Hua Mi squinted slightly for a while, and then the contractor's voice sounded outside the door.

  She opened the door of the RV and heard the contractor outside saying to her with joy,

  "Miss Hua, Miss Hua, do you want to go and see the city wall I built?"

  "My city wall has been built. "

 " It's only been a few days? " Hua Mi looked at the contractor in surprise.

  She did not dampen the contractor's enthusiasm. She turned around and put the children in the twin strollers, and followed the contractor to see the city wall.

  She don't know how the contractor did it, but when the car was still far away, she saw what seemed to be a worldly treasure appearing in the north of Xiangcheng.

  There was a brilliant light there, flickering under the sunlight, which made her eyes sting even from a distance.

  The person driving the car was Huo Jing. He had already had the foresight to do so. He had been wearing sunglasses from the moment Hua Mi got in the car.

  The contractor was sitting in the passenger seat. He turned back to Hua Mi in the back seat and said, "I completed this city wall by myself. When I was building this city wall, I thought of my beautiful and lovely sister."

  " So I used an EX level cut for this city wall to turn it into the most dazzling diamond city wall in the world."

 " Dedicated to our beautiful, generous, gentle and kind sister."

  In the car, Hua Mi used her hands to touch her forehead.

  What can she say about this city wall? It should be quite strong, but it is too dazzling.

  It looks like a very huge diamond, standing on the north side of Xiangcheng.

  What should Hua Mi say? Apart from applauding the contractor, what else could she say?

 The survivors below the city wall were all filled with surprise as they looked at the diamond city wall that had been erected overnight.

  Someone rubbed his eyes, pointed to a large bright light in front of him, and asked:

 "Is it my imagination? Am I dreaming? What is happening here?"

  The survivor standing next to him, with a silly expression, he looked at the diamond wall for a while, then lowered his head and rubbed his eyes.

  Look at the diamond wall for a while.

  He wondered, if he could knock a brick off the Diamond City Wall from here and get it to the Xiangcheng base, how much would it cost?

No, they can no longer enter the Xiangcheng base.

  The diamond wall is right on the red line of the contractor's wall.

  In other words, their current location is located outside the Xiangcheng base and between the Yunwu City Wall.

  This is not good news for these stranded survivors.

  And the group of survivors who were surrounded under the wall of cloud and mist also looked at the diamond wall that stood up overnight in surprise.

  They don't understand, how was this wall built?

 Come to think of it, the world has become more and more mysterious, and there are people who can have such great abilities.

  Someone pointed at the dissipating cloud wall in front of them and shouted loudly: "No, the cloud wall is getting thinner and thinner. We have really been excluded from the outside of the Xiangcheng base."

 " Hurry up and look"

It is useless to make trouble this time.

  Originally, they were already prepared to die. If the Xiangcheng Base must expel them, the survivors stranded in the north of the Xiangcheng Base. They would rather die inside the Xiangcheng base.

  They had also planned to wait for the contractor's construction site to start work, then they would go out and cause trouble and kill a few people.

With so many survivors, could it really be impossible to kill them all?

There is no such thing that makes sense.

  As a result, now, they have not moved, but the city wall has moved such a long distance inside.

  Some survivors beat their chests and cried loudly, "What should we do now? Why is this Xiangcheng base like this? Cruel and ruthless? "

  While they were crying, someone saw a group of people jumping down from the city wall.

When they looked carefully, they saw that they were the people who had taken over the task from the mission center.

  One by one, they were fully armed and jumped down from the city wall.

  Immediately there were stranded survivors. They gathered around and asked,

  "What's going on? How could a city wall suddenly be erected?

  "We are not ready yet. How are we going to survive now? "

  Those Xiangcheng people who were out of the city on missions looked at the group of stranded survivors inexplicably, "It sounds so pitiful to say this, but aren't the survivors outside living well?"

  "Look at those little oases. You can go there and do some work. "

  "Otherwise, didn't the Xiangcheng base send you seeds before? You can grow some fruits and vegetables. "

 " Anyway, you're at the foot of the city wall of the Xiangcheng base, what are you worried about?"

  "Your lives are not in any danger. "

  "In fact, the safest place is not only inside the Xiangcheng base, but also under the city wall of the Xiangcheng base.

