At this moment, Captain Zhao couldn't care less about whether Hua Mi was Gong Yi's wife.

  Su Ruyan didn't like Hua Mi anyway, so since Hua Mi found them, she might as well take advantage of the moment to scare Hua Mi.

  She also taught a lesson to this eyesore for Su Ruyan.

  Captain Zhao and others were still wary of killing Hua Mi, mainly because they were worried that Gong Yi would come to seek revenge on them.

  Hua Mi dodged Captain Zhao's slap and kicked Captain Zhao on the waist, sending Captain Zhao flying and hitting the opposite wall.

  The originally unstable wall collapsed when Captain Zhao's body hit it, revealing Lin Zhigang who was tied up behind the wall and had a large ball of rags stuffed in his mouth.

  Lin Zhigang looked at Hua Mi who came to rescue him with joy.

  He twisted his body, struggling to free himself from the ropes that bound him.

  Captain Zhao's teammates were also completely aroused by this Hua Mi.

  They stepped forward one after another, using their men's strength to trap the woman Hua Mi and beat her up.

  However, they had not known Hua Mi's fighting power before. Such a ragtag group of people, even if there were several power users among them, could not defeat Hua Mi alone.

  Hua Mi is very fast and has great strength.

  The key issue is that she has many years of experience in surviving the apocalypse. In her previous life, she not only fought against natural and man-made disasters, she also fought zombies and mutant beasts.

  Captain Zhao's group of minions was really easy for her.

  Soon, a large group of men were lying on the ground.

  Hua Mi clenched her fists and cracked her finger bones.

  She walked up to Captain Zhao, who was struggling to stand up from the ground, and kicked Captain Zhao completely to the ground.

  By the time Captain Zhao reacted, Hua Mi's foot had already stepped on his heart.

  She bent down slightly and said to Captain Zhao with a cold face, "I don't like to talk a lot of nonsense. It's not easy for everyone to live in the apocalypse, so I try to tolerate your various little thoughts. "

  "If you keep your thoughts in your stomach, this matter will be forgotten."

 " But you should never put such thoughts into action."

  Only then did Captain Zhao know that Hua Mi turned out that she was also a tough one. She was not just a burdensome woman who relied on Gong Yi to survive as they had imagined before.

  So Captain Zhao coughed up blood in his mouth and was very aware of current affairs. He said to Hua Mi, " We have no other intentions. We just want to invite Dr. Lin to come over and have a chat. You can see that Dr. Lin has no injuries at all."

  " Really, really."

  Hua Mi looked up at Dr. Lin behind the ruins. She smiled coldly, "Is this how you invited Dr. Lin over? To tie him up like this, or to have a chat?"

  "How to talk ? ? Listen to what you said, did he do what you said? Just like a puppet?"

  Because of Lin Zhigang's aura, he appeared in front of Captain Zhao and the others under the name of the special commissioner of the Xiangcheng base.

  So now Lin Zhigang is equivalent to materials.

  Captain Zhao and the others would naturally not do anything to Lin Zhigang. By killing Lin Zhigang, wouldn't it be equivalent to cutting off a way to obtain supplies from the Xiangcheng base?

  Hua Mi said, "Actually, I have known for a long time that your thoughts are exactly the same as those of Hu Yanxiang who was killed by me. It's just that Hu Yanxiang is not as good at concealing it as you do and seems more urgent."

At that time, Hu Yanxiang and the others also wanted to threaten Lin Zhigang, and asked Lin Zhigang to bring them supplies from the Xiangcheng base.

  But now what people like Captain Zhao are doing, their thoughts are exactly the same as Hu Yanxiang's.

  Hua Mi stepped harder, and Captain Zhao felt that his heart was about to burst under Hua Mi's feet.

  He had no doubt that this woman had the power to kill him and everyone here.

  Captain Zhao shook his head hurriedly,

 "Our thoughts have gone astray. We shouldn't think like this. We were wrong. I was wrong. Please let me go. Let me go."

Faced withnCaptain Zhao's plea, Hua Mi's feet were about to exert force, a figure suddenly flashed behind her at an unprecedented speed.

  Hua Mi suddenly turned around. She had no time to kill Captain Zhao and flew out of the ruins following the fleeting figure.

