No, in fact, this man named Zhao does not want to get close to Hua Mi.

  The person he wanted to get close to was actually Gong Yi.

  No one thought that Hua Mi had thrown the long knife, and Lin Zhigang, the only one at the scene who understood Hua Mi's strength, was even less likely to say anything to this group of people.

  At this moment, Lin Zhigang's heart was full of vigilance.

  He came back to his senses, helped Qu Yimin up on the ground, and wrapped her clothes tightly, telling Qu Yimin,

  "Go and sit in the corner."

  "Don't worry, the person who is bullying you now is dead, you're safe."

  After Lin Zhigang finished explaining to Qu Yimin, he hurriedly turned around and walked to Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi had already walked out of the RV with her groaning brother in her arms.

  Since giving birth to the child, although her figure is still a bit plump, it is far less bloated than before.

  The flesh on her face has also shrunk a lot, and she seems to have regained some of her previous appearance.

  Lin Zhigang asked Hua Mi in a low voice, "What should we do now?"

  Lin Zhigang also saw just now that among this group of people, especially among Hu Yanxiang's group, few were good people.

  In addition to the injuries on Qu Yimin caused by Hu Yanxiang, Hu Yanxiang's teammates also caused a lot of damage to Qu Yimin.

  Hua Mi looked at Hu Yanxiang's teammates coldly, and said to Lin Zhigang naturally, "There is no need to hold out any hope for people like this. Can we expect them to change their evil ways in this world?"

 " Kill them directly or they will harm other women from now on."

  Lin Zhigang pursed his lips and remained silent.

  If it were the past, he would definitely not let Hua Mi behave like this.

  But now, Lin Zhigang seems to understand what Hua Mi said. Maybe there will be less garbage in the world and the end of the world will be cleaner.

  So if he makes less of this garbage, is it a kind of salvation?

 Lin Zhigang nodded slightly to express his approval of Hua Mi.

  At this moment, Hu Yanxiang's teammates sensed that something was wrong. The four men suddenly shouted loudly and attacked Hua Mi directly.

  They held knives in their hands, some of them were thrust into Hua Mi's body, and some were thrust into the child in Hua Mi's arms.

  Su Ruyan watched all this coldly, without any intention of saving Hua Mi.

  She said that a worthless woman will either die or become a plaything.

  The same goes for Captain Zhao. He just looked at the tall man in Hua Mi's RV.

  The man seems to be holding a child in his arms. It's the end of the world, why don't he just leave the infant child to feed the zombies? !

  It seems that the IQ of this couple is not high.

  And just when the knife in Hu Yanxiang's teammate's hand was about to hit Hua Mi and her brother, the bodies of the four men flew out at the same time.

  They flew in four different directions and hit the power grid.

  The power grid made a sizzling sound, and a strong smell of meat came. The four men fell to the ground and died.

  Captain Zhao was like an interviewer, with a satisfied smile on his face and looked at Gong Yi in the RV.

  He pretended to be relieved, "I knew, brother, you wouldn't watch your wife and children get hurt."

  "I was sweating just now, thinking to myself, brother, if you don't take action, I will take your place. Become the hero of your wife and children."

  As he said that, Captain Zhao smiled to himself.

  He felt that he must have played a very clever trick.

  Gong Yi glanced at Captain Zhao expressionlessly.

  Su Ruyan also came over. She glared at Captain Zhao. The expression on her face was still arrogant, but her voice was delicate. She said to Gong Yi: "Brother, do you want to come out and sit down together and have a chat? About the future direction?"

  Gong Yi said nothing, looked at Hua Mi, reached out and closed the door of the RV, not bothering to talk to Captain Zhao and the others.

  The expression on Su Ruyan's face was distorted for a moment.

  She glared at Captain Zhao. How dare this man in the RV deny her face?

  Captain Zhao coaxed Su Ruyan,

  "It's okay, it's okay, aren't all capable men like this?"

  "Look at the Hu Yanxiang before who didn't have any ability. He always wanted to please you, like a pug."

 " Don't be angry, be good."

  After being coaxed like this, Su Ruyan gave Captain Zhao a charming look, then looked at Hua Mi, who was holding the child and talking to Lin Zhigang.