  Every day, a large number of Xiangcheng people who received the mission from the mission center came out of the city wall and took supplies and weapons out of the city to kill zombies.

  No matter how large the zombie tide is, it is impossible for these zombies to directly kill them at the base of the city wall.

  Unless it is the Xiangcheng base, there is a real danger of the entire base being destroyed.

  That's why the zombie wave is so close to the Xiangcheng base.

  Since there is no such crisis, isn't it just as safe to live under the city wall?

 After saying these words, the people from Xiangcheng carried their bulging backpacks with supplies and went on a mission to kill zombies.

  The large group of stranded survivors who were crying without tears were left behind, falling into a panic at a loss.

  Outside the Xiangcheng base, on the way to the E-city base, Lin Zhigang finally received a call from Chen Hu.

  After he told Chen Hu according to Hua Mi's original words, Lin Zhigang was still very worried at first, thinking that Chen Hu could never be that stupid.

  How could a boss like him who did great things believe such a clumsy lie?

  In the end, Chen Hu didn't ask anything. He only said to Lin Zhigang, "When will you be able to go to the E-city base?"

  Lin Zhigang looked at the date and said, "Four or five months."

  Chen Hu didn't say anything and turned the phone over.

  Four or five months are enough for Chen Hu to recruit troops.

  It was at this time that Hua Mi was preparing to go back to the RV and wait for Gong Yi to come back to take care of the children in the evening.

  Chi Chuan quietly walked to her side and whispered,"Sister Hua, there is a situation."

  Hua Mi pursed her lips, turned her head to look at Chi Chuan, and signaled Chi Chuan with her eyes to continue.

  "My friend who is responsible for purchasing supplies in the periphery told me that [Energy Water Drops] are being sold in large quantities in F City recently."

 " But we obviously no longer sell [Energy Water Drops] outside."

  Chi Chuan had a solemn look on his face.

  None of them knew where the [Energy Water Drops] in F City came from.

  But this thing can now not only replenish the physical strength of ordinary people and extend their lives.

  It can also replenish superpower energy for superpowers, which is as good as snake oil in the apocalypse.

  Those survivors outside who are hoarding [Energy Water Drops] in their hands should regard the [Energy Water Drops] in their hands as if they are treasures.

  It is absolutely impossible to sell it to F City and let F City sell a large amount of it.

  Hua Mi thought for a while,

  "Isn't Chen Hu in F City?"

  "So Chen Hu can still get a large amount of [Energy Water Drops] from our Xiang City?" Chichuan asked in surprise.

  He felt more and more nervous, and there was even a hint of murderous intent on his face, "Sister Hua, do you mean that there is a mole in our Xiangcheng city?"

  What kind of mole can actually transport [Energy Water Drops] in large quantities? Leaving Xiangcheng?

  He also traveled through the entire zombie wave and delivered such a large batch of [Energy Water Drops] to Chen Hu in F City.

  This quantity is actually large enough for Chen Hu to sell in large quantities.

  Hua Mi shook her head, "Don't think about the mole first."

  "But..." Chichuan hesitated,

  "Sister Hua, do you know that my friend told me that Chen Hu is holding these [Energy Water Drops] , are recruiting a large number of superpowers in the apocalypse."

  "Should we take care of it? Otherwise, if this thing really develops, it will be a big problem for one party,"

  Hua Mi said thoughtfully,

  "Not necessarily [Energy Water Drops], there are many things that can replenish the energy of superpowers in this apocalyptic world."

  She knew that the crystal nuclei of zombies could replenish energy for superpowers.

  In addition to zombie crystal nuclei, in fact, in the apocalypse, there is also the blood and meat of mutated animals, which can also replenish the physical strength of ordinary people and restore a little bit of the superpower energy of superpowers.

  Chi Chuan scratched his head and thought for a long time before saying to Hua Mi,"But Sister Hua, this can't be done."

"If Chen Hu is allowed to keep using fake [Energy Drops] to recruit people with super powers, then the super powers in his hands will continue to develop, they will continue to develop, and sooner or later their power will grow larger than ours."

  Chichuan is a little worried now.

  After all, the Xiangcheng base has now stopped,not allowing outside survivors to enter the Xiangcheng base.

