Hua Mi raised her eyebrows and looked at them,"Every word I say is for your own good. It is all for you. In the future, you can survive well in the end of the world. Think carefully about it yourself Think about it."

  "Everything I said is true."

  Hua Mi couldn't help but imitate Su Ruyan's speech.

  She no longer concealed her contempt for Su Ruyan in her eyes. Everyone saw Hua Mi's eyes peeling off her disguise bit by bit and becoming very cold and sharp.

  She looked at Su Ruyan and Captain Zhao's team with disdain in their eyes.

  Hua Mi suddenly started the verbal massacre mode, "How to survive in the apocalypse, do I need your teaching?"

  "You take yourself too seriously. You said you are a space superpower. , but you can't fit even such a small RV into your space."

"You still think you are useful, right?"

  "For such a long time, I tried my best to pretend that you don't exist, right? Because every time I watch you playing tricks here, it's like watching a clown."

  "Every word you say makes me embarrassed for you. What do you mean by 'You can't get it out, but we can get it out, and you still can't get it out'. Don't you allow this RV to belong to me?'"

  Hua Mi imitated Su Ruyan and said in a coquettish tone,"But what you mean by getting out is to directly break through the power grid of the safe zone."

  "You guys are so logical robbers, you can indeed do it. Let you survive for a short time in the apocalypse."

  "But with your logic, I can responsibly say that you are just here, the end."

  "You can't go much further from now on. In the end, you will either die in this apocalyptic wave of zombies and mutated animals and plants, or die in the hands of higher-level superpowers than you."

 " This is the cycle of heaven. There is no need to feel that it is incomprehensible."

 " I support it. The strong are respected, but I don't support the law of the jungle. I support the survival of the fittest, but I don't support bullying the weak."

  Hua Mi's words not only made Su Ruyan look ugly, but also successfully made Captain Zhao jump. .

  Captain Zhao looked at Gong Yi who was standing next to Hua Mi with a straight face, "Brother, your wife's thoughts are very dangerous."

  Gong Yi raised his eyebrows and stood upright, "I don't think there is any problem, I am like this now. My wife taught me my thoughts."

  He supported Hua Mi physically, and looked at Captain Zhao and others with a pair of eyes full of murderous intent,

  "My wife is right, if you don't put it away your arrogant attitude.and stop your bullying. Sooner or later, you will die in the hands of people with higher-level abilities than you." "

 " How about giving it a try?"

  After saying that, Gong Yi moved his hand, and Captain Zhao immediately became alert. On the ground, he pulled Su Ruyan back.

  Based on Gong Yi's attitude, Captain Zhao had no doubt that if they continued to refuse to give in, Gong Yi would kill them.

  Captain Zhao hurriedly pulled Su Ruyan aside.

  Su Ruyan was still not convinced, so she asked Captain Zhao, "What did I say wrong? I also saw that woman going out for a walk every night. Does she think this is before the end of the world? II can't stand the way she takes it easy just because she has a good man protecting her."

"Do you know what she does when she goes out for a walk?"

  "When she goes out for a walk, she will bring zombies back to us. "

  Captain Zhao yelled at Su Ruyan,

  "You know she is a burden, why are you arguing with her? As a high-end space superpower like you, why should you argue with a burden?"

"Don't you care about this woman? Think about it, think about the two men behind this woman."

  "Did you see the man named Dr. Lin? He can keep getting the power grid outside, keep getting the power grid outside!"

  "This whole thing , he built the power grid in the small safety zone. What does this mean?"

"It means that Dr. Lin can return to the Xiangcheng base at any time to carry out supplies."

  "Although he is a holy father, he is from Chichuan, and the husband of the yellow-faced woman must be a high-level superpower."

  "If someone can find such a high-level superpower as her husband, we can only say that her life is good."

  After speaking, Captain Zhao put an arm on Su Ruyan's shoulder and winked at Su Ruyan, "Otherwise, you should also try to find a powerful husband. With your conditions, Aren't you allowed to choose people with super powers?"

  Of course Su Ruyan knew that her conditions were very good.

  Therefore, she never committed herself to any man easily. Even Captain Zhao hinted to her many times that he hoped Su Ruyan could become a woman for him.

