It seems that Qu Yimin is in a trance, as if she is not mentally normal.

  Su Ruyan was holding a transparent umbrella and wearing a white dress, passing by Qu Yimin with her nostrils raised.

  She stopped and looked down at Qu Yimin in the corner with an ant-like look,

  "Look at the expression on your face, it seems like two slices of bread can send you away."

  "Think about it for yourself, there must be a lot of supplies, driving such a big RV, there must be a lot of things in it."

 " But they only give you two slices of bread. If it were me, I will feel that this is a kind of humiliation to me."

  Qu Yimin holding the bread in her arms, she raised her face. In addition to the scars scattered vertically and horizontally, there was also a thick layer of black ash on her face.

  She don't know how long it has been since she cleaned it.

  Being stared at by Qu Yimin with such humble eyes, Su Ruyan felt offended.

  She said angrily and with great disgust,

  "Think about it, Dr. Lin who repairs the power grid comes from Xiangcheng. He must not be short of supplies."

 " And the couple with the child and Dr. Lin relationship is so good, don't they have the mentality of holy fathers?"

 " Then they should support you, give you lots of delicious food, and dress you like like a princess."

"Aren't they so indifferent to you now? Ask, what's going on? This is not in line with their character as a holy father."

  Su Ruyan turned around and walked away with an umbrella.

  Qu Yimin was left curled up on the spot. After a long time, she seemed to suddenly understand something. With a burning light in her originally cloudy eyes, she looked at Lin Zhigang, who was getting out of the RV and was busy.

  She took a few more bites of the bread in her arms, and the next day, Qu Yimin went to Lin Zhigang again to beg for food.

  She felt that what Su Ruyan said was right. Lin Zhigang came out of the Xiangcheng base, and he must have no shortage of supplies.

  These people are kind-hearted, so if you ask them for supplies, they will definitely give them.

  Sure enough, at Qu Yimin's begging, Lin Zhigang gave Qu Yimin two more slices of bread.

  After two consecutive days, Lin Zhigang's power grid was basically completed, and the zombies around it were all cleaned up by Hua Mi who went out in the middle of the night.

  After staying in the RV for a long time, Hua Mi would go out regularly to kill zombies and exercise.

  There are few zombies here, so there is no need for Gong Yi's mental powers to take action.

  Originally, when Hua Mi went out to kill zombies, she avoided the sight of Su Ruyan, Captain Zhao and others.

  Su Ruyan, who had been relaxing for two days, suddenly bumped into Hua Mi who had returned from killing zombies. She don't know if it was a coincidence.

  Hua Mi didn't want to talk to Su Ruyan. She originally wanted to leave Su Ruyan and go back to take care of the child.

  Su Ruyan suddenly called Hua Mi, "Hey."

  Hua Mi stopped, turned to look at Su Ruyan, and said with her eyes: "What's going on?"

 "Don't you think your two children are too noisy?"

  Su Ruyan pointed to the RV not far away. Because it was dawn, the brother and sister must wake up and have a meal in the morning.

  Hua Mi didn't have much breast milk, so she couldn't satisfy her brother and sister's two strong little guys at the same time, so she mixed breast milk and milk to feed the two children.

  This early morning, there were no zombies roaring nearby.

  So the cry of a child could be heard faintly in the RV. Although the sound was very small, it was still quite obvious in such a silent environment.

  Hua Mi frowned and said to Su Ruyan,

  "Are they bothering you? This is not enough to disturb the people."

  She stood outside the RV and listened to her brother and sister crying for a while. It should be Lin Zhigang and Gong Yi in the RV have already started breastfeeding their brother and sister.

  So while Hua Mi and Su Ruyan were talking, the brother and sister had stopped crying.

  On the other hand, from the team of Su Ruyan and Captain Zhao, the undisguised voices of several men came.

  They seemed to be discussing women, laughing unbridled in the early morning. The sound was so loud that the whole street could be heard.

  "Of course they are noisy."