  So Su Ruyan motioned to Captain Zhao, "I think the man in the RV is very skilled. It's just right to bring him into our team."

  "Have you seen his wife and children?"

  "Start with his wife and children first."

  Captain Zhao nodded, walked towards Hua Mi with a smile, and asked with a hint of arrogance: "I have never seen you in this zombie wave before. Aren't you new here?"

  "Are you going to the Xiangcheng base too? Do you want me to be your guide?"

"I have been in and out of this zombie wave twice."

  Hua Mi looked at Captain Zhao with a half-smile, "We are not going to the Xiangcheng base, we are going to the E-city base."

  Captain Zhao laughed, his face still had the sarcasm he was accustomed to. He didn't think Hua Mi was very capable.

  So he said to Hua Mi, just like how he treated Hu Yanxiang, "Look, this is another person who was deceived by old news."

  "Your man is so capable, but he never found a power bank for you. Do you know the current affairs?"

  "There are humanoid monsters in the E City Base. I still advise you to go to the Xiangcheng Base instead of the E City Base."

Su Ruyan on the side also nodded in support, "Our team is recruiting a large number of people with super powers. I think your man is also capable, you might as well join us and go to the Xiangcheng base with us."

 " We have a small oasis under the wall of the Xiangcheng base, and there are all our people there."

At this time Qu Yimin, who was trembling on the ground, realized that it turned out that they had been following Captain Zhao's team for such a long time, but they still hadn't found out the details of Captain Zhao.

  Captain Zhao never told them that they were a very large team, so large that they could build an oasis under the walls of the Xiangcheng base.

  But now, Su Ruyan is willing to reveal her true strength, and of course she has taken a fancy to Gong Yi's strength.

  Hua Mi smiled and said, "That's not necessary. We still have things to do when we go to E City, so we won't follow you back to Xiangcheng."

After that, Hua Mi looked at Lin Zhigang, and she said to Lin Zhigang, "You are still following? Shall we continue to E City?"

  "I won't force you to do this, you make your own decision."

  Many people would probably back off when they heard that there were humanoid zombies in the E City base.

  Lin Zhigang said firmly, "I'll go with you."

  He didn't want to stay with disgusting people like Captain Zhao and Su Ruyan.

  Hua Mi said, "Pack it up, we have to go."

  Lin Zhigang nodded and gathered some of his own debris on the ground into his backpack.

  However, Lin Zhigang did not touch the [Energy Water Drops], food and water that had caused the fight before.

  He also did not explain that these supplies were reserved for Captain Zhao and the others. In short, it seemed that he did not mention this matter again.

  Captain Zhao signaled to Su Ruyan, and Su Ruyan understood that she would put away the piles of supplies on the ground in a while.

  At this time, Captain Zhao and others became more and more certain that Lin Zhigang came out of the Xiangcheng base.

  Someone glanced at Captain Zhao in a low voice.

  Captain Zhao laughed and said to Lin Zhigang, "Mr. Chi and I are acquaintances. How is Mr. Chi, recently?"

  "Since the Xiangcheng base was sealed, Mr. Chi has not come out of the Xiangcheng base. After that, he must have been suffocated."

  Lin Zhigang was stunned, and he looked at Captain Zhao, and it was obvious that Captain Zhao seemed to have misunderstood something.

  He thought Lin Zhigang was Chi Chuan's friend.

  Everyone in the apocalypse knows that Chi Chuan is responsible for the transportation of materials in the Xiangcheng base, so Lin Zhigang delivers materials to each safe zone, and is naturally mistaken as a friend of Chi Chuan.

  Captain Zhao is trying to get closer to Lin Zhigang.

  He may not necessarily know Chi Chuan, but he must want to win over Lin Zhigang so that he can have a chance to obtain a stable source of [Energy Water Drops] after getting online.

  This ambition is actually similar to that of Hu Yanxiang.

  Lin Zhigang pursed his lips and originally wanted to explain, but after looking at the postures of Captain Zhao and others, he fell silent.

  Continue to pack your luggage.

  He didn't want to talk or pay attention to these people. Every word he said to Captain Zhao would make him more disappointed in human nature.

  At this time, Gong Yi had already put on black casual clothes, with a baby wrap wrapped in his arms, and got out of the luxury car with his sleeping sister in his arms.