  All survivors who want to get close to the Xiangcheng base can only move under the walls of the Xiangcheng base.

  This means that the Xiangcheng Base is actually invisibly rejecting the support of many, many people with special abilities.

  These superpowers were not taken seriously in the Xiangcheng base, so he would naturally turn to Chen Hu, who had a large number of counterfeit [Energy Drops] in his hands.

  Hua Mi smiled and said to Chi Chuan,

  "You don't have to worry about this anymore. If it develops like this, Chen Hu's development path is based on quantity."

  "And the development path of our Xiangcheng base is based on quality."

  "Don't worry, no matter what, their superpowers are not as high as ours."

  This is for sure, and Hua Mi won't explain so much to Chichuan now.

 She only popularized the side effects of zombie crystal cores.

  The crystal core of zombies contains a lot of impurities, which will make the body of the superpower become extremely strong and thick.

  Emotions can also become uncontrollable, causing incalculable consequences.

  From the beginning, Hua Mi had no plan to capture all the superpowers in the hands of the Xiangcheng base.

  This is impossible.

  She is also prepared for this. Sooner or later, the entire world will be cut off.

  Sooner or later, those with superpowers will know the role of crystal nuclei.

  So the top priority now is to quickly introduce Chen Hu.

  The secret that zombie crystal nuclei can be absorbed by superpowers can no longer be kept secret.

  It will definitely cause a large number of superpowers to absorb the zombie crystal cores.

  But what's the use? The zombie crystal core itself is full of impurities.

  The more zombie crystal cores a person with superpowers absorbs, the more difficult it will be for them to improve their superpowers in the future.

  But all this time, the superpowers who have only absorbed [Energy Water Drops] have received energy supplements from the very beginning, which are very pure and full of quintessence of energy.

  Pure energy has only benefits and no harm to the body of the superpower user, and the superpower will improve faster.

  Just take a look at the current Xiangcheng base. You can see that there are a lot of superpowers, and each superpower is very good.

  Hua Mi raised her hand and patted Chichuan on the shoulder, "So to look at the problem, we have to look back and think about it. You will feel better when you think about it."

  She understood that the group of people who are following her in the Xiangcheng base are now people who have so much anxiety in their hearts.

  The world outside is really the same every day.

  However, precisely because of this, they cannot take any big steps.

  After comforting Chichuan, Hua Mi got into her luxury car and waited for Gong Yi to come back and take over the care of the children.

  She gave her two children a bath in the bathroom of the RV, then lay half on the bed and played with them.

  Just wait for the door outside the RV to start ringing.

  Hua Mi immediately stood up and smiled at Gong Yi, who was wearing a garrison combat uniform and carrying two machetes on his back.

  She was stunned and asked, "What are you doing?"

  Gong Yi raised his head and said,

 "I'll follow you to the public toilets to prevent you from bumping into others again when you come back the next morning."

  Hua Mi opened her mouth slightly, looking very shocked.

  She suddenly asked:"If you follow me to the public toilet, who will take care of the child?"

  Gong Yi stood in front of Hua Mi, with his hands on his hips, looking very relaxed,

  "Of course they went to the public toilet with their parents."

  "You haven't seen that the children outside the city wall are starting to kill zombies when they are just a little older."

  Gong Yi gestured to Hua Mi. He was not lying. He stayed by the Yunwu City Wall every day, watching at the hard-working survivors under the city wall.

  During this time, Gong Yi has been thinking about this issue. Their generation is the first generation of survivors. They have made huge sacrifices, reluctantly established a base, and stabilized the oasis of human survivors.

  He also began to figure out how to kill zombies.

  But what about the next generation? The second generation of survivors, what should they do?

 What Gong Yi saw were the children who were intercepted outside the walls of the Xiangcheng base.

  Teenagers are already following their parents, chopping off zombies' heads and digging out crystal nuclei from their brains.

  The younger children, who are not that strong, help their parents collect supplies.

  Each of these children has grown up to be very independent.

  However, how long has it been since the end of the world?

  It's only one year in the last days.

  Take another look at the children in the Xiangcheng base. They are all white and clean.

  Especially his two children, who were so chubby outside, they might just be two balls.