Su Ruyan did not move, but looked at Hua Mi with a pair of eyes with contempt.

  Was Hua Mi asking her for help just now? Since she was entrusting her, why didn't she look like she was entrusting someone?

 Who is Su Ruyan, and who is Hua Mi?

  How could Hua Mi be so calm and ask Su Ruyan to help her as if she was doing a small favor?

  You must know that the person standing in front of Hua Mi is a space superpower.

  Hua Mi wants help from someone with spatial powers?

 She had to beg a few more times with a shy face.

  Seeing Su Ruyan acting like this.

  Everyone could see that Su Ruyan didn't want to help Hua Mi at all.

  Su Ruyan had a sense of pride in her heart.

  This sense of pride allows Su Ruyan to look down upon anyone in the apocalypse.

  At least an "ordinary" woman like Hua Mi couldn't control Su Ruyan.

  Su Ruyan would not lower her status so easily to help Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi smiled, okay, forget it if Su Ruyan doesn't help, she will get the RV out by herself in a while.

  On the other hand, Gong Yi stood in front of Hua Mi, turned back to look at Su Ruyan, and frowned.

  She don't know what Gong Yi is thinking.

  Captain Zhao gave Gong Yi face. After all, Gong Yi was a strong man. He stepped forward to smooth things over and asked Hua Mi casually, "What do you want this RV for? After all, your husband is already so capable. When your husband joins our team, you can take your children to live in our oasis."

  "Just leave this RV here and don't want it."

  It's a bit of a burden, but Hua Mi is a well-married woman with a strong husband. What can be done?

  When Gong Yi is absorbed into his team, Hua Mi and the two little burdens can be discarded at any time.

  In the apocalypse, isn't it easy to get rid of burdens?

 Hua Mi deliberately said, "We are coming and going in the zombie wave. It is more convenient for two children to have an RV."

What she said is true. It is indeed convenient to have an RV with children and walk in the apocalypse.

  But what she didn't say was that she actually had four very large warehouses of her own.

  During this time, as more and more materials are produced in the factory, Huami's warehousing has been directly upgraded to 40X4.

  It was more than enough to put down such a small RV, but she just wanted to try how big the space was for Su Ruyan.

  Hua Mi is no stranger to people with spatial powers.

  In her previous life, she also knew quite a few people with spatial powers, but such spatial powers rarely appeared.

  But it is not unique, and it is far less rare than mental powers.

  Hua Mi has never seen such an arrogant space power user as Su Ruyan in her whole life.

  When it comes to supernatural powers, Gong Yi's mental powers are rare.

  And Hua Mi's miraculous apocalyptic supermarket power is unprecedented and heaven defying.

  Therefore, Su Ruyan's spatial abilities were far from enough for Hua Mi to take a look.

  Looking at Su Ruyan again, she turned her head to look at the ultra-luxurious RV and said, "You can just drive this kind of RV and take it away. If you put it in my space, it will take up a place in my space for nothing. "

  As soon as she said this, Hua Mi said "Oh" clearly and made a declarative summary,

  "Miss Su's space cannot accommodate such a large RV."

  In other words, this Su Ruyan .Although she is a space superpower, her space is very small.

  After putting down the previous supplies, there was no room for this large RV.

  Captain Zhao and the others did not hear the sarcasm in Hua Mi's tone.

  Su Ruyan, on the other hand, took a closer look at Hua Mi. She vaguely felt that Hua Mi was mocking her.

  But Su Ruyan was not sure.

  After all, ever since she inspired her spatial powers, everyone she met was rushing to fawn over her.

  No one would ever treat her in a sarcastic manner.

  What was Hua Mi mocking her for?

  Su Ruyan didn't think she had anything that Hua Mi could ridicule.

  She's afraid this yellow-faced woman is envious of her.

  So Su Ruyan raised her face and pointed her nostrils at Hua Mi,

  "I have put enough supplies in the space, and it really can't fit such a large RV."

  "There is no need to put this kind of RV in the space .Come on, RVs are built just for driving, right?"

  "Can't we just drive this RV out of the safe zone?"

  Hua Mi asked,"How do you plan to drive this RV out of this small safe zone ?Well, your space is only so big, you can't even fit an RV."

