, "It's Chen Xiumin's fault. You investigated for so long and took away so many people. You found out what they did. Did we say something?"

  Although they usually complained about Hua Mi occasionally.

  But most people are still not as radical as Chen Xiumin's group.

  Some people have even never seen Chen Xiumin.

  Therefore, it is just because of Chen Xiumin that the atmosphere in the north of the Xiangcheng base is so tense.

  Everyone should be dissatisfied.

  A large group of people gathered in front of Yang Honglin's car, all expressing their opinions, buzzing like a swarm of flies.

  Yang Honglin stood on the roof of the car and looked indifferently at the survivors who surrounded his car in a large circle.

  Yang Honglin said, "Now, the Xiangcheng Base has clearly informed you that if you do not leave Xiangcheng, then the Xiangcheng Base will stop providing all humanitarian assistance."

  These words were like a pot exploding, and some survivors glared at Yang Hong Lin, "Is this something that human beings can do? What have we done wrong?"

  "If you mess with us like this, don't you worry about retribution?"

  Yang Honglin sneered, and he took it from the snakeskin pocket in his hand. , took out several large bags of seeds, and said to these survivors, "Then our Xiangcheng base, do we owe you anything?"

  "We have provided you with humanitarian aid for such a long time, and you are still mumbling, You are so dissatisfied with us, do we deserve to be taken advantage of?"

  "Here~ these are seeds. If you want to eat them, just plant them yourself." "

 " No one has the obligation to tolerate you."

  In fact, a long time ago, Yang Honglin is also a person full of justice and love.

  But after the end of the world, the ugly human heart made him feel chilled.

  Until now, there are still several seriously injured children from the police academy who have not come out of the ambulance center.

  Their injuries were so serious that even if they were treated with Huami's medical supplies every day, their psychological trauma would take many, many years to heal.

  Since the base in Xiangcheng was attacked last time, Yang Honglin's thoughts have changed. He began to feel how terrible ungrateful people are.

  Even though these stranded survivors in the north of the Xiangcheng base are not from Chen Xiumin's group.

  However, complaining about Hua Mi and being dissatisfied with the management of the Xiangcheng base is the mainstream thought of this group of people.

  This is terrible.

  Once they have such thoughts, no matter what the Xiangcheng base does, these people will not be grateful.

  They all feel that no matter how much the Xiangcheng base does for them, this is what they should do.

  And once their emotions accumulate to a certain level, they will become quite radical if the outside world provokes them.

 They will do terrible and much more terrible things.

  This is a terrible force, so why should the Xiangcheng base condone these people?

  Nothing is as it should be.

  The seeds were sown by Yang Honglin and thrown to the survivors.

  But no survivor was willing to take those seeds.

  They were very panicked, and hidden deep in their hearts, their dissatisfaction with the Xiangcheng base grew stronger and stronger.

  But faced with Yang Honglin's tough attitude, none of the survivors dared to speak out in protest.

  It was obvious that the Xiangcheng base was trying to beat them.

  If they really resisted at this time, they would actually not be able to defeat these people from the Xiangcheng base.

  However, if they accept these seeds, the Xiangcheng base will ask them to farm in the future and will not provide them with any humanitarian assistance.

  The survivors fell silent one by one.

  Deathly silence.

  They lowered their heads in unison, lowered their eyes, and covered their eyes with hatred.

  This matter, it seems, has no solution now.

  Yang Honglin didn't want to talk to them any more.

  He jumped off the roof of his car, got into the car, and drove away from Xiangcheng Base North with a look of indifference on his face.

  He still has a lot to do.

  As soon as Yang Honglin left, the remaining stranded survivors began to whisper.

 Some people looked panicked,

  "What should we do now? Look at it like this, the Xiangcheng base really doesn't want to care about us anymore."

  "Today . The relief supplies at noon have not been delivered, and I am still hungry."

  Some people looked like dead pigs who are not afraid of boiling water,

 "How can they really starve us to death? Don't worry, it is just to scare us."

  "When we are almost starved, they will send us supplies and then intimidate us."

  "I have long been aware of the methods of these people."

  Despite saying this, most people in the north of the base still feel very uneasy.

  They gathered together and started talking about the ruthlessness of the Xiangcheng base.

  And Hua Mi, a woman, is ignorant.

  Suddenly, a survivor stumbled and waved his hands to everyone and said,

"Have you heard? The contractor came out with a blueprint. He wanted to build a city wall. The red line of the city wall actually excluded our area . This place will become outside the Xiangcheng base."

  His words caused a roar from the crowd. Some people pushed aside the crowd in disbelief and came over and asked, " What are you talking about? We are in the Xiangcheng base."

  " Is this true? Who did you listen to?"

  If it means that the red line on the city wall of the contractor drew them outside the Xiangcheng base, then what is the difference between this and driving them out of the Xiangcheng base?

 "However, that cloud-mist city wall has already included us in the Xiangcheng base, and now there is a red line for the city wall for the contractor, so what does our area count?"

"Doesn't this put us between the red line of the city wall, and between the Yunwu City Wall?"

  After hearing what this person said, everyone didn't feel too panicked. After all, the area between the red line of the city wall and the Yunwu City Wall was still safe.

  Compared to the mountains and seas of zombies outside the Xiangcheng base, at least there is no zombie threat in this area.

  But then, someone else said with a pale face, "If the city wall is really built, that magical cloud and mist city wall can be revoked at any time."

  "After all, that cloud and mist city wall that no one can touch is Gong Yi's spiritual power and is formed into substance."

  It is actually as ethereal as clouds and mist.