  His aura was fierce, and the eyes of Captain Zhao and others lit up when they saw the extraordinary demeanor and the majesty of his body that was calm and majestic.

  This is definitely a master.

  So Captain Zhao immediately stepped forward. He stretched out a hand and wanted to shake hands with Gong Yi, "Hello, my surname is Zhao."

  Before he could finish his words, Gong Yi's body was on one side, protecting his sister on his arms, Captain Zhao would not let his hand reach out to his daughter.

  Captain Zhao's eyes quickly flashed with a hint of displeasure, but immediately he covered up the displeasure in his eyes with a smile on his face.

  "I see that your skills just now were very good. Are you interested in joining our team?"

  "Let's go to the Xiangcheng base together. We have an oasis there."

  Gong Yi walked towards Hua Mi. He didn't look back, just said coldly,

  "Didn't my wife just answer you?"

  Before Gong Yi stepped out of the RV, Hua Mi said that they were not going to the Xiangcheng base, they were going to the E-city base.

  But no one took what Hua Mi said seriously.

  No one thought that what a woman like Hua Mi said could decide anything.

  Even Su Ruyan thought so.

  Seeing that Captain Zhao couldn't handle Gong Yi, Su Ruyan reached out and stopped Gong Yi.

  Just listen to Su Ruyan say, "To survive in this apocalypse, isn't it necessary to hug together for warmth?"

  "Although you are strong, you can take your wife and your two children to come and go freely in this zombie wave. "

  "But if you join the team, you will know that the team will bring you a lot of conveniences."

  "For example,"Su Ruyan said with pride on her face. She stretched out her hand and saw that her white and tender palm, a piece of bread appeared.

  She shook the bread in her hand towards Gong Yi and said, "You have to believe me. Joining our team will only do you good and not bad."

  After saying this, Su Ruyan's hand shook again . Turning over, the bread in her hand disappeared like magic.

  She thought that her supernatural power had shocked Gong Yi, Hua Mi and Lin Zhigang.

  So she folded her arms and looked at Gong Yi leisurely, waiting for Gong Yi to join her team.

  But Gong Yi didn't react at all. He just glanced at Su Ruyan's hand, held his sister in his arms, and stood next to Hua Mi.

  Captain Zhao thought Gong Yi didn't understand, so Captain Zhao stepped forward and explained to Gong Yi, "Ruyan is a space superpower. Do you know what a space superpower is?"

  "Ordinary people, we won't take it easily. With your superpowers exposed like that ,we also see that you are a man of talent. "

  "Your superpowers are very powerful and worthy of an excellent team like ours, so we sincerely invite you to join our team."

  He was very sure, thinking that as long as Su Ruyan's abilities were exposed, Gong Yi would know the benefits of joining their team.

  Space superpowers, so-called space superpowers, can carry materials in a very magical space.

  In this way, their team no longer has to carry bulging and extremely heavy backpacks to shuttle through the zombie wave.

  They went out to find supplies to kill zombies, and they only needed to bring a Su Ruyan with them to hold a large amount of supplies.

  This is actually a very convenient power.

  Most of the high-level survivors who joined Captain Zhao's team took a fancy to Su Ruyan's special ability.

  That's why they chose to join them.

  They saw Gong Yi's expressionless face again.

  Captain Zhao said: "How is it? It's just a matter of words. We really don't invite people to join us easily."

  Before Gong Yi spoke, Hua Mi smiled and said,"These days, space people with superpowers can also be used as a gimmick to recruit people."

  So casually, in front of a high-level superpower who they had just met once, they openly revealed that there was a space superpower in their team.

  Is this because the space superpowers in their team are too expensive?

 Aren't you afraid that high-level superpowers will be so curious that they just carry Su Ruyan away?

  Maybe Hua Mi's voice was too soft, or maybe she was too useless in the eyes of Captain Zhao and Su Ruyan.

  No one paid attention to Hua Mi.

  So Hua Mi pointed at the large, luxurious double-extended roof-top RV and said to Su Ruyan, "I see that the power grid in this safe zone has been set up. Our RV is so big and brand new, it's a pity to leave it here."

  "Why don't you, Miss Su, do me a favor and put this RV into your own space, and then help me put this RV outside the power grid."