Lin Xia has the egoistic thinking necessary for a superior person. They will not do things that are not beneficial.

  Unable to see a clear situation, they will not easily abandon their bets.

  Especially at this time of the end of the world, those in power are walking on thin ice.

  Every decision they make consumes all their brain cells.

  "My father, he also wanted to work hard to build F City into the largest fortress in the apocalypse. You can laugh at him for overestimating his abilities, but he also saved many survivors."

  "F City also have many survivors who got a chance to survive there."

  "No matter what he does, he can't die."

  Lin Zhigang was in very, very painful pain. He still kept squatting down and holding his head, facing in pain.

"What do you want me to do? What choice do you want me to make? If I let you and your child go, my father will die."

  "But how can I kill a mother who is still alive with two children?How can I attack a baby in swaddling clothes?"

  "What should I choose?"

  He is just a very ordinary and ordinary man. Even after the end of the world, he did not even activate his superpowers.

  How could a man like him save his father? How to have both?

  Lin Zhigang, who was squatting on the ground, suddenly raised his face. In the dim light, his face was ashen, and he said to Hua Mi, who was looking at him coldly: "According to your character, you will never let me go. I am so ruthless and you are an unjust person."

  "You helped me wholeheartedly and led me to get out of this zombie wave, but I put a knife on your neck. I am a ungrateful and despicable person. "

  "Otherwise, you kill me now. If you kill me, I won't have to face such a painful and devastating apocalypse."

"I won't have to make such a difficult choice."

  Hua Mi leaned back, found a stone, leaned her body against the stone, and said coldly: "It's easy to die. In the end of the world, it's really easy for a person to die."

  "It's harder to live than to die. It's always like this."

  "You think living is too painful and difficult. Have you ever thought about what will happen to your father after you die?"

"Who will save him? What if your father is killed? If Chen Hu kills him, it will be over."

  "But Chen Hu is obviously not like that. He will let you and your father go so easily." "

 " Have you ever thought about what your father would be like in Chen Hu's hands? What kind of torture were he subjected to?"

  "I think life must be worse than death."

  Lin Zhigang's face turned pale with every word Hua Mi said.

  After she said this, Lin Zhigang's pain deepened.

  He grabbed his white hair and pulled it off strands one by one. "Then I can't even choose to die now?"

  "What should I do? What should I do?"

  Hua Mi spoke, her voice was like a demon in hell, with a frightening tone,

  "When Chen Hu calls you again, just tell Chen Hu directly that you can take away one of my babies. My child."

  "You asked Chen Hu to come and pick him up. Doesn't he want my child? Then he has to make some efforts."

 " You tell him that you want to smuggle a child out of Xiangcheng and get rid of it smoothly, but you alone couldn't do it."

  "Tell him again, the best you can do is send the child outside E City."

 " He don't know that you have left Xiangcheng. When you ask him to pick up the child, he will take your father with him."

  "If your father dies, then you will definitely not let him get his wish."

  "In order to achieve his purpose, Chen Hu will definitely let your father live well."


  Lin Zhigang felt that this plan was full of loopholes.

  They want to trick Chen Hu out of City F and into City E. Will Chen Hu believe it?

 He grabbed his hair and asked Hua Mi with red eyes, "Should we make the plan more detailed?"

  "I always feel that this plan is too clumsy. For someone as smart as Chen Hu, he won't believe it."

  Hua Mi said, "How many chips does he have in his hand now? It's not his turn to believe it or not."

  "Even if he doesn't believe it, he doesn't have the manpower and material resources to verify the authenticity of this news."

  "Everyone knows, what he want my child for? The Xiangcheng base cannot be defeated. He wants to take my child as a hostage."

"The child is in his hands, and Gong Yi and I don't dare to kill him. No matter how many loopholes you say, he will definitely come to you, there is no doubt about it."

  Lin Zhigang finally lowered his head. He had no other choice but to do what Hua Mi said.

  Immediately afterwards, Lin Zhigang choked and said: "I don't know when Chen Hu will call me."

  "He turned off my father's cell phone. What can I do now? I can't just wait for him to contact me, I will go crazy."

  He was too worried about his father.

  He couldn't bear the fact that his father suffered at the hands of Chen Hu.