  Su Ruyan said matter-of-factly,

  "Your two children are under control now, but how can you guarantee that when an accident happens and we are in danger, your two children will not cry again?"

  "We are all together in the apocalypse. If your child provokes zombies, then all of us are in danger, right?"

  Everyone knows that children are quite noisy, especially in the apocalypse. Here, they had no way to control their crying.

  Therefore, for Su Ruyan to say such things, it was clear that she was embarrassing Hua Mi and did not want Hua Mi to stay here anymore.

  Moreover, she wanted Hua Mi to know her identity as a burden.

  Hua Mi couldn't help but laugh because of her accusatory and matter-of-fact tone.

  She asked Su Ruyan, "These children are different from adults. How can I control their crying? They cry when they are hungry or uncomfortable."

 " Then I don't know, they are your children , they are not my child, you have to find a way by yourself."

  Su Ruyan's nostrils were raised to the sky, and she was full of arrogance.

  "Since you know that children are noisy, I don't understand why you still have children at this time."

  "In order to survive in the apocalypse, some people will throw their children out to feed zombies. "

  "Why can't you think of a way to stop your child from crying?"

  Su Ruyan said and rolled her eyes at Hua Mi.

  After saying these natural words, Su Ruyan deliberately said to Hua Mi in a tone that seemed to be benevolent, "Actually, you should recognize your own identity. You are a burden. You and your children are a burden."

  "Look at your children, how many times do they cry a day? Howlingly."

  "With a configuration like yours, and the addition of Dr. Lin, the Holy Father, who would be willing to team up with you?"

  Hua Mi started to get impatient,

  "I didn't ask you to stay with me, I just want to do my own things."

  "If you dislike me, it's okay, then just leave!"

  She never said, these people around her must stay by her side, protect her, and provide for her.

  From the very beginning, Hua Mi had the intention of being alone.

  Looking at Su Ruyan again, what does it mean to be together in the apocalypse?

 When did Hua Mi and Gong Yi become members of Su Ruyan's team?

  Captain Zhao and Su Ruyan have always been unwilling to give up, and they can't shake them off like a bunch of flies.

  They just wanted to follow Hua Mi and Gong Yi.

  Su Ruyan still looked after herself and said, "You think we don't want to leave? If it weren't for your husband's sake, we would have left long ago."

 " I told you a long time ago that if your husband is willing to join our team, You and your two children can go to our oasis."

  "If you can persuade your husband to join our team now, you can go back to the oasis with us without disturbing me. "

 " After returning to the oasis, you and your children will be more at ease. If you find a way to make them not noisy, then don't make any noise."

  "After all, the oasis is not 100% safe. If you are too noisy, it will still happen to attracts zombies."

  With Su Ruyan's character, she was willing to let Hua Mi and the two children go back to the oasis with her. This was really for Gong Yi's sake.

  Who makes Gong Yi, a man with superpowers, look so powerful?

 In order to get Gong Yi to join the gang, Su Ruyan was willing to endure Hua Mi and her two children.

  Hua Mi pressed her lips together and was about to speak when suddenly, the door of the RV was opened.

  Gong Yi walked out of the RV, his face was very ugly, and he looked at Su Ruyan with fierce eyes.

  Captain Zhao hurriedly came over. He seemed to feel that Su Ruyan was acting too arrogant, so Captain Zhao took his elbow and poked Su Ruyan's arm.

  Although Captain Zhao also understands that Su Ruyan does have arrogance. She is a space superpower and is an excellent teammate that all teams active in the zombie wave want to take with them when going out.

  But Gong Yi also looks very strong.

  Without fully understanding each other, Su Ruyan should still restrain some of her arrogance.

  At this time, Su Ruyan also saw Gong Yi's livid face, so her arrogant tone softened a little and said to Hua Mi, "Actually, I do it for your own good. Think about it for yourself. Your two children are crying all the time."

  "We managed to get rid of the zombies in the front, but your child started crying and attracted the zombies over."

 " Then our entire team will be beaten by that time would the child also been harmed?"

