Lin Zhigang was hit by the long knife thrown to him by Hua Mi.

  He was hit hard by this heavy long knife.

  He hurriedly hugged the long knife Hua Mi gave him, carefully avoiding the sharp blade, and looked at Hua Mi in a panic.

  Does Hua Mi mean that she will never send him to the end?

  Lin Zhigang felt a deep sense of loss in his heart.

  But if someone has a husband and children, why should he be sent to the end of the journey?

  To be honest, Hua Mi was able to send him out of Xiangcheng and protect him from the center of D City all the way to the back door of D City. This was already taking care of Lin Zhigang.

  Lin Zhigang cannot ask for too much.

  He nodded heavily, with a determined look in his eyes,

  "I have been calling my dad these past few days. No one answered his phone at the beginning, and now it has been turned off."

 " My dad must have been out of business . He has never been like this before."

  "I must go back."

  He did not make any vows to Hua Mi.

  Because in the apocalypse, any oath uttered by mouth will seem very empty.

  Lin Zhigang just needs to express his determination directly with actions. If he wants to go back, he must go back.

  Hua Mi nodded, turned around, took one last look at the small safe zone in D City, and took the lead in fighting her way out.

  Guo Se took two steps forward and looked at Hua Mi's back. She raised her hand and patted Lin Zhigang's shoulder,

  "Don't force it. When I first started killing zombies, I was not very good at it, but it will get better as time goes by. "

  "After all, this is a new era. While we specialize in the arts, we should also become good at killing zombies." After saying that, Guo Se also followed Hua Mi and killed zombies..

  The three of them fought their way out of City D and headed east. City E was located east of the Xiangcheng base.

  By the time the fight reached the middle of the night, almost four hours had passed, and they were about to leave the boundaries of D City.

  Guo Se stopped and looked at Hua Mi without saying anything.

  Hua Mi waved the long knife in her hand, turned to look at Guo Se, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Are you still not leaving D City?"

  Guo Se nodded.

  She knew that maybe by walking out of D City, she could escape the zombie wave, and maybe by walking out of D City, her life would have a different start.

  But ever since she and Ni Shuiwen broke up in D City, Guo Se's life seemed to have stayed in D City.

  She didn't feel very sad. Even when she was killing zombies in D City, she rarely thought of Ni Shuiwen.

  But if Guo Se was asked to leave D City and go somewhere else, she seemed to be stuck and refused to take a step beyond the boundaries of D City.

  No matter how difficult it is to live in D City, even D City as a whole has now become a small point in the zombie trend.

  There are no survivors at all who will come to D city to kill zombies.

  Guo se just didn't want to leave D city.

  In view of this situation, Hua Mi opened her mouth slightly, but she still said:

  "I respect your choice. With your current ability, you don't need to stay in D City, and you will not be short of various living supplies, food and drink."

  " If one day you want to leave City D, just tell me and I will set off firecrackers to pick you up."

The greater the ability of a person, the life he will live will certainly be better than that of all living beings.

  Guo Se may not be as fluent in killing zombies as Hua Mi, but now she can be a person and move freely among the zombies.

  This is also a very important ability.

  Guo Se smiled and nodded, waving her hands towards Hua Mi and Lin Zhigang.

  Lin Zhigang looked behind Guo Se and saw D City full of roaring zombies.

  He originally wanted to say something to Guo Se, but after he spoke, Lin Zhigang realized that there seemed to be nothing to say.

  Life in this world is too difficult now, and no one knows who will die where.

  Maybe one day, they will have a chance to meet again, maybe one day, they will be like this.

  Perhaps, this is the eternal farewell between him and Guo Se.

  "Let's go!"

  Hua Mi stepped forward, holding the knife in her hand.

  Lin Zhigang glanced at Guo Se one last time and followed Hua Mi, killing the zombies all the way.

  Guo Se stood where D City was out of bounds, looking at their backs from a distance, and waved her hand.

  Until the two zombie-killing figures were no longer seen, Guo Se turned around and went to the safe area of ​​D City to kill zombies alone.