  But Su Ruyan relied on her rare superpower to reject Captain Zhao.

  Captain Zhao didn't dare to openly fall out with her. On the contrary, he was more attentive than before and treated Su Ruyan front and back.

  So when Captain Zhao said this, Su Ruyan raised her hand and slapped Captain Zhao's hand off her shoulder. She snorted coldly, "A woman like me is definitely worthy of the best man." "

  "If I want to find a man, I must find a man with the most powerful abilities."

 " When the time comes, I'll see who else can show off to me. ."

  Su Ruyan didn't understand Gong Yi's strength. She didn't know whether Gong Yi was worthy of being the most powerful man in the apocalypse.

  However, Su Ruyan regarded herself as very precious, and she believed that even a man like Gong Yi might not be worthy of her.

  Captain Zhao didn't speak, just looked at Su Ruyan and smiled.

  He finally calmed Su Ruyan down, and then thought about going to Gong Yi to talk to him.

  As a result, they found that the iron door of the safe area was opened, and the RV that was originally parked drove directly out of the safe area and headed towards City E.

  Captain Zhao has been following Gong Yi and Hua Mi for such a long time, so naturally he will not give up easily.

  So he called to the people in his team and hurriedly followed him.

  The RV traveled smoothly all the way. After getting away from the zombie wave, the zombies seemed to have disappeared. There was no longer any zombies suddenly rushing out on the road.

  Similarly, there is not a single survivor visible on the edge of the zombie wave.

  Lin Zhigang drove the car. The further he walked, the stranger he felt.

  He looked at the ruins in the town and turned to ask Hua Mi, "How about building a small safe zone here?"

  Hua Mi shook her head,

  "It can't be built. This area is a vacuum zone. It should be between the zombie wave and mutant beasts area."

  "Although there are no zombies or mutant beasts, there is no way to enter for the survivors."

  Mutant beasts eat living people, they do not eat zombies.

  Although zombies also eat mutant beasts, once a zombie gets close to a mutant beast, it will be torn to pieces by the mutant beast.

  After a long time, such a vacuum zone will be formed between the zombie wave and the mutant beast group.

  Survivors will definitely not be able to survive in such a vacuum zone, because once they enter the vacuum zone, they will be attacked by mutant beasts and zombie waves at the same time.

  Once popularity is discovered by two groups at the same time, a melee will ensue.

  Establishing a small safety zone in such a place will be useless no matter how strong the power grid is.

  Gong Yi asked Hua Mi, "Then let's continue to E City?"

  Hua Mi shook her head again,

  "Let's stop here. E City can't be entered, so we can only fight in slowly."

  "We are here, It will attract zombies and mutated beasts. Let's see what monsters come to us tonight."

  Neither Gong Yi nor Lin Zhigang would refute her words.

  Lin Zhigang got out of the RV, controlled the drone given by Hua Mi, and began to observe the nearby streets and alleys from a high altitude for any abnormal phenomena.

  However, not long after, Captain Zhao and Su Ruyan's team also arrived here in a car found on the roadside.

  Lin Zhigang couldn't understand why this team didn't give up? Do you have to follow them and get close to them every time?

  You must know that according to Hua Mi, this vacuum zone, which is free of zombies and survivors of any species, is actually the most dangerous place.

  But obviously, Captain Zhao and Su Ruyan felt very relieved when they came to a place like this.

  The people in their team got out of the car and spoke loudly.

  They don't know who told a joke, and a group of people were laughing and joking, as if they were out for an outing.

  Captain Zhao was so happy that he greeted Gong Yi who got out of the RV from a distance away, "I think this place is good. Since no zombies have come to this place, in fact, if conditions permit, the survivors can build an oasis in here, it is pretty good, right, brother."

  Then, Captain Zhao looked at Lin Zhigang again, raised his face and asked,

  "Doctor Lin, don't you build a small safe zone here?"

  "How about we cooperate ? I will build the oasis in this small safe zone, how about you be responsible for building the power grid for my oasis?"

  Lin Zhigang did not answer Captain Zhao.

  He certainly couldn't allow this to happen.

  He built a small safe zone to rescue survivors caught in a zombie wave in the apocalypse, not to facilitate people like Captain Zhao.