  Everyone only saw a figure swishing past them.

  Before they could be shocked, they saw Hua Mi falling outside the ruins. She was holding a two-meter-long knife in her hand, blocking a humanoid monster with a tail on its body that was running forward naked.

  The humanoid monster ignored them and rushed towards Hua Mi, only to be split in half by Hua Mi.

  Just before the body of the humanoid monster hit the ground, Hua Mi jumped back several meters to prevent the blood from the humanoid monster from splattering on her body.

  At this time, Lin Zhigang had already thought of a way to break the rope binding him.

  He hurriedly tore off the rags in his mouth, stumbled out of the ruins, and came to the humanoid monster that was split in half on the ground.

  Lin Zhigang looked at the figure of the humanoid monster and asked Hua Mi with a pale face,"What is this?"

  Hua Mi shook her head. She had never seen such a thing in her previous life.

  This is not normal. The DNA of mutated beasts is very unstable.

  They can fuse with any species and create new species.

  Within each new species group, different variants can also be derived.

  Hua Mi immediately told Lin Zhigang,

  "Put the drone around and look around to see if there are any monsters like this."

  Generally, mutant beasts will not appear alone unless they are new mutants that have just mutated.

  Once the new mutants are able to survive the apocalypse, they will multiply and develop into a huge population in a very short period of time.

  And this kind of mutated beast with a tail on its body is said to have appeared near the E City base a long time ago.

  If this is the case, then there must be a very large group of mutant beasts around, ready to break through the vacuum zone and enter the zombie wave at all times.

  Lin Zhigang hurriedly found his drone. Captain Zhao and others inside the ruins were also struggling and wailing, helping each other to stand up.

  Before they could say anything, Gong Yi opened the door of the RV, stood at the door of the RV, and said with sharp eyes, "There is a group of people coming from the direction of E City."

  He saw it with his mental power. Now Gong Yi mental power can see places one kilometer away.

  Hua Mi turned around and asked Gong Yi, "Is it a human or a monster?"

  Gong Yi answered with certainty, "It's a human, a large group of people."

  And the woman who led them here was the one Hua Mi had been giving bread for the past few days, Qu Yumin .

  Hearing what Gong Yi said, Hua Mi immediately turned around and walked towards Gong Yi. She told Gong Yi, "Set a barrier around the RV and don't let anyone get close to our RV."

  Hua Mi was not worried about the others. After all, she and Gong Yi are both strong men. Whether they are dealing with zombies or mutant monsters, they cannot be defeated.

  The most difficult thing is that the couple came out with their children this time.

  The child must be well protected.

  As parents, you can train your children, but you must not allow your children to suffer the slightest harm.

  Injuries in this apocalyptic world are very likely to be fatal even if the skin is even scratched.

  Gong Yi nodded, and a transparent barrier was silently wrapped around the RV.

  Soon Qu Yimin appeared on the shabby streets with the Qu family's people.

  She followed Hua Mi's RV and asked Hua Mi for two slices of bread every day.

  After the problem of food and clothing was solved, Qu Yimin had the leisure to search for supplies around her.

  She quickly found a power bank, charged up her tattered mobile phone, and contacted people from their Qu family.

  It was Qu Yimin who told the Qu family that there was a vacuum belt here and she met a man named Dr. Lin.

  This man came from the Xiangcheng base and was Chichuan's subordinate.

  The Qu family, who were heading to the Xiangcheng base, immediately changed their schedule and decided to bring them to the vacuum as Qu Yimin said.

  Now that they can have a relationship with the people in the Xiangcheng base, no one can let go of this opportunity.

  Everyone knows the value of Lin Zhigang.

  In front of the RV, Hua Mi, who was holding a long knife in her hand, looked at the large group of Qu family members with cold eyebrows and walked slowly in front of her.

  She looked at the woman who asked her for two slices of bread every day. Hua Mi looked carefully, and then she found a look of familiarity on the woman's face, whose scars had faded.

  Isn't this woman Qu Yimin? Depend on! When did Qu Yimin become like this?

  This was something Hua Mi never expected. Wasn't the eldest lady of the Qu family always like a proud peacock?