 Hua Mi took Lin Zhigang and killed for another half an hour.

  They entered a ruined building in the suburbs.

  As soon as she entered, the ruins were immediately surrounded by zombies behind her.

  Hua Mi looked at the dark ruins. She pointed at a lot of power grids in the corner and a lot of [Energy Water Drops] mixed with jelly stones. She said to Lin Zhigang, "I'm going back to take care of the children now. You are alone."

  "Here is the power grid, and there are [Energy Water Drops], which are enough for you to use for more than half a month."

  "You seal these power grids on the doors and windows of the ruins, as well as all the loopholes."

  There was some panic in his eyes,

  "Are you going to leave too? Do you want to leave me here alone?"

  There is also a teleportation point here, which surprised Lin Zhigang.

  But in his current mood, he couldn't think of anything more.

  He suddenly felt very scared. He stood in the ruins and looked at Hua Mi pitifully.

  Ever since he was a child, Lin Zhigang has never been so lonely and scared.

  Because of his good background and good knowledge, Lin Zhigang has been very popular since he was a child. He will always be surrounded by a large group of friends at any time.

 He have never been alone like this before.

  And looking at his current situation, he doesn't know whether his father is alive or dead. Guo Se, who had a life-or-death friendship with him, left him not long ago due to personal reasons.

  Until now, Hua Mi, who was like a protector in his mind, was leaving him.

  Lin Zhigang felt like a child who was about to leave the place and people who made him feel safe, and face an unknown world full of cruelty alone.

  He shook his head, his eyes even pleading, hoping that Hua Mi would not choose to leave at this time.

  But Hua Mi raised her hand and patted Lin Zhigang on the shoulder, "You chose to come out. Since you have chosen this path, you must be mentally prepared."

"The outside world is so cruel, no one you can rely on, including me, including your father."

  "After all, you still have to go on this road of the end of the world alone. No matter how difficult it is, you still have to go on."

 " Besides, it is very safe here now. , you still have the power grid, and [Energy Water Drops], these things are enough."

  "I still have my children to raise, right? It makes no sense for me to keep taking care of you here and ignore my children. "

  Lin Zhigang had some struggle in his eyes. He knew the truth, and it must be this truth.

  He just felt scared, so he asked Hua Mi with difficulty, "What if you can't come back after half a month?"

  "If I don't come back after half a month, you can fight out by yourself and fight all the way to F City ."

  Hua Mi gestured to the long knife in Lin Zhigang's hand, "The knife has been given to you, this is your only support in the future."

  "Who didn't come here like this? Didn't Guo Se come here like this back then?"

  After saying this, Hua Mi flew back to the Xiangcheng base at the toilet in the camp without any hesitation.

  By this time, it was almost dawn.

  Lin Zhigang felt extremely uncomfortable. This uncomfortable feeling had nothing to do with love.

  But he finally realized that he would have to walk alone in the future.

  He tightened the long knife in his hand, and when he reacted belatedly, zombies had already crawled into the ruins through the broken window.

  Lin Zhigang hurriedly picked up the knife and went up to chop off the zombie that crawled into the ruins.

  Then in a panic, he attached the power grid to the broken window.

  The work of building this power grid is very simple. Lin Zhigang, a top student, has been building the power grid with Guo Se in the past few days, and he has already mastered the technology of building the power grid easily.

  He quickly patched up the hole with an electric grid, and then sat down against the wall with a look of embarrassment on his body, covered in sweat.

  Under the hazy sky, zombies roared one after another outside the ruins. Lin Zhigang spent an unspeakable 24 hours half asleep and very exhausted.

  He felt like these 24 hours had passed a lifetime.

  And when night fell again, he no longer knew how many zombies he had killed, how many zombies crawled in from the holes in the ruins, and how many times he had repaired the power grid.

  Finally, all the holes in the ruins were filled.

  Just when Lin Zhigang breathed a sigh of relief, his cell phone rang.

  Lin Zhigang was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly walked to his backpack and took out his phone.