  Seeing Lin Zhigang being silent and turning to leave, Su Ruyan's face looked very ugly.

  She looked at Captain Zhao and said,

 "This Dr. Lin is so arrogant. He really thinks that he came from the Xiangcheng base, so he has a sense of superiority."

  No one should mention any sense of superiority in front of her.

  Because Su Ruyan's sense of superiority is the strongest among everyone.

  Captain Zhao also felt a little frustrated. He had tried to talk to Lin Zhigang many times, but this person never talked to him.

  Dr. Lin is a person who is ignorant of current affairs. He should teach such people some lessons.

  Captain Zhao immediately waved to the two men under him and whispered a few words in their ears.

  The two men nodded immediately, with skillful smiles on their faces.

  According to the observations of Captain Zhao and Su Ruyan, Hua Mi, Gong Yi and others planned to stay in this zombie-free place.

  Don't know how long it will stop.

  But judging from previous stay times, the couple should stay for several days.

  Captain Zhao has also analyzed that the reason why Hua Mi and Gong Yi are so high-pitched and talk openly about Su Ruyan's abilities is probably because of the existence of Lin Zhigang.

  Their analysis revealed that since Lin Zhigang came out of the Xiangcheng base, Lin Zhigang should have a lot of supplies in his hands.

  Hua Mi and Gong Yi were unwilling to join other teams, most likely because Lin Zhigang provided them with a lot of supplies.

  As a result, the couple had no material worries.

  So what if Lin Zhigang had no choice but to provide them with supplies?

  On the second day, Lin Zhigang came out of the RV as usual, took a drone, and started flying it outside.

  Hua Mi was pumping breast milk for her child. Usually at this time, Lin Zhigang would get out of the RV to avoid suspicion.

  And he would go a little further to give Hua Mi and Gong Yi a little private space every day.

  Today, seeing him getting further and further away from the RV, a man suddenly stood up behind Lin Zhigang.

  He turned back, looked at the members of Captain Zhao's team, and asked in surprise:

  "What's the matter?"

  Then a dark shadow flashed out of the corner of his eye, and another man stood in front of Lin Zhigang.

  In just a moment, Lin Zhigang was covered by someone in his mouth and nose. The man knocked Lin Zhigang unconscious with a knife, then ran away with Lin Zhigang on his shoulders.

  Inside the RV, Gong Yi suddenly said,

  "Dr. Lin is in danger. He was taken away by Captain Zhao's people."

  Perhaps due to the drop in hormone levels, Hua Mi's mood fluctuated greatly these days.

  As soon as she heard that Lin Zhigang had been taken away by Captain Zhao's people, she put away the breast milk pumping tool in her hand and said to Gong Yi with a straight face, "I'll go out and take a look at this matter. You don't have to interfere."

She didn't wait to Gong Yi answered, and Hua Mi got up and walked out of the RV, walking towards the direction of Captain Zhao's group.

  Because Captain Zhao and the others did not have a RV, they had found several vehicles on the roadside but could not use them for a long time.

  After all, the energy in the future is limited, so their team cleared a little space in the ruins nearby for their use.

  Hearing a burst of laughter, Hua Mi raised her foot and kicked the door open.

  The men inside stopped laughing immediately.

  Captain Zhao stood up from the crowd of men, looked at Hua Mi and said, "What kind of wind brought you here today?"

  Hua Mi asked with a straight face,

  "Where is Dr. Lin? Where did you take him? ?"

  Captain Zhao said with a smile,

  "What are you talking about? Isn't Dr. Lin always with you?"

  He came over, but before he finished speaking, Hua Mi raised her fist and punched him on the bridge of the nose.

  Captain Zhao covered his nose, bent down, and groaned in pain.

  He was careless, thinking that Hua Mi had always relied on men to survive.

  Unexpectedly, Hua Mi's fist might have broken the bridge of his nose.

  A group of men in Captain Zhao's team stood up from the ground one after another. They raised their hands and accused Hua Mi,"What are you doing? Why are you hitting people?"

  Until this moment, no one thought that Hua Mi was a threat.

  Seeing Captain Zhao's nose bleeding again, he straightened up and slapped Hua Mi, "Fuck you, you bitch"