  How did she become such a virtuous person?

 Hua Mi didn't have time to think, she immediately turned around and found Lin Zhigang, and whispered to Lin Zhigang,

  "People from the Qu family must be related to Chen Hu. Go and find out. By the way, ask those people from the Qu family, take a look at what happened in the E City base."

  Lin Zhigang received it immediately, and there was no need for him to deliberately talk to the Qu family.

  As soon as the Qu family settled down, someone immediately tried to contact Lin Zhigang.

  The vacuum belt suddenly became very lively.

  Su Ruyan, who was searching for supplies nearby, came back and saw another group of people coming. Su Ruyan went to ask Captain Zhao, "What's going on? Where did so many people come from?"

  "It looks like there are still people there. They looks like not someone to be trifled with."

  When the Qu family came out of the E City base this time, they didn't know who was in the team, there were probably hundreds of them.

  Everyone in these teams is physically strong, and just visible to the naked eye, there are dozens of people with powers.

  Su Ruyan encouraged Captain Zhao,

  "You should also contact them and see who they are. If there are any good ones, bring them to our team."

  Zhao Zhigang had just saved his life from Hua Mi. At this time, Hua Mi was busy and hadn't thought of killing him yet.

  He was extremely irritable. As soon as he heard Su Ruyan encouraging him, Captain Zhao said grumpily, "What are you pulling? You're about to lose your life, and you're still pulling."

  "You have the ability . Why don't you go and pull people over? Go ahead and bring over all the powerful people in their team!"

  Su Ruyan was stunned. She didn't expect that Captain Zhao, who had always been kind to her, was making a mistake today. What kind of medicine was used to be so cruel to her?

  There were tears in her eyes, and infinite grievance rose in her heart.

  Su Ruyan choked and asked,"Did I do something wrong? Why are you so cruel to me?"

  Everyone in the team was silent. No one wanted to talk. Hua Mi rushed to the door and beat them.

  This seems to be a very embarrassing thing.

  But Su Ruyan seemed unable to understand the annoyance and embarrassment on everyone's faces.

  She yelled at Captain Zhao:"Let me ask you, what did I do wrong? You don't have the ability to recruit powerful people with powers to join our team. Didn't n't you rely on me to make a gimmick? I have always beenthe one , aren't I'm playing a major role?"

  She has always been the favorite of Captain Zhao's team. All the men dote on her, and everyone gives in to her. When talking to her, you must be in a flattering and leading manner. In a gentle tone.

  Or Su Ruyan would be very dissatisfied with their attitude even a little bit.

  Captain Zhao was very irritated. He waved his hand casually,

  "You didn't do anything wrong. You are always right. Others are always the ones who did the wrong."

  After saying these angry words, Captain Zhao had no intention of coaxing Su Ru anymore.

  He came out of the ruins clutching his heart. A man limped after him and asked Captain Zhao in a low voice, "What should we do now?"

  Looking at the yellow-faced woman with two children, It's not as easy to deal with as they thought.

  This makes it seem like Captain Zhao and the others were trying their best to please Gong Yi and Lin Zhigang, and constantly trying to push Hua Mi down. It was like a joke.

  Captain Zhao had a deep look in his eyes. He covered his heart, leaned against the ruins on one side and trembled with his hands. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and ordered the people under his command, "Don't act rashly yet. Send someone to apologize sincerely to that yellow-faced woman."

  "If necessary, let's go back to the oasis first."

  This place has completely escaped the zombie wave outside the Xiangcheng base. This time they traveled through the zombie wave and searched for many supplies.

  The space on Su Ruyan's body was almost filled.

  If they continue to spend time with Gong Yi and Hua Mi, it will only be a waste of their own time.

  What's more, Hua Mi now has murderous intentions towards them, and staying here will threaten the lives of Captain Zhao and his team.

  After a while, Captain Zhao said again,

  "Su Ruyan's temper is getting louder and her character is getting more and more arrogant."

  "You must keep an eye on her and don't let her cause trouble for us, if necessary."

  Captain Zhao didn't say anything. But everyone understands that tool people must have the consciousness of tool people.

  Everyone can support her.

  However, this must be based on Su Ruyan's knowledge and interest.