  "So you should think about how to control the crying of your two children."

  Su Ruyan was seriously trying to reason with Hua Mi. In the apocalypse, there are always so many people who can't figure it out. Even though they are a burden, they still expect the entire team to protect them with their own lives.

  Qu Yimin was such a useless burden before, and it seemed that Hua Mi and her two children were too.

  They are all useless encumbrances.

  To be honest, if it weren't for Gong Yi's powerful abilities, Su Ruyan would not have even looked at a woman like Hua Mi in the zombie wave.

  Talking to such a woman simply lowers her style.

  And now she is willing to talk to Hua Mi so much and teach Hua Mi some skills on how to survive in the apocalypse.

  Both Hua Mi and Gong Yi should thank her.

  Gong Yi spoke coldly to Su Ruyan,

  "Even if my child attracts more zombies, so what? As a couple, we can deal with these zombies, isn't that enough?"

 " From the beginning to the end . My wife and I have no intention of joining your team. Even if we attract those zombies, what does it have to do with you?"

Su Ruyan opened her mouth and immediately refuted Gong Yi's words,

  "You can't say that, these days , we fought zombies together too."

  Before she could finish her words, Captain Zhao pulled her arm. Captain Zhao looked at Gong Yi with a smile, "Brother, you are naturally very capable, but in this apocalyptic world, if you want to live well, how can you be a lone ranger?"

 " We don't have any other intentions. Ruyan also has good intentions."

  " She will not easily teach others these survival skills on how to survive in the apocalypse."

  "Ruyan really does this for you two, as well as for everyone."

 " You have no intention of joining our team. But it's impossible for you not to meet other survivors in the future."

  "Brother, you don't want your wife and children to be hated by everyone."

  These people are really going too far with their talk.

  It seems that in the eyes of these people, any woman, except Su Ruyan, is a burden on the team, and women with children are even more of a burden among burdens.

  Hua Mi laughed loudly and said,

  "I'm so disgusted."

  "I think this Miss Ruyan can't even learn to take care of herself, and now she's running out to teach others."

 " And she's teaching others how to live in the apocalypse. Survival skills? Hahaha, stay away from us quickly, it's so difficult to survive by yourself, why are you teaching others???"

The sarcasm in her tone was too obvious.

  Su Ruyan seemed to have lost her temper, and said in a cold voice,"My survival experience is much richer than that of a woman like you who can only take care of children."

  "I have been swimming in the zombie wave. "

 " Look at you, you drive such a big RV when you go out. It's because you have a lot of stuff and you need such a big RV to load it."

"But if you, a couple, join us with your two children. In the team, I can help you bring some things, so you can go easily, and the whole team can also move around easily."

  "We can all travel freely in the zombie wave. My advantage ,everyone knows it."

  "I don't know why you are so stubborn and insist not to join us."

  In Su Ruyan's understanding, everyone who knew that she was a space power user would rush to join her team.

  Therefore, she and Captain Zhao have always been in a position to pick teammates.

  Many people want to join them, but they look down upon them.

  For example, Hu Yanxiang, those men had been fawning over Su Ruyan and Captain Zhao all the way, but Su Ruyan and Captain Zhao just looked down on Hu Yanxiang.

  Now that they have taken a liking to Gong Yi, Gong Yi should join their team.

  After all, Su Ruyan is a space superpower, isn't she?

 Hua Mi sneered, "You are noble, you are great, I am a burden, my two children and I are a burden, so you can leave."

 " I am really not worthy of such a noble space superpower like you."

  "Everyone knows your benefits, but I don't know, and I don't want to know."

  "I have RV of my own, and I can load it with supplies. I don't need you, okay?"

  Gong Yi on the side said," I don't have to follow you. If you want to think about your own life, don't follow us."

 " After all, in my team, we still have children ."

  "My two cubs can cry as much as they want. If you have any objections, just leave."

  "Don't you want to know why I haven't joined your team? It's because there are too many fools in your team who don't know themselves."