  "Work hard to fight out, work hard to become stronger, so strong that you can save your father from Chen Hu's hands by just stamping your feet. You will naturally get rid of the fate of being chosen."

Hua Mi looking at the power grid on the gap, Lin Zhigang has at least one advantage. His skills in pasting the power grid are quite good.

  "Dr. Lin, you are already an adult. You have to know how children make choices, and adults don't. If he needs to choose, he wants everything."

  Lin Zhigang looked in a daze, chewing on what Hua Mi said in his mouth, what does he want now?

 He wanted his father to live with him, and he didn't want to harm Hua Mi's two children, nor did he want to kill Hua Mi.

  So he has to become stronger. Only when he becomes stronger can he be able to do whatever he wants, and Chen Hu will not be able to control him.

  Lin Zhigang stood up, raised his sleeves, and wiped away the tears on his face with his dirty sleeves.

  Then he bowed deeply to Hua Mi,

  "I'm sorry, Miss Hua, I shouldn't have put the knife on your neck just now. I hope you can forgive me."

  Hua Mi waved her hand, "I know you can't kill me, you won't kill me."

  "Otherwise, by the time you walk towards me with the knife, you would have been turned into a puddle of meat."

  Hua Mi chopped him into a puddle of meat.

  A ray of light gradually came out from outside the gap. Hua Mi yawned and said to Lin Zhigang,

  "No, my husband is going crazy. I'm going back."

  After saying that, Hua Mi turned around and returned to the public toilet in the garrison camp.

  As soon as she appeared, several garrison guards who were wearing shorts and about to enter the toilet, took off their pants to pee, all stood there with astonished expressions on their faces.

  The first person to react was Fang Yuqi. He couldn't help but cover his face with the washbasin in his hand.

 After thinking about it, no, what's the use of covering his face?

  He still took off the washbasin from his face, covering his lower body in big pants, and stood up straight towards Hua Mi with a shocked look on his face, saluting, "Sister Hua, good morning!"

  A group of guards wearing big pants, They all blocked their big underpants, saluted Hua Mi, and shouted, "Sister Hua, good morning!!!"

  Hua Mi nonchalantly nodded towards Fang Yuqi and the several stunned guards behind him, and then swaggeringly, she walked out of the public toilet.

  Walk to her luxury car.

  As long as she is not embarrassed, someone else will be embarrassed!

  As soon as she entered the door of the luxury car, Hua Mi, who had a face thicker than the city walls, saw Gong Yi wearing pajamas, lying next to the bed, gently patting the two babies.

  Seeing Hua Mi entering the RV, Gong Yi sat up, glanced at Hua Mi coldly, and said quietly: "How did you know how to come back? I thought you fell into the toilet."

  Hua Mi smiled shyly at Gong Yi, walked over quietly, and took a look at the baby who was sleeping on the bed

  She immediately complained to Gong Yi and said, "Why do you only have a men's restroom in this public restroom?"

  "Why is there no women's restroom?"

  Because there is no women's restroom, this caused her to make a big mistake in the morning. .

  She just transport directly into the men's room.

  Gong Yi sneered, "Take a look for yourself where this place is? Why are there only male and not female toilets?"

  Originally, Hua Mi ran into the public toilet in the middle of the night yesterday, and Gong Yi was ready to remind Hua Mi.

  She had to come back early, procrastinating, and every time she came back just before dawn, she would definitely run into the people gathered at the garrison.

  But when Gong Yi thought that Hua Mi would just leave him and the two children and go out to be a wandering god at night.

  Gong Yi felt an inexplicable resentment in his heart.

  He chose not to tell Hua Mi that there were no separate toilets for men and women in this garrison camp.

  He just watched Hua Mi suffer such a huge embarrassment.

  Gong Yi felt very relaxed.

  It's time to teach Hua Mi a lesson, and let her remember that she is now a woman with a family.

  Hua Mi smiled, took two steps closer to Gong Yi and said, "Hey, we are like this, the relationship between husband and wife is tense, and the education of the children is very bad."

  "I tell you Gong Yi, you have to let go of your feelings for me. I'm a very serious woman, you can't tease me like this."