  If Gong Yi leaves this wall alone for a few days, this wall will slowly become thinner.

  Over time, this city wall will be blown by the wind and disappear between heaven and earth.

  So once the contractor is asked to build up the red line of the city wall.

  After Gong Yi's cloud wall was removed, they were still excluded from the Xiangcheng base.

  Someone cursed loudly:

  "Why are the people at the Xiangcheng base more treacherous than the others?"

  "This contractor is really serious. I thought he was quite good before. How can he do such an unscrupulous thing now?"

"What happened?"

  Someone said in a sinister manner,

 "In the final analysis, it was actually the woman named Hua Mi who gave the order."

 " If she hadn't come up with some bad ideas, we wouldn't be in such an embarrassing situation today."

  "Then we, what should we do now? Otherwise, we collectively go to Gong Yi and talk about it."

"We really can't let his wife continue to do this randomly."

  Everyone whispered to each other and discussed. At first, everyone said that they would select a few people to serve as representatives and go to Gong Yi to negotiate.

  However, when it comes to who is going, everyone shakes their head.

  After all, what happened to Chen Xiumei is a lesson from the past.

  They say that the first shot is the first to catch the bird, and this is true.

  If the negotiation fails and the representative who came forward to negotiate angered Gong Yi and thrown out of the Xiangcheng base, wouldn't it be a loss that outweighs the gain?

  Seeing that this matter has been discussed for a long time, no one can be chosen.

  In the end, all the survivors decided to go find Gong Yi together.

  Everyone went to the edge of the Yunwu City Wall to ask Gong Yi for comment.

  A few dozen survivors were left on the spot, silently picking up the seeds on the ground, gritting their teeth and carrying the seeds back to their tents.

  No one knows what these few dozen survivors are thinking.

  They just feel like they don't fit in well.

  But at this time, they are unwilling to follow the crowd, and everyone can only let these few survivors do their own thing.

  A large number of stranded survivors ran to the wall of Yunwu City to look for Gong Yi.

  But Gong Yi has returned to Hua Mi and the child.

  Hua Mi and her brother and sister were placed in the garrison camp.

  Because of the attack by Chen Xiumin, Gong Yi made a temporary decision to let the contractor no longer repair Diamond's house and give it to his wife and children.

  He asked Hua Mi to get a luxurious RV and place it in the garrison camp.

  His two children were also raised in the garrison camp.

  After Gong Yi returned to the luxury car to take care of his two children, Hua Mi made an excuse and ran to the toilet in the garrison camp.

  "I'm going to use the big toilet. It's a big toilet. Don't wait for me. You take the child to sleep."

  When she said this, Gong Yi turned his head and rolled his eyes at Hua Mi.

  He rolled his eyes.

  Hua Mi pretended not to see it, turned around and ran away. She set up a teleportation point in the public toilet of the garrison camp.

  In a flash, she flew back from the toilet in the garrison camp to the back entrance of D City.

  After not coming for a few days, the back entrance of D City was already filled with power grids by Guo Se and Lin Zhigang.

  Seeing Hua Mi's sudden appearance, Guo Se came across with a big knife without even thinking.

  Hua Mi leaned back and dodged Guo Se's sword.

  She scolded Guo Se: "What are you doing? You attack one of your own."

  Guo Se slammed the handle of the knife on the ground, looked at Hua Mi and said,

  "What should I do? Why don't you just go back and nurse a child?"

 " It's been several days. The two of us here have almost built this place into a bunker."

  She and Lin Zhigang only relied on a large bundle of power grids left by Hua Mi and a bunch of [Energy Water Drops] Mixed with jelly stones.

  Absolutely, they stayed at this small teleportation point for so many days.

  It's already quite difficult.

  If Hua Mi didn't come again, Guo Se planned to leave Lin Zhigang alone and return to her safe zone.

  There is enough power grid in her safe zone, and there are also several luxury RVs parked. Those luxury RVs contain a large amount of supplies that Guo Se has hoarded.

  There are also a lot of [Energy Water Drops].

  However, Guo Se's abilities are limited. She can effortlessly shuttle through the zombie wave by herself.

  If Lin Zhigang is brought along, it will be very difficult to move.

  She could only leave Lin Zhigang and go back alone.

  A smile appeared on Hua Mi's face. She smiled at Guo Se and said,

  "Thank you for your hard work. I brought you a lot of good things."

  As she said that, she pulled out a very big bag from behind her. Big backpack.

  The backpack is filled with food supplies and [Energy Water Drops].

  Guo Se glanced at the supplies in the backpack, with a slightly satisfied look on her face.

  She took out four yellow peaches from her backpack, threw two to Lin Zhigang, and kept two for herself.

  Guo Se took a bite of the yellow peach and asked Hua Mi, "What are you going to do next?"

  "I heard from Dr. Lin that you plan to take him to F City?"

  Hua Mi turned around and looked in the direction out of the city. , "We are now in the north of the Xiangcheng base. If we want to go to F city, we have to go to the south of the Xiangcheng base."

"We must go around half a circle of the Xiangcheng base on the way." After saying that, Hua Mi turned to look at Lin Zhigang , she dug from her sleeve, and took out a long knife.

  Don't ask her why she could take out a long knife from her sleeve.

  Asking is magic.

  Hua Mi threw the long knife to Lin Zhigang, "I will only send you, Dr. Lin, to City E. Dr. Lin has to walk on his own on the way to City F. So from now on, Dr. Lin has to cheer up. "

  "Don't you want to know what happened to your father in F City? For the truth, Dr. Lin, you have to make preparations."