  As she said that, she turned around and looked around the safe area, where the perfect electric grid was stretched.

  "You're not thinking about rushing out in the RV, are you?"

  "If you have to do this, you have to destroy the power grid that was finally built before."

  Su Ruyan curled her lips, "Just destroy it. Do you want to keep this RV here just to keep the power grid intact?"

  To be honest, Su Ruyan felt that it was a pity that the RV was left here and lost like this.

  "Since this RV is here and you can't get it out, then give it to me."

 " I think this RV is still new ."

  "I think this RV is very good and worthy of me. As my identity, this RV will be mine from now on."

  After saying that, she seriously stood in the direction where the RV was parked, pretending to take the RV as her own.

  Using Su Ruyan's logic to understand this matter, it is very simple. Although the RV belongs to Hua Mi, Hua Mi does not have the ability to get the RV out.

  Therefore, Hua Mi most likely abandoned the RV in this small safe area for everyone to use.

  If this is the case, if Su Ruyan has a way to get this RV out, then this RV should belong to Su Ruyan.

  Generally speaking, everyone in the apocalypse follows this logic.

  Hua Mi felt that she understood and was not surprised.

  But when Gong Yi and Lin Zhigang heard such strange words, they both frowned.

  Lin Zhigang had something to say. He stood up and said angrily to Su Ruyan,

  "It was hard for me to set up the power grid in this small safety zone."

  "I spent a long time working on this power grid, and the power grid remains intact. Here, it can also be convenient for other survivors in the zombie wave."

  Captain Zhao impatiently interrupted Lin Zhigang, the holy father, "In the end of the world, people will be destroyed for their own sake. If you feel sorry for the power grid, wait until we drive away the RV. Come on, why don't you just stay here and set up the power grid."

  Lin Zhigang became furious after hearing what Captain Zhao said.

  He pointed at Captain Zhao and said,

 "Isn't other people's labor labor?"

  "Don't you already have a space superpower? And there are several superpowers in your team. What do you want this RV for?"

  He pointed at Hua Mi, "It's inconvenient for this couple to walk in the zombie wave with two children."

"Wouldn't it be better to leave the RV to them to take care of the children?"

  "And this RV is meant to be... Theirs, they put the RV in this ruined building first, and then I connected the power grid."

  Captain Zhao said, "So don't you think your behavior is strange?"

  "In this ruins, it has obviously stopped. It's an RV, but you're still setting up a power grid around the RV. In fact, you did it on purpose and wanted to surround the RV with the power grid, right?"

There was no gratitude to Lin Zhigang in his words, not at all, nothing.

  Even more, they didn't feel that Lin Zhigang's hard work in setting up the power grid would be of any significant help to them, the survivors who were immersed in the zombie wave.

  They even think Lin Zhigang is stupid.

  Therefore, Captain Zhao can use the sinister human heart to explain Lin Zhigang's behavior.

  He even maliciously slandered Lin Zhigang's intentions.

  For a time, Lin Zhigang was so angry that he almost died of a heart attack.

  Captain Zhao impatiently interrupted Lin Zhigang's retort, "In this apocalyptic world, there is no guarantee that one person is the other."

"Ruyan also said that if this eldest brother is willing to join our team, she and the two children will go to the oasis, and there will be no need for an RV."

  To put it bluntly, Captain Zhao is still a typical shrewd person .

  A person like him can become a captain in the apocalypse and build an oasis of survivors, which originally represents the advancement of his thinking.

  People like him adapt to the end of the world faster than anyone else.

  In a way, Captain Zhao and Su Ruyan have to adapt to the cruelty of this apocalyptic world faster than the reborn Hua Mi.

  Because Captain Zhao and his teammates were the driving forces behind this cruel apocalypse.

  For Captain Zhao and Su Ruyan, the law of the jungle has always been what they have always done.

  Hua Mi turned her head and handed her brother in her arms to Lin Zhigang.

  She looked at Su Ruyan and Captain Zhao, "What you two said is very correct. Things in this apocalypse are originally ownerless. Whoever sees it first belongs to whoever sees it first."

  "But there is another law, you saw it first, it doesn't necessarily belong to you, it's whoever grabs it."