  Before she could finish her words, Gong Yi, who was sitting on the bed, suddenly stood up and walked towards Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi stepped back full of vigilance, all the way back to the sofa in the RV.

  She fell down on the sofa and watched Gong Yi lean down.

  Hua Mi suddenly stuttered and whispered, "Wh...wh.. what?"

  "A gentleman talks and doesn't do anything. Domestic violence is not acceptable. If children see their parents being so violent, they will behave the same way in the future. Follow my example."

  Gong Yi placed his hands on both sides of Hua Mi's cheeks. He lowered his head and pursed his lips to look at Hua Mi, wanting to see what kind of ivory Hua Mi could spit out from her mouth?

  "Isn't this world just like that right now?"

  "From now on, the world will be dominated by strength. Haven't you always advocated fighting to solve problems?"

  With these words, Gong Yi's body moved towards her little by little. Moves closer to Hua Mi.

  His knees pressed against the sofa next to Hua Mi, and he leaned towards Hua Mi.

  It was at this moment that Hua Mi suddenly noticed the ambiguity in the atmosphere.

  Gong Yi didn't really want to beat her up, he might want to do something else.

  Hua Mi just had this thought, but her body was faster than her mind.

  She wrapped her hands around Gong Yi's waist and pushed Gong Yi back onto the sofa.

  Gong Yi had no intention of resisting, even though his combat effectiveness was now much higher than Hua Mi.

  However, just like that, he was smoothly pressed on the sofa by Hua Mi, and there was even some inexplicable softness in his eyes.

  Hua Mi's knees were pressed against Gong Yi's waist and abdomen.

  She was like a female bully, raising her hands to grab Gong Yi's collar, and not forgetting to yell at him, "Are you going to fight? Are you going to fight? Are you going to fight? Come on, come on."

  Just when the two of them were about to fight. On the sofa, during a physical fight, on the bed of the luxury car, their brother started to cry with his lips curled up.

  When the brother cried, the sister was also woken up and immediately started crying too.

  Gong Yi wiped his face helplessly and looked at Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi moved away and sat next to Gong Yi. She pushed Gong Yi with her knee, "You started it. Look, you woke them both up."

  "Why did they woke up? They just take a nap."

  Listening to Hua Mi's tone, there was a strong sense of reluctance.

  Gong Yi heard it funny, he got up and went to comfort the child.

  Hua Mi looked at him and couldn't help but smile.

  After a while, when Gong Yi had fed the two children, Hua Mi was about to be attacked by a hungry tiger.

  Another garrison came to Gong Yi to repair and stabilize the city wall.

  Hua Mi sat on the edge of the sofa, holding one side of her face with her hands. She looked at Gong Yi with ambiguity and fun, "The commander is too busy."

  Gong Yi, who was also a little annoyed, turned around and glared. He glanced at her and said, "Don't go out to use the bathroom tonight."

  This secret , which only two people seemed to know, made the corners of Hua Mi's mouth curl up.

  As an adult, it's normal to have sex, but Hua Mi doesn't care about it.

  She and Gong Yi are both busy now. They take care of the children, one takes care of them during the day and the other takes care of them at night.

  The time is staggered, and they are always busy. It is not convenient for them to do it when children is around.

  What can be done?

 Just hold it in.

  After Gong Yi left, Hua Mi came to the bed and looked at the two babies on the bed, communicating in baby talk.

  When Hua Mi was lying on the bed, she received a text message from Gong Yi on her mobile phone,

  [Gong Yi: Hua Xiu Ning, the name of our sister]

  Hua Mi looked at the name "Hua Xiu Ning" and then looked at her sister. A pretty little face.

  Then she typed and asked Gong Yi,

  [Hua Mi: Where is my brother's name? ]

  [Gong Yi: I haven't thought of it yet, I'll think about it again. ]

  During this period, Gong Yi spent the whole day thinking about how to name his sister.

  The elder brother hadn't thought about it carefully yet, so he decided on his sister's name first.

  Hua Mi looked at Gong Yi's text message on her phone and sighed. Then she looked at her brother's frowning and cold face.

 She tapped her brother's nose and said with a smile, "Look at your Dad, how can he ignore you?"

  The sister next to the brother started laughing, as if she was a little proud.