  The ringtone of this cell phone was very familiar to him. It was the ringtone of his father's incoming call.

  Lin Zhigang breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Looking at his father's caller ID on the phone screen, Lin Zhigang picked up the phone and asked reproachfully: "Dad, why didn't you contact me for so long?"

  On the other end of the phone , there was a brief silence, and then Chen Hu's voice came out, "Your father is in my hands now."

  Lin Zhigang paused and asked hurriedly: "Who are you? What do you want to do? What did you do to my father? How is he?"

  "Don't worry, don't worry."

  Chen Hu chuckled, with gentleness in his voice. He whispered to Lin Zhigang:

  "I didn't want to do anything to your father, but your father is a bit disobedient. In order to make him obedient, IYour father will never be able to speak."

  "I'm sorry, the attack was a bit harsh, I'm just used to it."

  "Come, let me hear you your father's voice for you." There was a noise on the phone, and soon, Lin Xia screamed at the top of his lungs.

  Lin Zhigang frowned. Hearing Lin Xia's roar, it seemed to have something wrong with Lin Xia's tongue.

  The man who held his father hostage cut out his father's tongue?

  Lin Zhigang suddenly became furious. He shouted into his cell phone:

  "What do you want to do? Don't do anything to my father. If my father has any trouble, I will never let you go!"

"I don't care about you who are you? Even if I spend my whole life, I will kill you, definitely! Definitely!"

  Chen Hu seemed to be used to such incompetent threats.

 How many people had he killed and how many evil crimes had he done in his life?

  Almost everyone who has been harmed by him will say the same thing to him.

  But was Chen Hu afraid? Does he care?

  Every time he heard such words, he couldn't help but feel funny.

  These people were trampled under his feet. They were trampled under his feet and would never have the chance to stand up again.

  Hearing Chen Hu's laughter, Lin Zhigang plucked his hair in annoyance, because of his incompetence and because Chen Hu appeared too calm.

  It seemed as if everything was already in Chen Hu's hands.

  Lin Zhigang had already lost psychologically.

  He said to Chen Hu full of resentment and helplessness, "What do you want?"

  Lin Zhigang's tone showed signs of compromise.

  Chen Hu knew that Lin Zhigang was about to give in.

  Chen Hu can turn such people into his minions as long as he grasps their weaknesses.

  Chen Hu chuckled and said to Lin Zhigang,

  "I heard from your father that you have been very outstanding since you were a child, and you are now working in the rescue center of the Xiangcheng base."

When Lin Zhigang heard what Chen Hu said, he immediately said warily: "I won't help you steal [Energy Water Drops]."

  He once heard his father say that Chen Hu's mother was terminally ill and now urgently needed to get [Energy Water Drops].

  Lin Zhigang advised Chen Hu on the phone, "Your mother has obviously reached the end of her life. If you keep her so hard, it will not do her any good. It's impossible for a boss like you to not know about such a big thing."

  On the other end of the phone, Chen Hu said coldly, "Don't bother Dr. Lao Lin. My own mother, I have the ability to extend her life?"

  In fact, Chen Hu has been using zombie crystal cores on his mother recently.

  His mother also survives.

  Although his mother had been lying in bed unconscious, at least his mother's heart was beating and she was breathing.

  As for what Lin Zhigang said about things going to extremes, this was true many years ago. Nowadays, in the end of the world, there is no emphasis on things going to extremes.

  Just survive.

  He said on the other end of the phone,

  "I don't want Dr. Chen to go to all the trouble to smuggle [energy water drops] out of the city for me."

  "I have now found a substitute to keep my mother alive."

  "Dr. Lin just needs to do one thing for me, either kill Hua Mi, or steal one of Hua Mi's children for me."

  "As long as Dr. Lin can do one of these two things, I will return to you your father."

  Lin Zhigang said loudly in disbelief:

  "I can't accomplish any of the two things you mentioned."

  "Think about it for yourself, what kind of skills Hua Mi is, What kind of skills I have?"

  "If I had half the skills of Hua Mi, I wouldn't be a doctor in the Xiangcheng base."