"The apocalyptic survival rules you follow, unfortunately, I also follow."

 " So unless you start taking this RV away from my hands, otherwise you will not be able to drive it away, nor will you be able to put it into the space and take it out with you."

  Su Ruyan's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and she motioned to Captain Zhao. She was just a yellow-faced woman taking care of her children. How could she be so arrogant?

 Captain Zhao's face was also full of anger, because Hua Mi's statement didn't seem humble at all.

  Yes, it is not humble.

  As a post-apocalyptic woman who has no fighting ability and relies entirely on men for support.

  Especially since Hua Mi had two children with her, didn't she should immediately put on a fawning face and crawl at the feet of Su Ruyan and Captain Zhao after learning about Su Ruyan's superpower?

  Why is this Hua Mi doing the opposite?

  Don't tell them who owns the RV.

  At this time, this RV should be offered to Su Ruyan with both hands.

  Not only Hua Mi should fawn over Su Ruyan, but Gong Yi, a superpower with a powerful superpower level, should also fawn over Su Ruyan.

  After all, Su Ruyan is a space superpower! ! !

 Having a space superpower as a teammate and going out with the team to find supplies is a worry-free and relaxing experience.

  Gong Yi met Captain Zhao's eyes full of coldness.

  Captain Zhao shrank in his heart, and the murderous look on his face quickly subsided.

  He pulled Su Ruyan and whispered a few words of coaxing. Su Ruyan reluctantly waved her hand and turned to leave.

  After all, these two people did not do anything to Hua Mi. After all, they just watched helplessly how Gong Yi killed Hu Yanxiang and the others.

  So if they want to do something to Hua Mi now, it's hard to explain to Gong Yi.

  Captain Zhao said with a straight face,

  "Forget it, let's leave it as it is. Let's rest first and have a good discussion tomorrow."

  After saying this, Captain Zhao sat aside and talked to the noble, Su Ruyan, who was as proud as a princess, sat together.

  They won't leave this small safe area, after all, they are all tired now.

  But when they stopped and chose to sit on the other side of this small safe area to rest, Hua Mi was filled with irony.

  Look at Captain Zhao and Su Ruyan, both of them keep saying that the strong is respected, and they are trying to bully a "very weak" mother.

  Their attitude was full of pride, and yet such an arrogant group of people still chose to rest in the safe zone.

  If it weren't for this safe zone and being pulled into a perfect power grid by Lin Zhigang, how could they have such leisure and leisurely rest in the safe zone?

 Gong Yi stared at the team of Captain Zhao and Su Ruyan, his face full of anger.

  He turned his head and was about to say something to Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi raised her head at Lin Zhigang and whispered,"Let me ask you, Doctor Lin, are you sure you want to build a small safe zone for these people?"

  Lin Zhigang was stunned, and finally shook his head slowly.

  No, he seriously built the power grid, not to make it easier for such a group of people with extreme ideas and inhumanity.

  From every word spoken by Captain Zhao and Su Ruyan, Lin Zhigang could not see their reverence for life.

  They are the typical people who plant trees for their predecessors to enjoy the shade, and then pull out the trees after enjoying the shade.

  Lin Zhigang didn't want to save such a person.

  Hua Mi snapped her fingers and said,

  "Okay, take all the supplies in this small safe zone and get into the RV with us."

  She had no intention of killing Captain Zhao and Su Ruyan.

  Instead, after Lin Zhigang and Gong Yi got into the RV, Hua Mi drove the RV and rushed out from the door of the power grid where the power was cut off.

  The entire small safety zone's power grid was destroyed in an instant.

  Captain Zhao, Su Ruyan and others, who were about to take a good rest, quickly jumped up from the ground.

  Su Ruyan's facial features were distorted by Hua Mi's behavior.

  She shouted angrily at the butt of the RV: "Are you sick? Who asked you to destroy the power grid in this safe zone?"

  "You destroyed the power grid in this safe zone, how can we rest?"

She had rushed out of the small the safe zoneand still had two broken power grids hanging on the front of the car.

  She poked her head out of the open driver's window and looked at Su Ruyan, who had distorted features behind her. Hua Mi had an innocent look on her face, "Miss Ruyan, didn't I do what you said?"